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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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Who is going to declare Pakistan a secular state? Crooked politicians and generals? Rich men who don't pay taxes and avoid legal penalties? They all stand to lose in a secular rule-of-law system rather than one that operates via religious pretension, extortion, and blood money.

No, if you want a secular state, imo you are going to have to declare it yourself and entice people, politicians, and police to gather to your banner.

It will be the youth of Pakistan, especially those who have seen this country slide through hell becuase of the use of religion in such a regressive manner.

This task will be very expansive and will require a lot of dedication, but rest assured that the most of us are working in the capacity we can to make it the nation it ought to be.

You very well know how the nations discourse has been changed decades ago, it will also require time to revert it back.
why many pakistanis have changed their flags??
thats not ur flag fault..
Jana's behaviour in this thread is disgusting. Sheer disrespect to dead fellow countrymen killed in this tragedy, singing her fatuous love filled tales about how good the living standards in USA are. Only traitor can make post like following -

i personally feel its good for them keeping in view the living standard.

Join politics Jana, bright future ahead.
Who are Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq in Government ........???
why many pakistanis have changed their flags??
thats not ur flag fault..

go to hell flag nation or country we feel better not to represent a slave nation.today i hate my self and pakistan more then any thing .
thank you for quoting the verse, hope those uneducated pakistanis out there will et some sense about the commandment present in holy quran itself and not just in hadith

AGHA why u have indian and bangali flag now?
Raymond Davis released by Pakistani court
2011-03-16 22:10:00
Dating at Match.com™
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Islamabad/Washington, March 16 (IANS) A Pakistani court Wednesday acquitted CIA contractor Raymond Davis, who killed two men in Lahore, after payment of blood money as compensation to relatives of the victims, Geo News reported. He is reported to have been flown out of the country.

A US Air Force plane carrying 12 men, perhaps including Davis, took off at 4.45 p.m. from Lahore airport for Afghanistan, sources told Geo News.

An additional sessions judge released Raymond Davis after the family members of the slain men appeared in the court and pardoned the US national after an agreement was reached between the two sides, Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said.

'He has been released from jail and now it is up to him to leave the country whenever he wants,' the minister added.

Blood money, or 'Diyat' is a provision under Islamic Sharia law in which compensation can be paid to relatives of those killed to secure a pardon, and is commonly used to resolve such cases in Pakistan.

Davis, 36, shot dead two Pakistanis on a motorcycle in Lahore Jan 27 following what he described as an attempted armed robbery. He claimed that he acted in self-defence.

A spokesman for the US embassy in Islamabad said he could not immediately confirm the report.

The Davis case had sparked protests in Pakistan, with religious groups angrily denouncing the American.

US authorities insisted Davis was protected by full diplomatic immunity, but the Pakistani government refused to back that claim and a decision on his status was Monday deferred by the Lahore High Court for criminal judges to decide.

Lawyers for the families of the two men shot dead in a busy Lahore street on January 27 said they had been held for four hours at the jail court where Davis was being tried on Wednesday, but had not been allowed to witness the proceedings.

Earlier Wednesday, Davis was indicted by a Pakistani court. The sessions judge charged Davis on two counts of murder at a hearing held at the Kot Lakhpat jail in Lahore, Geo News reported.

According to The Washington Post, Davis was released from a Pakistani jail in Lahore after nearly two months in detention and was being flown to meet with US officials in Kabul.

US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter accompanied Davis on the flight, a US official said.

'There has been a plan in the works for the last three weeks,' the official said, adding that US officials had desperately worked to free Davis before a threatened murder trial began.

The official, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed that so-called blood money had been paid to family members of the shooting victims, but did not disclose the amount.

The decision to free Davis has put an end to a high-stakes tense diplomatic stand-off between the US and Pakistan.

Davis was a member of a security team assigned to protect CIA operatives in Lahore collecting intelligence on groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist group tied to terrorist attacks against India and long backed by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency, the daily said.
All About: Asia,Pakistan
The problem is a weak and slavish Government.

A secular but weak Government would have done the same.

A strong but Islamic government would have punished RD.

That's the point you people don't seem to realize your so frustrated Pakistan isn't secular, by the way majority of Pakistan doesn't want secularism only a minority.

These looney secularist always blame Zia in every thread. Why need to go back in history? When liberal "modern enlightenment" Musharraf help lead Pakistan into this path, making so many compromises that the nations sovereignty is undermined by US. This liberal secular Zardari is even worse with total treason to Pakistan he has compromised Nations integrity, more susceptible yo US demands, economic vitality, dignity, helped released RD, etc.

You may be able to blame Zia for Islamist but blame the liberals and secularist for the strong US Government and CIA influence over Pakistan.
RD finally freed. Well this was bound to happen specially with the kind of government in place but then again why blame only the GOP. Every single one of us is a bakooo maal and specially when it comes down to obtaining foreign nationality. Now i am not aware in this specific case as the family members of the deceased are denying any what they call khoon bahoo but i seriously doubt. Anyways news will unfold in a couple of days.
I would be surprised if people subjected to the Predator drones daily can be favourable to the US.
He and his Indian ancestors are Roman Catholics.

@ American Eagle:
Since you are speaking about Bobby Jindal, let me tell you that you are singularly misinformed or you are indulging in spreading misinformation. Bobby Jindal converted as a young man to Christianity. Neither his parents, nor his grand-parents were Christian. Also get one thing crystal clear: the USA is a land of opportunity; but Bobby Jindal converted because he was very clear that his political ambitions needed him to do so. Do not forget that the USA has taken so long to elect its first Black President, and unfortunately he has to spend so much time and energy to re-affirm that he is Christian! Believe me that is easier than the USA electing its first openly "Atheist" or openly "gay" President. There is no shortage of bible-thumping bigots in the US of A.
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