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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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I have by and large tried to stay away from this topic owing to the fact that my opinion would be based on hearsay and not facts.

But after having gone through a lot of articles on this particular case, it is fair to say that even if there was a robbery attempt, excess force was used by Mr Davis. Though it would be justified by some because the prevalent condition in Pakistan, the accused in this case should have been aware of what the local conditions are like and he should have followed security protocol as a foreign worker.

Similarly, this case and the eventual news on Green Cards being offered just gives more fuel to the religious elements who can play with public sentiment. In this crucial time, such an incident was not required at all but you cannot avoid what has happened.

This is why a clear and just process of law must be allowed to take place, if Davis took action justifiably, then he should be acquitted, if he overreacted, then he should be punished.

But this case must be properly investigated and the courts should decide the eventual course of action.
Your Moderator's personal comments are calmly expressed.

I personally and in terms of International Law disagree, however.

Diplomatic Immunity as laid out by the US Ambassador to Pakistan, as backed up by the US Department of State, are what I choose to support and give credibility to.

Per DAWN and the ATLANTA CONSTITUTION JOURNAL, along with all other media in the USA, diplomatic immunity is the likely outcome.

To me Mr. Davis was subjected to a failed stick up or robbery, with pistols aimed at him by the robbers. He feared for his life and fired in self defense.

I can offer from our Holy Bible Old Testament a few verses from the Book of Psalms as a prayer for Mr. Davis, for the bereaved family of the two deceased robbers, and for all who feel anger and upset from all points of view...understanding that righteousness does not derive from an angry moment on the part of any of us, pro or con:

Psalms, Chapter 7, verses 8 through 17:

- "The Lord shall judge the peoples; judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me.

- Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just; for the righteous God testeth the minds and hearts.

- My defense is with God, who saveth the upright in heart. God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

- If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it ready. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against his persecutors.

- Behond, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.

- He made a pit and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.

- His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.

- I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high."

God will judge the wickedness and the guilt in this scenario, not me, not you, not any of us as mere mortals. Peace and hope are in our in common God in Heaven, where issues of petty trust, distrust, rumor mongering, and lies do not exist.
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O Lord, My name is Khadim-e-Ala(CM Punjab) Thats why you spend your nights in the consulate.


Oh my lord chk out my silence on the issue of Black Water


It says the American prisoner has a fone in his Jail , he eats cakes and pastries and also takes Black Coffe courtsey Jail Sevice provided by the CM punjab
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CNN is running a ticker on its broadcast saying "Pakistani police are saying the two men killed were likely robbers." Are there any other media reports to corroborate this?
Hang the bastard , jail the bastard punish this bastard somehow some way don't let him get away with this he needs to be punished forsure.
Yeah i can understand, yours is God and rest all BS :angel:
and his BS make sense to you.. thats the only difference.
Najam Sethi for Indian Pridhan Mantri :tup:

It's Pradhan Mantri and no he can't become that. It's not possible constitutionally.
CNN is running a ticker on its broadcast saying "Pakistani police are saying the two men killed were likely robbers." Are there any other media reports to corroborate this?


See the posting I did recently, today, Saturday, Feb. 5 here in PDF, of news story from the ATLANTA CONSTITUTION JOURNAL. You can find similar news stories in every major daily in the US today, as well as on radio and TV news outlets in the US.
We have proved our point. Time to send him on his merry way and stop this foolishness.
I personally and in terms of International Law disagree, however.

Diplomatic Immunity as laid out by the US Ambassador to Pakistan, as backed up by the US Department of State, are what I choose to support and give credibility to.

Per DAWN and the ATLANTA CONSTITUTION JOURNAL, along with all other media in the USA, diplomatic immunity is the likely outcome.
To me Mr. Davis was subjected to a failed stick up or robbery, with pistols aimed at him by the robbers. He feared for his life and fired in self defense.

Every human being is allowed to have his opinion but the courts shall decide the facts.
God will judge the wickedness and the guilt in this scenario, not me, not you, not any of us as mere mortals. Peace and hope are in our in common God in Heaven, where issues of petty trust, distrust, rumor mongering, and lies do not exist.

Are u Talking about Iraq?
I think releasing him now without a trial would pretty much mean America would have to evacuate all its consular staff. The family has already threatened to besiege the Embassy in such a case. This will Egyptify, the sympathies are with the Shamshad family whose Faheem, I believe out of the two wasn't a criminal.

I think there is no way to release Davis now. The choice is simple, release Davis and lose the government or take it to trial and then either release or punish him.

Wife of man killed by Davis commits suicide | DAWN.COM | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia

FAISALABAD: The wife of one of two youths gunned down by a US government employee Raymond Davis in Lahore on Jan 27 committed suicide on Sunday.

Shumaila Kanwal, wife of Faheem Ahmed, took insecticides in the morning and was brought to Allied Hospital where she died a little before midnight. Hospital official Prof Zahid Yasmeen Hashmi confirmed her death.

When she was brought to the hospital, Ms Kanwal told newsmen that she had decided to end her life in protest against “favourable treatment being accorded to the killer of her husband by police and reports that he will be set free”.

Ms Kanwal had married Faheem Ahmed about six months ago.

Her cousin said the 26-year old widow had taken insecticides to kill herself after learning Davis would be handed over to the US government without trial. She had returned to her parents’ home from Gadri village near Chak Jhumra a couple of days ago.

She had told newsmen gathered at the hospital: “The killer is being treated as a guest at the police station. I need justice and blood for the blood of my husband.”

She said that even after 11 days after the murder of her husband, there had been no progress in the case.

Activists of Jamat-i-Islami gathered outside the hospital and held a demonstration.

JI district chief Azeem Randhawa said Ms Kanwal was an orphan and her mother was disabled.

Agencies add: Faheem’s brother Mohammad Waseem told AFP that Ms Kanwal was plunged into a “severe depression” by her husband’s death.

She took the poison before dawn and was rushed to the hospital early on Sunday, he said.

“I want blood for blood. The way my husband was shot, his killer should be shot in the same fashion,” she had told reporters at the hospital.

“I do not expect any justice from this government,” said Ms Kanwal in a statement recorded by doctor Ali Naqi. “That is why I want to kill myself.”

“Mohammad Faheem’s wife Shumaila this morning took poisonous pills and she was taken to Allied Hospital” in Faisalabad, local police chief Usman Anwar told AFP.

Earlier, Dr Naqi confirmed the suicide attempt, describing her condition as critical.

The shootings have stoked anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, feelings that could be further inflamed by Ms Kanwal’s death.
I feel sad with another loss for the wife of the victim. The situation is more complicated with another death indirectly related to this incident.
I still don't understand why there are conflicting statements about whether these two robbed someone earlier. How hard is that to establish one way or the other?

Note that it still does not excuse Davis' behavior unless he can prove that they threatened him with a gun first. Just because someone is a robber doesn't mean you can shoot him in the back in cold blood.

There is also the allegation that Davis brandished a weapon at police.
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