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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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and thats the only reason i see-- why Pakistan FO cannot confirm (or do not want to confirm) the official status of RD-

Reason does not matter my dear, action does. As long as the FO doesn't confirm RD's status, you're treading a slippery slope.

BTW, why do you think it's taken them so long for such a simple thing? All they had to do was to check their records. It should be taking so long, you know.

What I think is happening is that Nawaz Sharif is playing politics and PPP is in a fix because of that.

Nawaz Sharif is playing dirty politic with such a sensitive issue.
Ok so whoever is the spokesman has to issue a formal statement. Yaar it's really very simple and you know how this works.

Without an official statement, Pakistan's action of arresting RD will be considered departing from internationally accepted conventions and practices.

First confirm his status.

Dekho bhai- Shah Mehmood Qureshi resigned or Kicked out- Allegedly he thought RD did not have diplomatic immunity-

Ms Fauzia Wahab- Kicked out- Because she thought RD is has diplomatic immunity-

FO spokesman Abdul Basit- had to quit- for unknown reasons-

Acknowledge the staus or Refute it- either way you will be hammered- So no one will take the risk and make statement publically- Officially-

What they know or say- will be used in courts- and the Courts will decide whether he was a diplomat or not- or he got the immunity or not-

RD case is a sinking ship-no one want to be associated with it-

P.S There is difference between being just a Diplomat- and Being a Diplomat with Diplomatic Immunity- and then there is level of immunities given to diplomats on the basis of their nature of work- I think you know that-
there is no real need for indians to troll this thread up is there?

hese questions have a simple answer: this is an orchestrated media frenzy galvanized by an inflammatory ambiguity deliberately fostered by the Pakistani government.hese questions have a simple answer: this is an orchestrated media frenzy galvanized by an inflammatory ambiguity deliberately fostered by the Pakistani government.

the above is from christine fair's article.

after she accuses the pakistani's of having the mindset of conspiracy theorists what does she do herself? conjure her own one up.

a pretty poor article from her, what people in the west time and time again do not understand is that pakistan has uncovered a fundamental security issue and they are entitled to care about it, and push this message home as much as anyone in the US is about their own concerns.

whether its pak govt. or americans at fault the point is that it has to change!!
Reason does not matter my dear, action does. As long as the FO doesn't confirm RD's status, you're treading a slippery slope.

BTW, why do you think it's taken them so long for such a simple thing? All they had to do was to check their records. It should be taking so long, you know.

What I think is happening is that Nawaz Sharif is playing politics and PPP is in a fix because of that.

Nawaz Sharif is playing dirty politic with such a sensitive issue.

There were reports from FO that RD does not have full immunity-
Then there were reports that RD has immunity-

In the end it can go either way- and personally i dont think- GoP has not thought about the implications if Immunity is confirmed-

About Nawaz Shareef- he will score some political points- but in the end- he will have to submit to uncle sam-- if he ever wants to be President again-
About Nawaz Shareef- he will score some political points- but in the end- he will have to submit to uncle sam-- if he ever wants to be President again-

lol yeah that's so right. If he made it too difficult for the US, he can for sure kiss his chances of ever becoming the PM/President goodbye.
lol yeah that's so right. If he made it too difficult for the US, he can for sure kiss his chances of ever becoming the PM/President goodbye.

Votes determine who gets ellected - and he already won his province by his tough stance against davis
If some has not posted it earlier an intresting news about RD

Link: Is Raymond Davis a

ISLAMABAD: The United States government was unaware that Raymond Davis was hooked on ‘naswar,’ and in all probability he is now undergoing withdrawal symptoms, unless there is a friendly guard nearby to offer him some, or the jail doctors recommends weaning him away from what is a legal form of tobacco.

When the US Embassy was approached, they appeared unaware of Davis’s ‘desi’ addiction. Abrupt stopping of ‘naswar’ intake can be uncomfortable as junkies discover, if they are without their hourly ‘fix’. Withdrawal symptoms include headache and anxiety and anger.

According to a Bannu shopkeeper, the price of one packet of Bannu Naswar is Rs7. “One packet is enough for thirty pinches of ‘naswar.’

According to the challan by the city police in Lahore, a packet of ‘naswar’, was also recovered from Davis’s car, amongst other personal and lethal items that an undercover agent on active duty is expected to have with him at all times. US troops stationed inside Afghanistan are known to enjoy ‘naswar’ and have become hooked to it. Davis in all probability must have picked up the habit during his long stays in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It also reflects on the company he was keeping at the time. The problem of ‘naswar’ like chewing ‘pan’ is that one has to spit it out after a while.

