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RAW News & Discussions

Wow...and I was under the impression that RAW was a lazy incompetent bureaucratic organization. Glad to hear that its actually doing something:azn:
Codeword Omerta :The ex-RAW man's book has ruffled many plumes within the agency

India's premier foreign intelligence agency, RAW, does not take kindly to criticism. Which is why top officials are upset with a new book authored by an ex-officer. India's External Intelligence: Secrets of Research and Analysis Wing by Major General V.K. Singh (retd), who has served as a joint secretary in raw, is an insider's story on the inner workings of an agency which isn't even accountable to Parliament.

Ever since Outlook (July 2, '07) first highlighted the book's contents, a storm from within the top echelons of RAW has greeted Singh's effort. Senior officials have been debating the right course of action against the whistleblower. Finally, last week, secretary, RAW, Ashok Chaturvedi, shot off a letter to the cabinet secretary and also spoke to national security advisor M.K. Narayanan. The conversation had a single- point agenda. Chaturvedi wanted the book withdrawn and action taken against the author under the draconian Official Secrets Act (OSA), 1923. According to sources, the Special Protection Group (SPG), tasked with providing security cover to present and former prime ministers, is also upset with some of the book's revelations.

Some of Singh's disclosures include criticism of the communication system used by the SPG which, apparently, can be tampered with because its algorithm, designed by US firm Motorola, is not exclusive to India. The system was also not subjected to the mandatory "crack (hacker) resistivity" tests and was not certified by the Systems Analysis Group, as is mandated under due process.

Sources told Outlook that the present SPG chief, B.V. Wanchoo, is one of those who have expressed reservations about such details coming out in a book. While he hasn't suggested a ban, several senior officials who have served with RAW are in support of the book being banned. The fear is that if no action is taken now, it would embolden others to write similar accounts that could not only prove embarrassing to the organisation but also to individuals currently serving or previous incumbents.

A positive in all this, of course, is that the book has brought to the fore the faultlines within the organisation. Most of the second-rung officers, recruited directly under the Research and Analysis Service (RAS) cadre, have always resented the domination of the top by IPS cadre officers. Hence, it's no surprise that most of them have welcomed the book's publication in the hope that it exposes the "misdeeds" of the IPS lobby. In the book, Singh dwells at length on the flaws of the top leadership and the many critical failures flowing from it, the latest being the embarrassing defection to the US of a raw joint secretary, Rabinder Singh.

There have been other voices too who have come out in support of Gen V.K. Singh's book. Former BSF chief Prakash Singh feels that books which examine organisations critically do serve a purpose. "I see no objection. Institutional and systemic failures need to be addressed and must not be brushed under the carpet of secrecy. That itself breeds corruption and ensures that organisations like RAW don't effectively serve the role they were created for," he says.

Former joint director with the Intelligence Bureau, M.K. Dhar, faced a similar threat of a ban when his book, Open Secrets, was published two years ago. "Why shouldn't we have more accountability in the intelligence organisations?" he asks. "After all, they are supposed to be professional organisations and are important tools of a functioning democracy. A democracy without accountability is worse than a military dictatorship and I feel books like the one V.K.Singh has written must be published. Keep out the personal bitterness, but address the systemic changes that are required to better the organisation. Anyway, there is nothing secret in Singh's book." But senior RAW officials think otherwise. As they see it, any criticism of the agency amounts to compromising national security.
India said to have intelligence posts in Iran

WASHINGTON: India has developed intelligence outposts in Iran,
including the Indian consulate in Zahedan and a relatively new
consulate in Bandar Abbas, which provides India significant power-
projection advantages in any future conflict with Pakistan,
according to Christine Fair of the US Institute of Peace.

She writes in the current issue of Washington Quarterly "in the
past, India helped Iran develop submarine batteries that were more
effective in the warm-weather Persian Gulf waters than its Russian-
manufactured batteries and is planning to sell Iran the Konkurs anti-
tank missile."

