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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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how did the alleged bullets miss him, why arent there bullet holes in the headrest or rear seats? Why are the bulletholes in the windscreen protruding outwards (adjust your lenses and look closely at the pic i attached)

your theory simply dont add up, old man.

try again

AZ, I saw at least 5 bullet holes clearly on Express new just now. all in the same area of the windshield.
Assuming the windows were closed, could the sheer blast from the muzzle have shaterred the rear windshield considering the number of bullets fired.
regardless, shooting someone in the back does not sit well with the courts. I know that from some accounts here in the US.
I dont think the guy did any thing wrong, if some with guns is chaseing you, and you think they mean you harm you have a right to shoot them. I would do the same thing in the USA.
was he authorized to carry and operate the weapon in his posession in the first place?

Good point. Only the Foreign Ministry and Interior Ministry can answer this one. All foreigners need written permission to own or carry weapons and this is given by the Interior Ministry through the Foreign Ministry.
I dont think the guy did any thing wrong, if some with guns is chaseing you, and you think they mean you harm you have a right to shoot them. I would do the same thing in the USA.

...and get arrested and shipped to Guantanamo without a trial.

You're assuming that they were chasing him. It's the Accused's version of events.
appears he had prior experience in the U.S. Special Forces

so he was quite 'deft' with the firearm he was operating...i guess also trained to be more instinctive.

again, he wasnt authorized to carry firearm so that in itself is a problem which the courts will likely address

so far there don't seem to be any signs that he was fired upon; no witnesses (several of which there were) claim that the pillion rider on the bike had drawn his weapon and was aiming (hypothetically, he would have to be turned around and aim behind him since Davis's Civic was behind at the time

of course things like this happen so fast; but it is inexcusable to be in dereliction of the host country's laws (diplomatic or non-diplomatic)
You and me wont judge this murder - ultimately superpower will, one who got Kazi from Pakistan with some dollars...

Perhaps. But for the time being, a judge in Lahore called Mehr Zafar Iqbal Syal is judging this murder and he just remanded Raymond Davis to police custody for the next 6 days.
So he's a private security contractor , in other words scum of the earth , blood thirsty mercinary.

Here is a link to his 'company'
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AZ, I saw at least 5 bullet holes clearly on Express new just now. all in the same area of the windshield.
Assuming the windows were closed, could the sheer blast from the muzzle have shaterred the rear windshield considering the number of bullets fired.
regardless, shooting someone in the back does not sit well with the courts. I know that from some accounts here in the US.

no, muzzle wouldnt have caused it to shatter (my own assesment)

my guess is that amidst the confusion and anger, the emotional angry crowd began bashing the car.....it's inevitable in times like this that people would be angry

the pedestrian killed was a 5 year old child, crossing the street with his father

i am glad Mr. Davis wasn't lynched or beaten......I would say that the public did show responsibility by not engaging in mob-like behaviours

the courts will determine his innocence or guilt; and we should welcome US cooperation on this matter provided it does not hinder or sway the sovereign decision of the local concerned courts
Assuming the windows were closed, could the sheer blast from the muzzle have shaterred the rear windshield considering the number of bullets fired.

Now where's that damned ARY NEWS video showing the intact rear windshield just before it was shattered by mob!...
ary channel is reporting that the david guy is suspected of spying, he was an ex military and ws working for black water and some thing wrong happened with his spying activity...
I think your low key rebuttals are pretty good vs. a hyped false atmosphere where folks, many not even inside Pakistan, think they know all the answers.

Let me again point out that three shots were fired INTO the Amerian's windshield, photos of record in # 241, 242, and in the Friday, Jan. 28, 2011 LONDON GUARDIAN photo of car with back window blown out...from the bullets that passed through the windshield and out through the rear window of the same car.

Have a good weekend and let the facts be better known vs. all this goofy ranting and raving while many more killed and wounded Pakistanis got a fraction of this Threads attention for the Lahore terrorist suicide bombing of fellow innocent Paksitanis just the day before.

Yes, I am rubbing that in because it is the bigger issue and this Thread is falsely blown out of all proportion to the truth once the crazies are silenced by a proper silence in the audience court hearing.

The real reason that the thread is still running is that it's a pending case. People will move on after the case verdict. As for the people giving their opinions rather than facts, i think it's natural. People are emotional right now because this murder was not carried out by the usual terrorist rather it involves a foreigner so i think it will be wise of you to ignore such posts. You being a military professional should be wise enough to understand that people always overreact in emotions.

You seem to be really concerned about the previous bombings. I have no idea that why you are bringing them again and again to mock us somehow or perhaps you don't want to discuss it.

However how come you miss to register your condemnation in these threads? Here i post the links. Write RIP in each of these threads.


There are more previous bombing where i didn't see your condemnation. Does this mean that you don't feel sorry and have only felt to come online to defend an American?

It's strange that you seem to be suggesting that we are somehow insensitive to bomb attacks and we don't give them enough attention. It depends on the attack. Most of the attacks are suicide bombings. The culprit always kills himself so no question of apprehending. TTP always proudly claim responsibility. As there is insurgency going on, people have accepted such attacks as part of life.

This "overblown thread" has still less pages then let's say suicide bombings of data darbar or ahmedis attack. I didn't know that number of pages are a measure of someone's concern.


I hope you will realize that we are concerned.:frown:
Ther fallen will be compensated by USG and the white guy would board a flight back home........end of the story.

I dont have crystal ball guys, but this is what is gonna happen, whether you like it or not....money talks, BS walks.....even sharia laws allow compensation with money.....so!
Ther fallen will be compensated by USG and the white guy would board a flight back home........end of the story.

I dont have crystal ball guys, but this is what is gonna happen, whether you like it or not....money talks, BS walks.....even sharia laws allow compensation with money.....so!

You might wanna rethink! The GOP would have to think twice. Teh reaction could lead to something undesirable. Just look around and see people on the streets against unpopupal regimes etc.
As for Sharia...................... well that is up to the bereaved families and there are 3 of them.
Sine you do not have a crstyal ball, do not speculate.
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