Whether the Americans including Davis have found a socially correct way to deal with this aspect is unknown or did he spit it out of his car window?

According to Wikipedia, ‘naswar is held in the mouth for 10 to 15 minutes. If it is chewed it produces a bad taste in the mouth. Usually, the consumption varies but mostly people take it on an hourly basis.’ It is primarily used in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Sweden and India.

“Once I was sitting next to a Norwegian at a meeting in Europe and was surprised to see him enjoying ‘naswar’”, a Pakistani diplomat told The News. It is predominantly used by members of the Pashtun ethnic groups. Nowadays people of other regions i.e. Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan also use it and the number of addict people is increasing day by day.

Some of the great varieties of naswar are found in different parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan, but Bannu is especially famous for it. There are different brands of ‘naswar’ in the provinces such as “Toor Khamar”, “Missile”, “Safarish Khan”, “Lucky” etc. Toor Khamar ‘naswar’ is prepared in Shahbaz Garhi, Pakhtoonkhwah, while Safarish Khan and Lucky are prepared in Havelian, Pakhtoonkhwah and Abbottabad, Hazara Division, Pakhtoonkhwah.

The News received telephone calls from the Fata area, and two calls from Waziristan when this correspondent had in an international Pushto programme, mentioned Davis’s love for ‘naswar’. “This is the only good thing we have heard about this American killer. We are glad that he has picked up this healthy habit from his Pushtun friends and acquaintances,” said a gentleman who identified himself as Wazir Khan.

Some of Khan’s friends had this to say, “So much attention is being given to three boys killed in Lahore by an American. What about the Pakhtuns who are being killed like flies by US drones? What will it take to get kind of worldwide attention?”
Whatever one's point of view, the most worrisome aspect of this entire affair is the circus-like spectacle of buffoonery and confusion that is named the Government of Pakistan these days. The sad and sorry performance of official structures is yet one more piece of evidence that indicates just how deep the rot and decay has permeated them.

Whatever the resolution of this incident is, the impressions, conclusions and future responses generated by this confused disaster will come back to haunt Pakistan for a long time to come.
If any day any intelligent plan to kill Davis in order to save their face, then point a finger at CIA and must expel US consulates.

Next Davis roaming around would be no doubt caught.
When did that happen? I'd definitely like to see the source/link. And please don't post that video of Qureshi's press conference. He was not the FM at the time he made his comment.

Please show me the official statement issued by the FO explicitly stating that RD does not have diplomatic immunity.

I would advice you to read post no. 3351 of this thread in that post a link is available of only single written official document from US about the diplomatic status of RD.
Pakistan needs to review all US Embassey and Consulate Staff, especially these technical advisors and auditors. Diplomats of any country should meet the Vienna Conevtion rules. Enough abuse of our hospitality.

Naswar has been used by the whities for eons----there maybe close to a 100 different brands----. For those who learnt it now----doesn't it sound funny and interesting that the goras are using naswar----what if you found out 30 or 50 or 60 years ago that they did that---. Well those of us won't be thrilled by this news---.

It is front page news in pakistan about the naswar habbit of Davis----doesn't this tell the readers that majoprity of the pakistanis know nothing or a miniscule about the habbits of the whities.

Tameem---welcome to the board----3 years and a loyal son of the earth and barely any copntribution to the cause on this board---didn't you and I have had some kind of confrontation before---where I stated the same thing----and this moderator Bezerk jumped on me---instead of keeping busy with his schedule of taking care of the flood victims---.

My boy----it is easy to jump on someone's back and make your claim----if you are so honorable and forthcoming----come participate and put your thoughts and directions on the paper.

Did I tell you the story about the FLEA THAT LIVED IN THE ELEPHANTS EAR---I gotta go to work now----when I come back---I will do so. So---hold on tight.
I would advice you to read post no. 3351 of this thread in that post a link is available of only single written official document from US about the diplomatic status of RD.

The US has since changed its stance and made it very clear that RD is indeed related to the US embassy in Islamabad and not to the Consulate in Lahore as was claimed earlier.

Post 3351 is irrelevant now.
Hi right back to you, Masta-Mastan

he spent some time with the aforementioned 'strange people' up in the restive north -where naswar is often consumed. I guess those people left some influence on him :D
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