The South Asia scholar is quoted in an article by Bret Stephens
appearing in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. He is unimpressed
by US undersecretary of state Nicholas Burns' defence of the 123-
Agreement recently concluded between the Indian and US government.
Burns argued, "Unlike Iran...India has not violated its nuclear
obligations". Stephens points out that on March 19 DefenseNews ran a
report about an Indo-Iran agreement, "which follows the broader
strategic partnership accord the two countries signed in 2003,
emerged from high-level talks held here during the March 4-9 visit
of Rear Admiral Sajjad Kouchaki Badlani, commander of Iran's Navy".
In September 2004, the US imposed sanctions on Chaudhary Surendar
and YSR Prasad, both former chairmen of India's state-run Nuclear
Power Corporation, "for allegedly passing nuclear secrets to
Tehran". Though the sanctions on Dr Surendar were later dropped,
they remain in force against Dr Prasad, who is believed to have
passed on "the technology needed to extract tritium from heavy-water
nuclear reactors". Iran is currently building such a reactor in
Arak. Tritium can be used to boost the yields of atomic bombs.

Stephens notes that last year, the State Department slapped
sanctions on two Indian companies for selling Iran precursor
chemicals for rocket fuel and chemical weapons. In April, the
Department of Justice released a 15-count indictment against two
Indian individuals "on charges of supplying the Indian government
with controlled technology," including "electrical components that
could have applications in missile guidance and firing systems".
Advocates of the US nuclear deal with India recognise these facts,
but they argue that they are largely driven by India's need for
energy, which explains the 700-mile gas pipeline being built between
India and Iran.

Stephens believes that India's relationship with Iran is driven as
much by the desire to encircle Pakistan and gain access to
Afghanistan as it is by energy concerns. Then, too, nuclear power,
which can only provide base load electrical demand, cannot by itself
supplant the need for hydrocarbons. "Any time you increase the base
load generating capacity of a country, you generally must increase
the amount of peak load capacity to match it," according to non-
proliferation expert Henry Sokolski. "And the most efficient peak
load generators are natural-gas fired." Put simply, it's hard to see
how building nuclear power will reduce India's interest in Iranian
natural gas, Stephens points out. He concludes, "But if Congress is
going to punch a hole in the NPT to accommodate India — with all the
moral hazard that entails for the non-proliferation regime — it
should get something in return. Getting India to drop, and drop
completely, its presumptively

Kaoboy Book

SAN JOSE: Agents of the Indian government, and by "agents" we don't
mean metaphorical branding of anyone but the officially paid agents,
continue to work for their masters long after they retire. Among the
weapons employed by such, one is the art of penning down books with
tantalising stuff thrown in for media consumption which increases
sales of the book, lends it popualr credibility, helps masquerade
old untruths as latest news and still serve the old masters.

Latest in this is a book by B Raman, who retired as additional
secretary in the Cabinet Secretariat, "The Kaoboys of R&AW -- Down
the Memory Lane", in which he blames the Richard Nixon
administration for encouraging the Khalistani movement stealthily
and tries to paint Indira Gandhi as the epitome of virtue who wanted
to avoid Operation Bluestar and was forced to undertake the venture.

Virtually every website and every single mainstream Indian newspaper
has lapped up the story, with big newspapers splashing it on their
front pages. The discernign editors are either suspected to be on
leave or have taken leave of their discerning faculties, though not
one editor has stood up as expressed gladness at the strange
revelation that Indira honestly tried to avoid Operation Bluestar.
The utter lack of the questioning spirit in the mainstream media can
only be attributed to the pattern of increasing dumbness in the

The book claims that the Nixon regime started a "covert action plan"
in collusion with General Yahya Khan in 1971 to encourage the
separatist movement in Punjab, and the CIA and ISI worked together
to create difficulties for India in Punjab. How did CIA's and ISI's
interests come together? Why did CIA bank upon an inefficient class
of looters in such an operation? Why would Washington be interested
in conflagrating trouble in a conflict zone when it needed
Pakistan's energies to be concentrated on the Afghan region? And
couldn't Yahya Khan have survived better without the trouble? Raman
asks no such questions, answers none and correctly banks upon Indian
intelligentia to only read the book with a closed mind.

