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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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you are right, yesterday morning when Asif Zardari called for Goolmaiz Conference, it was clear what is gonna be happen.

It seems like GOP already has loosed his T''''''''! in this case. So lets see what will happen next?
The sad part is prob nothing will happen and this bastard will go back home free .. cuz of our courpt gov & there greed i say just fry the sucker & get it over with he needs to be punished for taking human life this will let Pakistan stand on its own feet and bring in a new gov that can lead the way for the nation as for this bastard i hope he dies in hell i know harsh words & GOD forgive me for that as i don't wish bad upon anyone but a person like this needs to be fried big time :hang2:
I think we should let the govt. to free him so we as a nation we could then stand against our corrupt govt. and bring those traitors down. ( aik teer se do sikaar):wave:
Did Ray Davis Shoot Two Pakistani Agents?
Pakistani Officials Claim American Killed Men Working for ISI

Feb. 9, 2011

The public narrative from the United States is simple: one of its diplomats in one of the most dangerous countries in the world was threatened by two men with guns, and the diplomat shot and killed them in self-defense. He sits in jail, "illegally detained," because he enjoys diplomatic immunity.

But the version of events told by multiple Pakistani officials -- and adamantly denied by the U.S. State Department -- is utterly different.

The four Pakistani officials who spoke to ABC News on the condition of anonymity say that the two men who Raymond Davis killed in Lahore last month were working for Pakistan's premiere intelligence service, and they were following Davis because he was spying.

If true, their story dramatically changes the nature of an incident that is already severely straining the two countries' already tumultuous relationship. Davis's detention is fraying the U.S. alliance with Pakistan, one of the most delicate and important in the world. U.S. and Pakistani officials both admit the fate of Raymond Davis could threaten an alliance that is critical to the war in Afghanistan and the fight against al Qaeda.

According to the Pakistani officials, the two men had been sent to track Raymond Davis by the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, which believed that Davis had crossed "a red line" and needed to be followed.

In late January, those officials say, Davis was asked to leave an area of Lahore restricted by the military. His cell phone was tracked, said one government official, and some of his calls were made to the Waziristan tribal areas, where the Pakistani Taliban and a dozen other militant groups have a safe haven. Pakistani intelligence officials saw him as a threat who was "encroaching on their turf," the official said.

U.S. officials dispute the story. Davis came to Pakistan on a diplomatic passport and is a "member of the technical and administrative staff" of the embassy in Islamabad. He therefore enjoys diplomatic immunity, which means he may not be tried for a crime in Pakistan. In public and in private, U.S. officials say they do not believe reports that the two men Davis shot and killed were working for the ISI. They say the men had robbed another person before they approached Davis' car.

"We don't find [the reports] credible," P.J. Crowley, the State Department's spokesman, said at his daily press briefing on Monday.

The U.S. says his detention is "illegal" and has put extreme pressure on Pakistan to release him.

According to two officials close to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, the White House has threatened to shut the U.S.'s three consulates in Pakistan and postpone the official bilateral, strategic dialogue, as well as Zardari's upcoming trip to Washington, D.C.

A senior U.S. official declined comment on the consulates, but acknowledged that any meeting between the Pakistani and U.S. governments would be dominated by the Davis case right now -- making most bilateral meetings useless.

Last weekend Secretary of State Hillary Clinton canceled a meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, according to two U.S. officials.

Davis was traveling through a lower middle class part of Lahore on Thursday, Jan. 27, when the incident took place. The men he shot had been following him for at least two hours, one of the Pakistani officials claimed, and recorded some of his movements on their cell phone cameras. Davis has a U.S. Special Forces background and runs Hyperion Protective Consultants, LLC, a company that provides "loss and risk management professionals."

The U.S. embassy in Islamabad refused to respond to questions about why Davis was armed, who he had been calling, or whether he was found in a sensitive part of the Lahore cantonment.

That the ISI sent the equivalent of two hired guns to trail Davis is a sign that the relationship between the U.S. and Pakistani intelligence agencies is at a low point, according to all four officials quoted in this article. In October, the ISI helped reveal the name of the CIA station chief -- inadvertently, according to a separate, senior Pakistani official -- forcing the station chief to leave the country.

The two men's alleged connection to the intelligence services was first reported by a Pakistani newspaper, the Express Tribune.

The U.S. has also threatened Pakistan's military with cutting off some of its aid if Davis is not released. Last week, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Buck McKeon, R.-California, traveled to Pakistan and met with Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, the Pakistan Army chief of staff, as well as Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani.

