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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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American media is astounded at the murder of the Governor of Punjab Province under the excuse of the blasphemy law, and is most unhappy with media hype in Pakistan to try to deify two track records as known robbers who failed in an armed stick up attemt of a US diplomat who defended himself against threat to his life and limb.

No one agrees with this nonsense as espoused by misinformed Pakistanis compounded by Pakistani terrorists in disguise on this PDF and other websites, and the failure of the GOP Foreign Office up until now to do it's duty and release and send back to the US our diplomat Mr. Ramond Davis.
Gunner in Post # 1369 says it all!

Pakistanis logic on the street in some quarters is without logic, as they ignore the murder of the Paksitani Governor of Punjab Province...as well as the failed robbery attempt by two armed thugs whose crime history per Lahore Police was existant in several, 3 or 4, previous robberies they were sought for.

Pakistan's seeming official ambivalence is seen by the world for what it is, trying to cover up a botched robbery attempt on an American diplomt who has diplomatic immunity to try to create fake, flatly false "martyrs" to whip up poorest levels of understanding among the most abused Paksitanis to mislead them into another blind alley of hate mongering...all to distract them from the awful conditions they are historically forced to live in.

Condole the family of the shot in self defense robbers but move on with the truth and exercise Diplomat Immunity for Mr. Davis so this innocent, put upon diplomat can go home to the US and never see Pakistan again.

Pakistan has no current national unity, and way back in the 1960s when I served with the old US Embassy in Karachi lacked same then, too. National unity is not built around false, untrue gamesmanship, but around a sincere government reform effort that empowers the least among you to have at least the "hope" of a better life, if not for themselves as greying adults, at least for their children and future grandchildren.

Going off topic is a tacit admission that you have lost the point.
American media is astounded at the murder of the Governor of Punjab Province under the excuse of the blasphemy law,

Please stick to the topic, this is not about the Blasphemy Law or Salman Taseer, this is about Raymond Davis. I think you need to stop repeating yourself with the same strawman argument you've been using for the past 80+ pages here, we understand what you are saying. No need to keep repeating it pointlessly, this is not the courtroom. But clearly, you don't have any respect for Pakistan's legal system, or anything Pakistani if it doesn't fit your agenda. What we don't understand is you turning a blind eye towards breaches committed by Davis, which are numerous. Two blacks do not make a white sir.

No one agrees with this nonsense as espoused by misinformed Pakistanis compounded by Pakistani terrorists in disguise on this PDF and other websites,

Isn't this sentence grounds for getting banned on PDF? Insulting members on PDF is not on, and I would ask the moderators here to look at statements like these. Unless an apology is forthcoming. I'm usually a very mellow and tolerant guy, but this is going out of hand.
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American media is astounded at the murder of the Governor of Punjab Province under the excuse of the blasphemy law, and is most unhappy with media hype in Pakistan to try to deify two track records as known robbers who failed in an armed stick up attemt of a US diplomat who defended himself against threat to his life and limb.

No one agrees with this nonsense as espoused by misinformed Pakistanis compounded by Pakistani terrorists in disguise on this PDF and other websites, and the failure of the GOP Foreign Office up until now to do it's duty and release and send back to the US our diplomat Mr. Ramond Davis.
If he has no diplomatic status as fessed up by the US Government now, the GOP has done everything right.

You are just using character assassination and slander techniques by raising the Taseer case in a totally unrelated incident and it would be seen that way and further weaken your case.

For the most part I think the US media is sitting and watching since they have read all the same conventions and will have to report it objectively and WILL have to weaken the American case as well.

USG as a defendant in this case can present its case and demand immunity, US media would have to report "There is no immunity". US media often self-censors when its self when doing so would save American lives and I think thats what they have either decided or have received instructions from by the USG.

In any other case, there would have been a huge media roar against Pakistan.
The governor of punjab was a traitor and sellout...
the loyal people of Pakistan knowz who is traitor and sellout so they are taking very good care of them ...pplz of Pakistan are waiting anxiously that if the crisis of Egypt comes here ...they will hangup the traitors on the wall/poles...

Please, do not feed the trolls here, this is disgusting and not the topic on hand. Please avoid giving your personal feelings about someone who has already been killed, and not being discussed as the topic here.
So far as the situation stands the USG has admitted that he's a consular staff not diplomatic staff.