He says the US interest in Punjab militancy "continued for a little
more than a decade and tapered off after the assassination of Indira
Gandhi. Why? How did Indira's killing affect Washington's interests
in the South Asian geo politics? Here is India's Press Trust of
India news report elaborating: "Raman said Jagjit Singh Chauhan, a
Sikh leader from Punjab, went to the UK and took over the leadership
of the defunct Sikh Home Rule movement and renamed it after
Khalistan. The then Pakistani military ruler Yahya Khan invited
Chauhan to Pakistan, "lionised" him as a leader of Sikhs and handed
over some Sikh holy relics kept in Pakistan, which Chauhan took to
the UK to win a following in the Sikh diaspora.

Chauhan also went to New York, met officials of the United Nations
and some American journalists and alleged human rights violations of
Sikhs in India. These meetings were discreetly organised by
officials of the US National Security Council Secretariat then
headed by (Henry) Kissinger."

Only naive would believe that Chauhan was such an influential
leader, and if the US indeed wanted someone to be built up as a
leader, one only has to flip through old newspaper files to see who
all were available. Read the Indian newspapers further: "Observing
that foreign intelligence agencies were not helpful in providing
information on Sikh extremist activities in their respective
countries, he says the political leadership of western countries
like the UK, the US and Canada [Images], which has sizeable Sikh
population, did not want to antagonise them by cooperating with the
Indian government against the Khalistanis."

If this is the kind of men India has in RAW, then God save this
country. Basically, this senior officer who was also in the Cabinet
Secretariat of India, is telling us that London, Washington and
Ottawa were so afraid of the miniscule Sikh population that they
refused to cooperate with New Delhi lest the few hundred thousand
Sikhs should not turn against these governments! So what would have
the Sikhs done? A Boston tea party? Nations become great by taking
principled stands, not by satiating narrow interests. That the
Indian media believed that the might of the western capitals buckled
under the potentially damaging disappointment of the Sikh Diaspora
can pass off without comment also. Alternatively, you may laugh.

But more laughter is ahead.

On the storming of the Golden Temple in June 3-6, 1984, Raman writes
that as Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his followers started
gathering arms inside the complex and a spurt in terrorist incidents
was witnessed across the country, there was "panic" in the
government when trans-border sources of IB and R&AW reported that
ISI was infiltrating Pakistani ex-servicemen and some serving
Pakistani armymen into Punjab.However, these IB and R&AW reports were later proved wrong, he says.

Thank you, Raman.

But the "alarm" led Indira Gandhi to frantically find a political
solution and to use Akali Dal leaders to persuade Bhindranwale to
vacate the temple. "Rajiv Gandhi and two of his associates held a
number of secret meetings with Akali leaders in a New Delhi guest
house of the R&AW. I was given the task of making arrangements for
these meetings, recording the discussions, transcribing them and
putting up the transcripts to (Rameshwar Nath) Kao for briefing
Indira Gandhi," Raman said. Maintaining that the talks failed to
persuade Akali leaders to see reason and cooperate with the
government, he said, "The transcripts, which were kept in the top
secret archives of the R&AW, were very valuable records of historic
value. "They showed how earnestly Indira Gandhi tried to avoid
having to send the Army into the Golden Temple," he said.
You may laugh loudly too.

RAW is a set of idiots and incompetent characters who are misusing the funds for personal use!

I know Ujjal Dasgupta. He was my Squadron Cadet Captain. He would be the last one to be treacherous!

Its failure can be written in golden words over Kargil.

Useless baskets!

It is only some Pakistani posters who give it the Superman status when it is actually Clark Kent. All weepy and useless!
Indian Intelligence Involvement In Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh

Indian intelligence outfit Research & Analysis Wing(RAW) is deeply involved in the problem of Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh.Some admissions:

1. The Chakma guerrillas had closely assisted RAW operatives. They were assisted during and after the liberation war of Bangladesh. The Chakmas, after the change of govt in 1975, contacted the RAW. The Chakmas offered to infiltrate among the Mizo rebels and pass on information to the Indian govt in lieu of assylum. This offer was accepted (Inside RAW : The Story of India's Secret Service, Asoka Raina, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 1981, pp.86-87).