McKeon and the congressional delegation pointed out that U.S. anger could extend to the floor of the House if Davis is not released – and that could threaten the Pakistani military's more than $2 billion in aid per year.

McKeon said that he "could foresee a member of Congress coming to the floor and offering an amendment to strike military funding for Pakistan," an aide to the House Armed Services Committee told ABC News.

The U.S. officials who deny that the men Davis shot were intelligence officials believe Davis is being held despite his diplomatic immunity because of fears that releasing him might cause domestic unrest. He is being held in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province, where Zardari's chief political opposition controls the provincial assembly. Some of the government's political opponents -- as well as some parts of the Pakistani media -- benefit from stories that suggest U.S. contractors or spies operate throughout the country.

The Pakistani officials agreed with that, acknowledging that Davis' release could at least temporarily weaken the federal government and spark protests in Lahore and perhaps across the country.

Adding to the pressure on Pakistan not to release Davis, the wife of one of the men he killed committed suicide Sunday by taking a tablet usually used to keep grain in a silo from going bad in the winter. When she first arrived at the hospital she was still able to speak, and her doctors allowed television reporters to interview her. She released a diatribe of hate to describe why she swallowed the tablet.

"I do not expect any justice from this government," Shumaila Kanwal said. "That is why I want to kill myself.

"I want blood for blood," she said. "The way my husband was shot, his killer should be shot in the same fashion."

Last Thursday, Davis appeared in court without a translator and without prior notification to the U.S., the Islamabad embassy said in a statement. U.S. officials say those events convinced them Davis could not receive a fair trial in Pakistan. The judge extended his detention for another eight days. He is next scheduled to appear in court on Friday, Feb. 9.
I think we should let the govt. to free him so we as a nation we could then stand against our corrupt govt. and bring those traitors down. ( aik teer se do sikaar):wave:

Timely info:

Islamabad: A parliamentary panel has decided to begin construction of luxury suites for Pakistani MPs at a whopping cost of Rs 3 billion, despite an opposition leader objecting to the project as the country was facing a financial crunch.

India has more such problems.
Good thing about Pakistan is that it is ruled by its own ethnic people, such is not the case of pathetic India, which is ruled by foreigner Sonia, who is looting India.
The public narrative from the United States is simple: one of its diplomats in one of the most dangerous countries in the world was threatened by two men with guns, and the diplomat shot and killed them in self-defense. He sits in jail, "illegally detained," because he enjoys diplomatic immunity.

ask these americans to define iraq invasion in those simple words???..

things are not that simple in this world...
Raymond Davis Interrogation By Punjab Police

he is a spy?
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Seems like Najam and his crew are not on the same page..............
in the police station. He was there only a matter of hours, right? .

Wrong. They kept him for 3 days as he had hit one of their ministers and like I said he dint have proper documentation on him and they had initially registered a case on him which had to be resolved by their courts. After clearing from their FO they granted him immunity.


  • They know.

  • They know he is not a diplomat and there silence only means they are being arm twisted into accepting what is not true.

    Under diplomatic immunity he can't be held during an investigation.

    it can be unless the person in questionnis an ambassador of an Embassay Or a counsellor. Other staff of a mission is subject to limited immunity. And full immunity never applies to council staff at all. Only embassy staff have some sort of previlege.
    Yeah, it seems everyone other than Americans gets treated properly.

    Ha! Dint think itl come down to this an American complaining they dont get treated fairly, when they dont think twice before killing our civilians. Am I dreaming here or what?.[/QUOTE]

If these two people who died---why did their families not come out that they were ISI personale---even the wife on her death bed didnot say anything relating to that.

Bottomline---even if they are ISI---pak should act as if they were not and deal with the issue as such---to admit to it, creates other issues.

Also---writing up a police Chalan in this case right away shows immaturity on the part of the pakistanis---leaking of material and pictures that he was carrying also showed immaturity by the administration---.

That happened due to the taliban lover minister Sanaullah and Sharif brothers---the Sharif bros did it to get concessions from peoples party---Rana sanaullah did it because of his hatred of america.

Neither one of them thought about the consequences that the nation will face---.

It were the personal grudges and personal glory that came out in the forefront---pakistan's welfare was put on the back burner.

Now was the time to swallow it---take credit and cash the benefits---. You had U S in the corner---made them look bad---made them apologize and then take what is offered.:pakistan:
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