They have solidified the argument about his diplomatic status. Now they are arguing that whether or not he deserves immunity regardless of that.

As you can read from the Vienna conventions posted above, those immunities do not extend to civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving state. Not for consular staff. Which I repeat, the USG has called him a consular staff, which I repeat is a non-diplomatic status.
Rally warns govt against Davis release​

Rally warns govt against Davis release

Wasim, brother of Fahim, said that they were receiving several offers for acquittal of Raymond from murder charges. They claimed that had been offered money and multiple visas of the US, directly and indirectly. PTI Lahore president Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed said that Raymond was a professional killer, adding that he was a Black Water member. He warned the government of consequences of if it used any unlawful means to release Raymond. ISF president Hassan Khan Niazi said if the government provided safe passage to Raymond, they would take law into their hands and kill every American present in the US Consulate by gaining entry into the Consulate.

Very well said ...If the Americans are here for killingz then the Loyal peoplz of Pakistan are going to take law within their hands and will send these evilz to the hell Insha-Allah...but if they are here for good then they are welcomed ...but these many peoplez here with suspicious activities are not for good but for spreading terrorism only ...:angry:
Peoplez now come to know that they are here to follow and kill those Pakistani kids/guyz who ran away from secret Cia terrorists training campz(especially in Afghanistan) and didnt follow the commands of their trainers.... These blackwater are given the task to kill them before they disclose the secrets to the public....:woot::cheesy:
Qartaba Chowk shooting: Families say they have been offered Green Cards

LAHORE: The brother of one of the three men, two of whom were killed by US citizen Raymond Davis and the third crushed by a car driven by his colleagues, on Thursday said that the family had been offered Green Cards and money for withdrawing the case.

Waseem, brother of Muhammad Faheem who was gunned down by Davis told the participants of a protest rally that the family did not want cash or any ‘rewards’. “We will not accept anything like that. I am ready to give money to the Americans if they hand over Davis,” he said.

Dr Fozia Siddiqi, sister of Dr Aafia Siddiqi, also addressed the protesters via telephone. She expressed her solidarity with the bereaved families and asked that the entire nation to support them.

A group of about 500 people including students, lawyers, doctors, and civil society members walked from Qartaba Chowk (where the incident had occurred) to the US Consulate. Once the protesters reached the Consulate they staged a sit-in and shouted slogans demanding a trial of the accused in the country. They demanded the Pakistani government not to hand over Davis to the US government, while asking that he be hanged “for causing the death of three innocent citizens”.

Bothers of the other two victims, Rasheed Haider, brother of Faizan Haider and Muhammad Sajjadul Rehman, brother of Ibadul Rehman also addressed the participants of the rally. Sajjadul Rehman said that it was time to speak up against atrocities committed by the US.

He alleged that Davis had told investigators about his accomplices, “but the police have not made any arrests.” In a charged speech, he asked the US to let the Pakistani courts hold Davis’ trial. “Prove that you are the champion of human rights that you claim to be,” Rehman said while addressing the US.

Rasheed Haider requested the people to continue supporting them in their cause.

They said that they did not have any hopes from the government but were confident that the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) would ensure that justice is served.

All speakers, including family members of the deceased, also demanded CJP Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to take suo motu notice to ensure that the government does not “favour” the accused American. The protesters condemned the judicial magistrate’s court for granting bail to Davis for carrying illegal weapons.

The rally was led by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Lahore president, Mian Mahmoodul Rasheed.

Starting from Qartaba Chowk, the protesters reached the US Consulate after passing through Queen’s Road, The Mall, Race Course Road and Egerton Road. The participants shouted anti-US slogans through loud speakers installed on a mini truck. Announcements were also made to inviting passers-by to joint the rally, which were somewhat successful.
Why is the USG resorting to bribing the families? It further makes them look more and more guilty.
The murder of the Governor of Punjab is indeed relevant, despite the hatred and venom with which the writer says these things. He justified killing the Governor for alleged religious reasons, epitomizing the drift toward religious anarchy which terrorism epitomizes.

As for Mr. Davis, is on a US Diplomatic Passport with a Pakistani VISA granted in Islamabad documenting him as a diplomat there on official business. The Interior Minister had admited such as porous leaks from whatever FO or Interior Ministry source leaked those docs to DAWN some days ago.