2. In 1975, the RAW was instructed to assist the Chakma rebels with arms, supplies , bases and training. Training was conducted in the border camps in Tripura but specialized training was imparted at Chakrata near Dehra Doon. Shantu Larma's Shanti Bahini members were flown to Chakrata and then sent back to Tripura to infiltrate into Chittagong Hill Tracts. A RAW office and its operatives at Agartala monitored the progress of the trainees. In 1976, the Shanti Bahini launched its first attack on the Bangladesh force. A new insurgency had been born and India's secret war in the hills of Bangladesh had begun (South Asia's Fractured Frontier, Binalaksmi Nepram, Mittal Publishers, New Delhi, 2002, pp-153).

3. The RAW was involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh (RAW's role in Furthering India's Foreign Policy, The New Nation, Dhaka, 31 August 1994).

4. The Indian intelligence had collaborated the armed rebels of Chittagong Hill Tracts to destabilise the region ( Indo-Bangladesh Relation, Motiur Rahman, daily Prothom Alo, Dhaka,10 December 2002).

Any links on BD IB?

Or does it not have an IB?

BD has officially admitted that ULFA operates from BD.
India wasn't architect of Bangladesh: former RAW deputy chief

Sumon K Chakrabarti

The former deputy chief of India's external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing, better known as RAW, says that India was not the architect of an independent Bangladesh. "India's role was more of a facilitator than a creator. It was a war jointly won by India and the people of East Pakistan," writes B Raman, one of India's best-known spies, in his new book. The Kaoboys of RAW," Raman's new book that has hit the stands this week, gives enormous credit to the people of the then East Pakistan for the creation of Bangladesh.

"Without the desire and the will of the people of Bangladesh, there would have been no Bangladesh. Their sacrifices for their cause were immense. How many were brutally killed by the Pakistan Army! "How many Bengali intellectuals were massacred by the Pakistan Army and by terrorist organisations such as Al Badr and Al Shams created by the ISI! It is their sacrifice which laid the foundation for an independent Bangladesh," writes Raman in the second chapter of his book.

"What India did under the leadership of Indira Gandhi was to make sure that their sacrifices were not in vain," he adds. The former intelligence agent claims that the on-ground support for the people of the then East Pakistan turned 1971 into a "dream situation for professional intelligence officers (of India )".

"Often, they did not have to go after intelligence. It came after them. There was such a total alienation of the people of East Pakistan," he writes. The book traverses through India's contemporary history—importantly the 1971 war, insurgency in the Northeast, Punjab and Kashmir, the emergency, the war in Afghanistan and how Indian intelligence functioned under several Indian prime ministers such as Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai, Rajiv Gandhi, VP Singh, Chandra Shekhar and Narasimha Rao.

Raman, who had worked in RAW for 26 years, provides rare insights into the functioning of the intelligence agency.

bdnews24.com/skc/ad/0054 hours
India wasn't architect of Bangladesh: former RAW deputy chief

Sumon K Chakrabarti

The former deputy chief of India's external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing, better known as RAW, says that India was not the architect of an independent Bangladesh. "India's role was more of a facilitator than a creator. It was a war jointly won by India and the people of East Pakistan," writes B Raman, one of India's best-known spies, in his new book. The Kaoboys of RAW," Raman's new book that has hit the stands this week, gives enormous credit to the people of the then East Pakistan for the creation of Bangladesh.

"Without the desire and the will of the people of Bangladesh, there would have been no Bangladesh. Their sacrifices for their cause were immense. How many were brutally killed by the Pakistan Army! "How many Bengali intellectuals were massacred by the Pakistan Army and by terrorist organisations such as Al Badr and Al Shams created by the ISI! It is their sacrifice which laid the foundation for an independent Bangladesh," writes Raman in the second chapter of his book.

