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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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instead of economic aid being cut off

I see bad days for PPP coming soon

and the worst time for USA on the way.

If Raymond Davis is released without any charges, you are going to taste new revolution in Pakistan as the majority in Pakistan take things very seriously... and all will be going against USA
And that is precisely what Pakistan is doing illegally. Pakistan is taking unilateral action ignoring all internationally accepted practices.

This is a dangerous precedent Pakistan is setting.

And what would happen if a diplomat committed a double homicide in the US, had no passport showing a diplomatic visa on him at the time of arrest, and was taken into custody?

Would the police simply release him on his say so or that of the Pakistan Embassy's? Or would they, given the lack of documentation establishing diplomatic immunity, keep him in custody until diplomatic immunity was established.

Keep in mind that Pakistan, neither the GoP nor the Courts, are refusing to honor the Vienna Conventions if Davis's diplomatic immunity is established.
Thirdly US is of no more interest now for the people of Pakistan as we are loosing much then gaining (its only the government who is the slave of yanks ,not the people of Pakistan) ,everyone talks about aid but we have lost more than 40 billion dollars on WOT as of 2010 as compared to the few bucks yanks give us in aid and that too with restrictions .

Do you have any source for that? I have heard Pakistan's defence budget is between 5-6Billion dollars? How can they spend more than that? Or 5-6Billion dollars is only meant for capital expenditure??

And given that his picture and 'name' are all over the media, his family, friends and relatives should have come forth at this point, and we could have at least confirmed whether or not Raymond Davis was his real name.

they are probably advised not to since it would most likely inflame pakistan public opinion.

and if he is contracted to the the CIA. you can be sure he was there with full knowledge of the Pakistan Governemnt. Remember the CIA and ISI work hand in hand going after militants. Also most CIA are covered by diplomatic immunity since they base out of the embassy as technical staff. It is the same for intelligence angencies all over the world. During the cold war when the U.S. would bust KGB spy rings. The agent Handler always got off becuase he had diplomatic immunity.
The total debt and liabilities of Pakistan have reached a record 10 trillion rupees (US$117 billion), as the government violated almost all the limits on borrowing imposed in the Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation Act.

Every Pakistani owes more than 57,000 rupees per head to foreign and domestic lenders, compared with 22,000 rupees per head when the present government took over in 2008.

The country this year has to spend almost 900 billion rupees on debt servicing alone, which is five times more than the revised federal development budget. The financing of a large fiscal deficit is forcing the government to rely on borrowing from the central bank and commercial banks, triggering inflation and squeezing the private sector.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

In a business what would you do if a company piles up so much of debt and liability? Do you add on to it or cut of the debt supplies till the company:-
1) Changes mgmt
2) cuts costs
3) becomes fiscally more responsible

The only way these three things are gonna take place in Pak is if aid stops. So if the aid is not stopped it would hurt common Pakistanis more in the long run, since this mgmt would continue to live on leverages and multiply the debts and liabilities of the country.

So best for Pakistan is that the aid stops, so that wheels of corruption stop churning, since this money being pumped in is not reaching the common person anyway but filling the purses of a few at the top.
You wanna fight, we wanna use nukes.

You forgot about Armitage´s bombing Pakistan into stone age remarks then!

And as we know, even Musharaf did not use above threat, when he was point blank asked - Are you with us are against us?
And what would happen if a diplomat committed a double homicide in the US, had no passport showing a diplomatic visa on him at the time of arrest, and was taken into custody?

Would the police simply release him on his say so or that of the Pakistan Embassy's? Or would they, given the lack of documentation establishing diplomatic immunity, keep him in custody until diplomatic immunity was established.

Keep in mind that Pakistan, neither the GoP nor the Courts, are refusing to honor the Vienna Conventions if Davis's diplomatic immunity is established.

Ok let me ask you a reverse question.

Suppose RD's diplomaic immunity is proved in a Pakistani court.

How will then Pakistan justify arresting a person who enjoys diplomatic immunity and keeping him under arrest for weeks?
^^ and i thought this thread is about finances and foreign debts...:undecided:

welcome to trollfest
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Aid or no aid, the Pakistani economy is in for a rough time in the next two years for sure, no matter what the resolution of this incident.

I am quite certain if US cuts aid to Pakistan..Pakistan will go bankrupt with in a year...Coz its not just $3 Billion($1.5 Billion CSF +$1.5 Billion KLB) direct US aid..in addition to flood aid we are talking about.

WB , IMF will also finish their budgetary support as US own largest number votes and thereby a virtual veto in these financial institutions.

Plus most of Pakistani think if US- Pakistan strategic partnership ends..suddenly WOT for Pakistan will be over.

What will Pakistani army do, make peace treaties with TTP..like one they did in 2008 and hand over part of the country..where Taliban can practice their own laws?
^^ Pakistan wont suffer..well the public wont..not sure about the politicians as they gobble up all the so called aid with and nothing trickles down to public..In effect the stoppage will be good for Pakistan,the politicians wont be as rich as they are now and wont be able to buy votes ;)
I second what safriz is saying... Good riddance of this ihsaan on us by America... they have caused us so much problem that their aid is peanuts in comparison...

The only people who suffer here are the scumbag politicians in power... perhaps a few Generals... no one else...
I am quite certain if US cuts aid to Pakistan..Pakistan will go bankrupt with in a year...Coz its not just $3 Billion($1.5 Billion CSF +$1.5 Billion KLB) direct US aid..in addition to flood aid we are talking about.

WB , IMF will also finish their budgetary support as US own largest number votes and thereby a virtual veto in these financial institutions.

Plus most of Pakistani think if US- Pakistan strategic partnership ends..suddenly WOT for Pakistan will be over.

What will Pakistani army do, make peace treaties with TTP..like one they did in 2008 and hand over part of the country..where Taliban can practice their own laws?

In certain situations a lot of companies prefer to go bankrupt rather than continuing down the spiral. And then there are other reasons as mentioned in my previous post that such a ratio of leverages cannot be sustained for long. Specially when this aid is not reaching the masses anyway but filling the coffers of a few.

As far as taliban are concerned, probably you realize that fighting them pak army is not only fighting a battle for Pakistan but the entire world, so if everybody is so ready for the cosequences I am sure Pak Army would do the same. After all they are not the only ones with some beef in this war.
Actually they don't. This is a matter to be decided by the foreign office, not courts. This is a dangerous game that is being played, a resulting corollary using your argument would be for the American court trying a case wherein the present & former ISI chiefs have been named to, by your rule determine that they are liable regardless of the fact that Pakistan claims immunity for them. There will be no joy for Pakistan, going down that street.

No- if its just the matter of verifying a diplomats diplomatic immunity, then yeah i agree foreign office can verify it, as per the norms.

The matter is different here, thus i used the word complicated-- Raymond Davis has killed 2 people by shooting them in their backs citing self defense claiming immunity from Murder.

Thus courts will establish weather he got immunity or not.

The case against ISI chiefs is irrelevant here, just like the case against CIA station chief that fled from Pakistan will be irrelevant here.
The americans are going crazy and giving such threats to Pakistan cuz .. this bastard is so guilty its not even funny... threats given in such a manner to such a degree is to get the job done meaning bring this bastard back home. Let them cut of the aid then they will see who will fight there war next door all to save there own killer shame on the US for doing so this is very low i hope this bastard hangs or goes to jail for life :tdown:
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