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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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davis will be released no doubt,but it will ruin the govt.
he will make sure that it is zardari's last tenure

"Ruin the govt", love it dude. Aap k mopo may ghee chakar and all the other chlosterol increasing stuff.
They will bring a rise up one way or the other in Pakistan too as they are doing in other parts of the world for their final hit.

As Jinnah once said: ''Musalman museebat may gabraya nahee karta.'' Just stick tight to the rope of Allah swt and HE for sure is the best of planners. Never give up hope, Allah swt is always there for help, just give a sincere call, not 911 or Rescue 115.
Taliban warns Pakistan against releasing Raymond Davis
By Reuters
Published: February 15, 2011

A file picture dated 4 October 2009 shows chief of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsud (C) sitting with Taliban Spokesman Azam Tariq (R). PHOTO: EPA
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani Taliban warned the government on Tuesday it would punish any move to release a US consulate employee accused of murdering two Pakistanis in a case that has inflamed already strained ties with Washington.
“If (Pakistani) rulers hand him over to America then we will target these rulers. If Pakistani courts cannot punish Davis then they should hand him over to us,” said Azam Tariq, spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (Taliban movement of Pakistan).
“We will give exemplary punishment to the killer Davis.”
The warning from the al-Qaeda linked Taliban, which has kept up suicide bombings to destabilise Pakistan’s government despite several army offensives, underscores the charged atmosphere surrounding Davis’ case.
US Senator John Kerry was due in Pakistan as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to resolve the crisis.
Raymond Davis, the US consular employee jailed in Lahore for shooting two Pakistanis last month, says he acted in self-defence during an armed robbery.
Washington insists Davis has diplomatic immunity and should be released but the Pakistani government, fearful of a backlash from Pakistanis already wary of the United States and enraged by the shooting, says the matter should be decided in court.
On Thursday, the United States is expected to present a petition to a Lahore court to certify that Davis has diplomatic immunity and should be released.
Religious parties don’t win many votes in elections. But the government can’t afford to ignore the groups who often seize on issues concerning the United States to promote their cause.
“Of course he (Davis) should not be released. He has committed a crime and he should be punished. He doesn’t have immunity,” said Yahya Mujhaid, a spokesman for Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which was blacklisted by the UN over its links to the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant group blamed for the 2008 attack on Mumbai. It denies it has links to the LeT.
“If he is released, we will register our protest but in a peaceful way. We will hold rallies … Not only us, the whole of Pakistan will protest against any such move.”
Supporters of the slain men have held protests and burned US flags. In addition to the two men Davis shot, a third man was killed when a U.S. consulate vehicle, apparently trying to rescue Davis, struck and killed a passer-by.
PTI flays Fauzia Wahab

PTI Information Secretary Omar Sarfraz Cheema has strongly condemned Fauzia Wahab’s statement that Raymond Davis enjoys diplomatic immunity.

He said the Pakistan Peoples party leader’s statement was aimed at preparing ground for the handing over of Raymond Davis to Washington just to save the looted money and assets of her leaders lying overseas.

She has blatantly tried to misguide the nation while it has already been reported that Raymond has been given an official visa not the diplomatic one and he does not enjoy the diplomatic immunity, the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf leaders said.

He said Shah Mehmood Qureshi was punished because of his stand that diplomatic immunity could not be extended to Raymond Davis.

He said Qureshi had kept the national interest foremost and taken a principled stand which was need of the hour but the government’s hostile attitude towards Shah Mahmood Qureshi after his removal from foreign ministry give credence to the fact that it wanted to hand over Raymond Davis to the US at any cost.
PTI flays Fauzia Wahab

Lo paygaya syapa.
Well ofcourse the talibs would want to cash in, behti ganga main haath kisko nahi dhoonay. Aur kuch nahi to free ki publicity, and 4-5 dinkies will also join the click.
By the way mods as we have a new clown aka Fauzia niswar making statements every day to please her masters and people here are opening threads after threads to publish them, still they are all related to the same thread that we are in. Can you merge them here. Thanks.
Petition asks LHC to summon Qureshi, Fauzia over Davis

LAHORE: Another petition was filed against arrested US national Raymond Davis in the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Tuesday, DawnNews reported.

The petitioner requested the court to summon former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Pakistan People’s Party’s Information Secretary Fauzia Wahab.

The petition, filed by a human rights organisation, says that statements by Qureshi and Wahab regarding Davis’ immunity were contradictory and therefore the court should summon them and demand an explanation.

The petition also requested the court to obtain Davis’ record from the foreign ministry.

Moreover, the petition requested the court to ensure that Davis is not handed over to US authorities.

Petition asks LHC to summon Qureshi, Fauzia over Davis | Latest-News | DAWN.COM
It's the Job of FO to decide and i think FM Qureshi statement has far more credibility.I'd trust him over this chamchi any day in the week.It's clear that he does not have immunity as clarified by former FM.Now PPP will grant him immunity by hook and crook.
Would PPP deal for Raymond Davis ...... :(.

He is the murderer of 4 people.
Would PPP deal for Raymond Davis ...... :(.

He is the murderer of 4 people.

US should give other people who crushed one guy...
OR keep all of these gora people to US only.....

This is more of a game being played between PML N and PPP---pmln wants to cash onto the oppurtunity and wants to try to make the ppp look bad---. The problem is the the issue is bigger than what the pmln can chew and swallow---they have taken a bigger bite than they can handle and they are going to choke on it----actually they are choking on it----and the bottomline is----it will strangulate pakistan---.

Ordinary pakistanis will suffer---it is the fight of two bull elephants---the ppp and the pmln---the catalyst is Davis---and it is the people who will suffer when their lives are trampled upon---and at stake is the well being of pakistan and pakistanis. It is a matter of shame that the pmln has chosen to put the nation as the shield to take the brunt of the attack.

The lies that punjab govt has put forward and the police oficer Mr Tareen has come with----has nothing to do with the welbeing of the country but for their own personal gains---.

I have recieved information that those two were criminals and this info comes from reliable sources---it was the duty of the police to be truthfull in this case. Tareen's staement reeks of deceit when he stated "yes there were bullets in the magazine, but no round in the chamber"---why would he say such a deceptive thing to mislead the nation---. His statement meant that as there was no bullet in the chamber---there was no threat.

I also saw the video that was on BBC news----the shots were fired from within the car----the front windshield had holes in it and the rear one was blown out---those two were not just stopped at the light with pistols showing from the hip---but rather pointed at the car---.

Nawaz and party is playing with fire---this fire will burn a lot of people. And some of you pleasure seeker will enjoy the death and misery of others---just so that you can be proud of your stubbornness.

Your views reflect minor situational part of scenario, you have to differentiate Political concerns & strategic/security concern of Davis case. self defense or not, already has cleared. Need to step ahead from this point.
Stick and carrot policy is working for US , so first they try to get their way from stick and if it doesn't work then the carrot.
US needs Pakistan as much Pakistan needs US. So first US will try to use stick trough their pet Pakistani President and if it won't work then carrot will be offered to Pakistan example: 3.2 billion aid for next year.
Soon US senators will bring carrots to Pakistan , the first ones used stick on Pakistani ambassador.
Senator Kerry is visiting Pakistan to improve the situation soon, is he not?
US needs Pakistan as much Pakistan needs US

Najam sethi has said completely opposite of what you have just said, in Aapas ki baat on Duniya TV.

And that is: Pakistan needs US more than US does....
RD is a diplomat and must be granted immunity, claims Obama in a press confrrence. Does that mean he is to go now?
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