"What India did under the leadership of Indira Gandhi was to make sure that their sacrifices were not in vain," he adds. The former intelligence agent claims that the on-ground support for the people of the then East Pakistan turned 1971 into a "dream situation for professional intelligence officers (of India )".

"Often, they did not have to go after intelligence. It came after them. There was such a total alienation of the people of East Pakistan," he writes. The book traverses through India's contemporary history—importantly the 1971 war, insurgency in the Northeast, Punjab and Kashmir, the emergency, the war in Afghanistan and how Indian intelligence functioned under several Indian prime ministers such as Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai, Rajiv Gandhi, VP Singh, Chandra Shekhar and Narasimha Rao.

Raman, who had worked in RAW for 26 years, provides rare insights into the functioning of the intelligence agency.

bdnews24.com/skc/ad/0054 hours

Did you forget the purpose of your life was to hate RAW?

or did you forget to read the article yourself?

All I see is that India worked wonders for you and your country dude
Well this a useless thread.

None of the arguments coming from the Indian pov is answered and what you see is never ending cpy pasting of articles from some websites. Is the author or thread started interested in any arguments/discussions/debates at all.
RAW accused of Sikh Genocide

Sikhs worldwide are blaming the Hindus and the Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), for the brutal murder of 39 innocent Sikhs in Indian occupied Kashmir.

A major joint protest by Sikhs and Kashmiris has also been planned in Washington and New York in front of the Indian embassy and consulate on Thursday to protest the killings which, according to a leading Sikh leader, "killed three birds for New Delhi with one stone".

Ganga Singh Dhillon, President of the Nankana Sahib Foundation of USA and Pakistan told Dawn on Thursday "it was a very simple and very frightening" Indian intelligence agency RAW's job as they tried to pitch Sikhs against Muslims, stopped Sikhs from visiting Panja Sahib in Pakistan on the Besakhi festival and highlighted the violence against Indians at the time of President Clinton's visit.

Not one Sikh has ever been touched by the Kashmiri freedom fighters in the last 12 years. It needs no brain surgeon to analyse that this is an Indian intelligence agencies job," Dhillon said.

Dhillon, who will be one of the leaders at the New York demonstration against India on Thursday, said Sikhs from all over the world were holding rallies and protests against the killing which had exposed the "Chankiya-neti" or the Hindu strategy against the Sikhs and the Muslims.

Khalistan Calling" the popular and regularly published Sikh newsletter from Vancouver in Canada said in its latest issue on Thursday "the finger prints and the usual stupidities of RAW were written all over the gruesome incident."

We have no doubt, and neither do our contacts in Kashmir, both Indian and Pakistani and in Punjab, Khalistan, that the RAW orchestrated this mass murder to initiate ethnic cleansing of the Sikhs in Kashmir for the following reasons," Khalistan Calling said.

It gave the reasons as: to impress the visiting US President Bill Clinton that Pakistan was behind senseless terrorist violence, to create ill-will between Sikhs and Muslims and to encourage the migration of Sikhs from Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir as they dominate the transport business.

RAW accused of Sikh Genocide

Sikhs worldwide are blaming the Hindus and the Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), for the brutal murder of 39 innocent Sikhs in Indian occupied Kashmir.

A major joint protest by Sikhs and Kashmiris has also been planned in Washington and New York in front of the Indian embassy and consulate on Thursday to protest the killings which, according to a leading Sikh leader, "killed three birds for New Delhi with one stone".

Ganga Singh Dhillon, President of the Nankana Sahib Foundation of USA and Pakistan told Dawn on Thursday "it was a very simple and very frightening" Indian intelligence agency RAW's job as they tried to pitch Sikhs against Muslims, stopped Sikhs from visiting Panja Sahib in Pakistan on the Besakhi festival and highlighted the violence against Indians at the time of President Clinton's visit.

Not one Sikh has ever been touched by the Kashmiri freedom fighters in the last 12 years. It needs no brain surgeon to analyse that this is an Indian intelligence agencies job," Dhillon said.

Dhillon, who will be one of the leaders at the New York demonstration against India on Thursday, said Sikhs from all over the world were holding rallies and protests against the killing which had exposed the "Chankiya-neti" or the Hindu strategy against the Sikhs and the Muslims.

