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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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thanks mate, thats the video i was referring to earlier in my previous post,
thanks for finding it.

And i can bet 10000 dollars, that Mr Military Professional American Eagle with his eagle eyes can still see the rear windscreen broken, because the bullet went through the front windscreen and came out from the rear shattering it. That deserves a facepalm.

What I see are 6 white cars in one picture which proves nothing. Another white car in another picture is in a low traffic, opposite flow of traffic setting, again proving nothing. White cars abound everywhere. The official picture is the one of the American's car with windshield shot up and back window of the same car shot out as bullets shot into windshield existed rear window of car.

Photos of bullet holes in windshiled, as noted a day ago by me here, are indentended, ie, shot into, not from inside, the car. Some times I do wonder where people learned their physics and visual accumen?

How is the weather in Moscow, snowing false statements and fake photos there is it?

Sad commentary still showing modern day younger Pakistanis on this site who would rather not wait for the facts to be delt with formally but a rush to judgement, a non-democratic "hang the alleged, who is in fact the victum" and such. What a shame, as this is a real set back for the credibility and objectivity the rest of the world has hoped to find in Pakistan.

Of course much of this discourse comes from Russia and Canada, pretty far removed from the scene of Lahore.
What I will find ironic is that all this hoopla will die down all of sudden just as it began, with the real outcome unchanged at all. We all know what will happen.

Thus, I am saving my keystrokes.......... :D
Asim saner elements can judge the level of our stamina and tolerance to hear American bakwas about our country, faith, army, and nukes for long and specially for the last 9 years and then compare it with this one incident and the facepalms, and anger of this American retired army official here.
What I will find ironic is that all this hoopla will die down all of sudden just as it began, with the real outcome unchanged at all. We all know what will happen.

Thus, I am saving my keystrokes.......... :D

Sir we all know what will happen. the killer will be freed.

But can that change the fact that 3 people were killed by Americans unlawfully ??

even if they were "robbers" havent we seen in west they apologised for injuring the robber ?
Sir we all know what will happen. the killer will be freed.

But can that change the fact that 3 people were killed by Americans unlawfully ??

even if they were "robbers" havent we seen in west they apologised for injuring the robber ?

Jana sister I remember I was once talking about this very issue with a professor of mine who happened to be a Lawyer herself, and she told me about a case that had happened in California where a house owner had shot a thief who was running from his house with stuff he had just stolen after breaking in unlawfully. Guess what the owner shots the thief and the thief falls by the stroke of luck outside his property. Now how far is that, the thief not only survived but went on to sue to owner as a legal lope hole allowed him to, due to the fact that he was technically not shot on the property which he was able to proof as he had fallen outside. The judge even though knew the thief was on the wrong alloted him a hefty amount, and the house owner ended up losing for defending his turf.

Such are the laws in US its self, and then some enlightened ignorant wants to lecture us about our country.
Sir we all know what will happen. the killer will be freed.

But can that change the fact that 3 people were killed by Americans unlawfully ??

even if they were "robbers" havent we seen in west they apologised for injuring the robber ?

There you go again.

1. Third Pakistani who died as a result of a traffic accident, not murdered, was hit by a US Consular vehicle driven by a Pakistani national, an employee of the US Consulate. This is all over the news but by your continued use of false info you continue to have zero credibility.

2. Perhaps more mature Pakistanis understand that the terrorists inside Paksitan are getting their cash flow, the money to pay for their beans and bullets, by "robberies." Mr. Davis had just drawn out a large sum of money from a local bank and was the object of a terrorist fund raising robbery.

3. The two robbers/terrorist supporters were already being sought out by the police for involvement with other recent robberies. The fact that another member of their family was killed recently in an unrelated apparent shoot out raises questions about all these same family youth being involved in tough, rough, criminal activites.
Ok, American Eagle is officially blind and in denial mode regarding the rear windshield. He's rejecting visual evidence in the form of videos and pictures. Not wasting my time with him anymore.

And just because the Guardian newspaper says they were robbers doesn't make them robbers. Don't quote Western media here as gospel truth. Nobody tells lies the way the Western media does.
ayeee kash koi ahmdi nijad yahaan bhi hota. per hamary pass sirf khusry hai. itna sasta ho gya mera pakistan .:frown:
Ok, American Eagle is officially blind and in denial mode regarding the rear windshield. He's rejecting visual evidence in the form of videos and pictures. Not wasting my time with him anymore.

And just because the Guardian newspaper says they were robbers doesn't make them robbers. Don't quote Western media here as gospel truth. Nobody tells lies the way the Western media does.

Actually he knows that Angelina Joline had trained the shooters and they were able to curve the bullets like the movie wanted.
American Eagle sir why you working hard to proove it . we have popet gov. and they will free him even he kill 303 innocents dont you worry we are not sovrent state .

for pakistani

yehi injaam hai bhikariyoon ka .or mango
US calls for immediate release of diplomat in Pakistan

US calls for immediate release of diplomat in PakistanAFP (5 hours ago)

Today“When detained, the US diplomat repeatedly requested immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.” — AP Photo (see photo by going on the Internet to the Jan. 29 Karachi DAWN story found at:


ISLAMABAD: The United States on Saturday called for the immediate release of a US diplomat it said was unlawfully detained by Pakistani authorities in Lahore, its embassy in Islamabad said.

The man, previously described just as a consulate employee, is being held in police custody over Thursday’s shooting that resulted in the deaths of two men he said he killed in self-defence.

“When detained, the US diplomat identified himself to police as a diplomat and repeatedly requested immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” the embassy said in a statement.

It added, “Local police and senior authorities failed to observe their legal obligation to verify his status with either the US consulate general in Lahore or the US embassy in Islamabad”.