This back and forth will not resolve the Diplomatic Immunity due Mr. Davis. That remains at issue between the US Department of State and the Foreign Office of Paksitan which as I noted factually a few postings back has to obey International Law in the form of the Diplomatic Immunity Agreement and supporting treaties.

Do you think the outside world trusts and respect such as this: They demanded the Pakistani government not to hand over Davis to the US government, while asking that he be hanged “for causing the death of three innocent citizens”.

Mr. Davis had nothing to do with an accidential traffic death whatsoever. This is typical of the uninformed ranting in this diplimatic immunity matter.
The governor of punjab was a traitor and sellout...
the loyal people of Pakistan knowz who is traitor and sellout so they are taking very good care of them ...pplz of Pakistan are waiting anxiously that if the crisis of Egypt comes here ...they will hangup the traitors on the wall/poles...

Please, do not feed the trolls here, this is disgusting and not the topic on hand. Please avoid giving your personal feelings about someone who has already been killed, and not being discussed as the topic here.

Im sorry bro I didn't want to hurt ure feelings but pplz are feeling like this.....cuz nobody is supposed to hurt anybodyz feelings...:)
Well.. the killings of tazeer and those two men in lahore are both equally important. Pakistan should let the justice take its own course in both cases. However in both cases GUILTY HAVE TO BE PUNISHED. be it an american citizen davis or any pakistani citizen.

And how can america ask them to release their citizen just because he is an american and that too on the basis of a STORY. the case have to be investigated and truth will come out, and infact the guys wehre robbers and was attacking him, he will have his justice.
Im sorry bro I didn't want to hurt ure feelings but pplz are feeling like this.....cuz nobody is supposed to hurt anybodyz feelings...:)

No, you didn't hurt my feelings. I didn't feel the guy was an angel, but he wasn't really a bad guy and didn't deserve what happened to him at all. But this is not the topic here, so let's not go there. Trolls here want the attention of Pakistanis' diverted to other issues, and not to focus on the issue being discussed here.
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The murder of the Governor of Punjab is indeed relevant, despite the hatred and venom with which the writer says these things. He justified killing the Governor for alleged religious reasons, epitomizing the drift toward religious anarchy which terrorism epitomizes.
The case is ongoing even against Qadri, he might have been showered with rose petals, but he is still being tried under the Pakistani law. He is not off, nor has been suggested that he would be off.

As for Mr. Davis, is on a US Diplomatic Passport with a Pakistani VISA granted in Islamabad documenting him as a diplomat there on official business. The Interior Minister had admited such as porous leaks from whatever FO or Interior Ministry source leaked those docs to DAWN some days ago.
There is still some confusion on that, since now the USG admits that he is non-diplomatic. They have done the right thing by asking the FO to clarify on the matter. I think the FO will within the week.

This back and forth will not resolve the Diplomatic Immunity due Mr. Davis. That remains at issue between the US Department of State and the Foreign Office of Paksitan which as I noted factually a few postings back has to obey International Law in the form of the Diplomatic Immunity Agreement and supporting treaties.

I personally would be okay with us violating the international conventions on this. Suppose he's guilty, all the evidence should be brought forward, perhaps we can get him to admit that he did this under orders from the USG. His guilt should be established. But due to the international conventions we will let him go, not until we've totally exposed him or his bosses in Washington.

Likewise if he's innocent, we can exonerate him of murder and officially declare he acted in self-defence.
So far as the situation stands the USG has admitted that he's a consular staff not diplomatic staff.

They have solidified the argument about his diplomatic status. Now they are arguing that whether or not he deserves immunity regardless of that.

As you can read from the Vienna conventions posted above, those immunities do not extend to civil and administrative jurisdiction of the receiving state. Not for consular staff. Which I repeat, the USG has called him a consular staff, which I repeat is a non-diplomatic status.

so this is clear that he dont deserves no diplomatic immunity status...
anywayz based on human rights violations even the king dont deserves immunity status cuz this goes against the justice...if US will keep on insisting the release of Raymond Davis...this means that they have no human values and they are just butchers and can kill anybody they want to...:woot::cheesy:
They are trying to impose the rule of Might is right...umm:agree:
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