Khalistan Calling" the popular and regularly published Sikh newsletter from Vancouver in Canada said in its latest issue on Thursday "the finger prints and the usual stupidities of RAW were written all over the gruesome incident."

We have no doubt, and neither do our contacts in Kashmir, both Indian and Pakistani and in Punjab, Khalistan, that the RAW orchestrated this mass murder to initiate ethnic cleansing of the Sikhs in Kashmir for the following reasons," Khalistan Calling said.

It gave the reasons as: to impress the visiting US President Bill Clinton that Pakistan was behind senseless terrorist violence, to create ill-will between Sikhs and Muslims and to encourage the migration of Sikhs from Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir as they dominate the transport business.


Dalitstan.org? Who's agenda is to divide India into separate countries on the basis of everything from religion to region to subcaste?

Khalistan Calling?:rofl:
India illegally intercepting Internet traffic

NEW DELHI: Indian intelligence agencies not only eavesdrop on
domestic telephone lines but have also been intercepting
international communication traffic passing through the SEA-ME-WE
submarine cable connecting Western Europe, the Middle East and South
East Asia, in violation of international laws. Set up in 2000, the
cable is the main source of connectivity for telephones and
broadband Internet services in the region. Major General VK Singh,
former head of the Research and Analysis Wing's (RAW) technical
cell, claims that the agency has procured interception-technology
from France. The equipment has been installed at the VSNL (India's
overseas communication service) gateway in Mumbai, he says.

Spilling the beans in his latest book "India's External
Intelligence: Secrets of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)," Gen
Singh says RAW, in its bid to emulate the US Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), has been unnecessarily tapping telephone traffic
between, for example, Germany and Japan.

Gen Singh also claims in his book that the CIA has repeatedly tried
to intrude on the Indian intelligence network over the past few
decades. He believes "honey traps" are one of the favourite
techniques employed by the CIA to hook Indians. As the latest case,
he cites a woman officer in the US Embassy, Rosanne Minchew's
involvement in breaching the security of the National Security
Council Secretariat (NSCS).

Gen Singh, who is the first officer to write a book on his former
organisation, says earlier accounts written by civilian Ashok Raina
in 1968, and reproduced by Fahmida Ashraf in Pakistan in 2004, were
highly inaccurate.

In his book he lends credence to reports that Indian commandos did
not storm the hijacked IC 814 aircraft in December 1999 when it
landed at Amritsar because a senior RAW official was onboard.
Quoting a report from Asianweek, he says the individual was Shashi
Bhushan Singh, a senior RAW undercover officer posted at the Indian
embassy in Kathmandu, and the brother-in-law of NK Singh, the most
senior bureaucrat at the time in Prime Minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee's office. The author also lashes out at the former NDA
government for going public with the famous interception of a
telephone conversation between Gen Pervez Musahrraf and his chief of
staff, Lt Gen Mohammad Aziz, to prove Pakistan's complicity in the
Kargil war. Gen Singh believes India may have won some brownie
points with the United States by going public with the intercepted
conversation, but it led to Pakistan immediately closing the
satellite link between Beijing and Islamabad, which RAW had been
tapping into for quite some time. "It is impossible to estimate the
value of intelligence that would have been obtained if the link had
continued to be used," he writes.

Demanding parliamentary oversight over intelligence agencies, Gen
Singh says lack of accountability is the most glaring shortcoming of
RAW. Incompetent leadership as well as mistrust are also eating into
the credibility of the organisation.

Since RAW officials are not answerable to any outside agency, many
officers treat themselves as being above the law, and in fact as a
law unto themselves, he adds.

"This sort of belief is often found in police and intelligence
agencies in totalitarian regimes, but appear out of place in a
democracy," writes the former chief of RAW's technical intelligence

RAW and Remote viewing

Most of us would know about these following institutions.
4.ISI-(pakistani intelligence agency)

I believe not many of would have heard of RAW (RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING) of India.

like the fore mentioned intelligence agencies, RAW is also accused of number of terrorising activities in and outside india.
well its upto you to go forth and finding out...