“Furthermore, the diplomat was formally arrested and remanded into custody, which is a violation of international norms and the Vienna Convention, to which Pakistan is a signatory.”

The man, named as Raymond Davis and described by the US State Department as an American civilian working for the US consulate in Lahore, was held at a police station on double murder charges over the deaths of two motorcyclists.

A third Pakistani was crushed to death by a consulate car that went to help Davis following the shooting in a busy street in the eastern city on Thursday.

“The diplomat, assigned to the US embassy in Islamabad, has a US diplomatic passport and Pakistani visa valid until June 2012,” the statement said.

Recalling the events that led to Davis’s arrest, it said the diplomat acted in self-defence when confronted by two armed men on motorcycles.

“The diplomat had every reason to believe that the armed men meant him bodily harm. Minutes earlier, the two men, who had criminal backgrounds, had robbed money and valuables at gunpoint from a Pakistani citizen in the same area.”

The embassy expressed regret that “this incident resulted in loss of life” and said it was “committed to working closely with the Pakistani government to secure the immediate release of the diplomat, as required under Pakistani and international law”.

Meanwhile, the US consulate on Saturday denied immediate access to the car and its driver who overran and killed Pakistani citizen Abdul Rehman on Qartaba chowk during the shooting incident.

According to sources, Lahore Police tried to access the driver and other people who were sitting in the car at the time of the incident by writing a letter to the US Consulate. However, the consulate denied the authorities immediate access.

A day earlier, provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah told the media that access would be given to the car and the people who were seated in it by Friday evening.

Moreover, Barrister Javed Iqbal requested Chief Justice Lahore High Court Ejaz Chaudhry in a letter to stop the US official from leaving the country.

A court on Friday handed over Davis to the police on a six day physical remand.

The incident sparked several small protests across the country on Friday, a sign of the anti-American sentiment that is already running high partly because of a covert US drone campaign in the northwest tribal areas that has provoked deadly revenge attacks by militants.
i am wondering how many US diplomats we have . its 100th time when any American make such things he become diplomat next day.
Looks like the guy is going to walk away free (if his diplomatic status is upheld).
Below article from BBC.

Lahore deaths accused 'is diplomat, must be freed' - US

The US embassy in Pakistan has called for "the immediate release" of an American charged with murdering two Pakistanis in the city of Lahore.

The embassy said the man had US diplomatic status and therefore was immune from prosecution."The diplomat acted in self-defence when confronted by two armed men on motorcycles" on 27 January, it added.

The man - identified in Pakistan as Raymond Davis - was charged with the murder of the two man on Friday. He told the court in Lahore that he had fired his gun in self-defence. Another person was run over and killed by a vehicle carrying Mr Davis' colleagues as they came to his aid, police and witnesses have said.

Magistrates have remanded Mr Davis in custody until next week, while police investigate the shooting.

Police 'failure'
"The United States Embassy in Pakistan calls for the immediate release of a US diplomat unlawfully detained by authorities in Lahore," the embassy said in a statement on Saturday. "The diplomat, assigned to the US Embassy in Islamabad, has a US diplomatic passport and Pakistani visa valid until June 2012.

"When detained, the US diplomat identified himself to police as a diplomat and repeatedly requested immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Local police and senior authorities failed to observe their legal obligation to verify his status.

The embassy added that it regretted "that this incident resulted in loss of life".

It did not name the man, who had been previously described as a consular employee in Lahore.

Lahore police chief Aslam Tareen told the BBC Mr Davis was employed on "security duties" in the consulate. He did not have diplomatic immunity and was not one of the foreign security personnel allowed to carry firearms, according to the Pakistani authorities. Mr Tareen said a Glock pistol had been recovered from Mr Davis and that pistols had also been found on the two men shot dead.
Mr Davis is said to have told police that the motorcycle rider and his pillion passenger had been trying to hijack his vehicle at gunpoint.
Police said he told officers that he had withdrawn money from a cash machine shortly before the incident.

Pakistani investigators have said the two men were probably robbers, although relatives dispute this.

More than 100 people held a protest rally in Lahore in the aftermath of Thursday's incident, setting tyres ablaze. The incident could inflame anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, the BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan in Karachi says.
Many Pakistanis resent the US because of regular air strikes carried out by its drone aircraft in north-west Pakistan, and because of America's role in neighbouring Afghanistan, our correspondent adds.
i am wondering how many US diplomats we have . its 100th time when any American make such things he become diplomat next day.
I remember the government gave them permission to build the largest American Embassy on foreign soil.

So they have a lot of people and probably on rotation.
THE KARACHI DAWN is hardly a Western newspaper.

Folks primarily outside of Pakistan rushing to judgement seem to be up against known robbers whose crimes included earlier the same day robbing a native Pakistani.

Shells and peas over various, different,not the same, white cars.

Violation of diplomatic immunity and international treaties.

Pakistan has many needs but does not need as my outsiders view from across the pond, I never hide that I an American over here not now over there, any more rash, false coverups for terrorist robbery fund raisers who got shot in the process.

Speaking for myself only I am fully aware that the murder of the Governor of the Punjab was another act of terrorism wherein the innocent and good Pakistani Governor was slandered, after his murder, by terrorists as having been a "blasphemer." Spare me such garbage and join me in praying for the soul of the murdered Pakistani Governor.

Salman Taseer Governor Punjab, shot dead in Kohsar Market in F-6 Islamabad, when an Elite Force personnel opened fire at his car according to the media reports. Governor received bullets in his chest and police van shifted him to Islamabad Poly Clinic hospital where he gives way to his injuries.
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