According to india daily......

RAW India's equivalent of CIA has advanced quite a bit in recent days. Sources close to New Delhi report that RAW is using advanced satellite technologies and remote viewing techniques to look into foreign intelligence activities within India. Remote viewing is the paranormal activities with psychics that can sense into the future and unknown. CIA in America has used remote viewing for many years. Many times remote viewing has worked very well for the CIA and the Russian intelligence.

Recent days India has seen a massive amount Pakistan's ISI agents arrested all over the country. The situation has gone so bad for Pakistan and Al-Queda that they are looking for reasons what is really happening. Taking clue from CIA, RAW Indian counterpart started remote viewing techniques many years back. They also tried to correlate the remote viewing readings with high tech feedbacks like satellite sensing and imaging. This is being further validated with the agents' report in the field. The net results for RAW and CBI (Central Bureau of Intelligence - equivalent of FBI) are astounding.

Sources say India has locked in close surveillance over most of foreign agencies within the country. RAW has recently expanded the efforts for strategic intelligence. This include spying over Pakistan, China and the Western nations.

The reason for the success is attributable to traditional Indian cultural richness in spirituality and paranormal activities.

The remote viewing activities are nothing new for India. Indians traditionally have been doing it for thousands of years. But now India is doing it for a reason.

Satellite technologies are also helping understand movement of Pakistan's ISI supported militants in South Asia. Sources close to RAW say Pakistan's ISI is more active in Bangladesh and North East India than Kashmir these days. In the field, the agents are confirming these information.

According to some remote viewers, Bangladesh has recently seen enormous amount of violence related to election. Pakistan's main goal is not Kashmir at this time. It is to hijack Bangladesh again and start a covert front on the east of India.

Remote viewing if applied in a wrong way can cause catastrophe and total embarrassment. An ideal example would be the WMD information in Iraq. Seventy-three thousand pages of secret documents have recently been declassified in the United States. The information unveiled the activity of two special groups that worked with extrasensory individuals. The CIA had to acknowledge that it used remote viewers and other individuals possessing paranormal abilities for intelligence purposes.

According to Pravda.Ru CIA's remote viewers initiated quest for WMD in Iraq. Obviously they were wrong at least based on what we know today.

CIA's remote viewing activities has been not all that failure.

"Psychic spy" Joseph McMoneagle also known as "remote viewing agent #001" was shown a spot on the map of the USSR, where the mysterious secret object was supposedly located, as CIA agents thought. McMoneagle put his finger on the map and described the image that he saw in his mind:

"It is a congregation of low stone and concrete buildings. A huge underground warehouse filled with lethal weapons, not only missiles. There are other square and round items there. I see a very high column of smoke, bearing some semblance to a huge lifting crane, rising above the area (it was most likely the smoke of a nuclear blast). The people inhabiting that place are sick. Their hair is receding, their bones are putrefying. They deliver sick children, and they are still obsessed with some idea."

It was quite an eloquent description for secret agents to understand, what kind of an object was located in Semipalatinsk (which is now a town in the republic of Kazakhstan). Then CIA Director Richard Helms moved the paranormal espionage from the category "Research" to the category "Practice." Joseph McMoneagle's success as a remote viewer increased the funding of such unusual activities, not to mention the improved moral aspect. The US authorities spent about $2 million a year on a rather small group of 20 extrasensory individuals in the 1990s.

Other achievements of American psychic agents include: factories making weapons of mass destruction in third world countries, including Iraq (it is not ruled out that the information about WMD in Iraq sprang from remote viewers.) Extrasensory intelligence officers also developed certain recommendations to recruit CIA agents and rendered some other services too.

India's achievement in remote viewing and use of advanced technologies is remarkable in recent days. According to some international experts what really worked for India is not just remote viewing but the availability of the field agents who could confirm the clues from the remote viewers.

RAW and Remote viewing :: The Remote Viewer :: To Educate, Empower & Enrich

What is all this paranormal-remote viewing crap?:undecided:
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