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RAW: India's External Intelligence Agency



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Author: Jayshree Bajoria

November 7, 2008


India's external intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), has long faced allegations of meddling in its neighbors' affairs. Founded in 1968, primarily to counter China's influence, over time it has shifted its focus to India's other traditional rival, Pakistan. RAW and Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), have been engaged in covert operations against one other for over three decades. The ongoing dispute in Kashmir continues to fuel these clashes, but experts say Afghanistan may be emerging as the new battleground. Islamabad sees India's growing diplomatic initiatives in Afghanistan as a cover for RAW agents working to destabilize Pakistan. It accuses RAW of training and arming separatists in Pakistan's Balochistan Province along the Afghan border. RAW denies these charges, and in turn, accuses the ISI of the July 2008 bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul.

The History of RAW

Until 1968, the Intelligence Bureau (IB), which is responsible for India's internal intelligence, also handled external intelligence. But after India's miserable performance in a 1962 border war with China, the need for a separate external intelligence agency was clear. During that conflict, "our intelligence failed to detect Chinese build up for the attack," writes Maj. Gen. VK Singh, a retired army officer who did a stint in RAW, in his 2007 book, India's External Intelligence: Secrets of Research and Analysis Wing.

As a result, India established a dedicated external intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). Founded mainly to focus on China and Pakistan, over the last forty years the organization has expanded its mandate and is credited with greatly increasing India's influence abroad. Experts say RAW's powers and its role in India's foreign policy have varied under different prime ministers. Successes that RAW claims it contributed to include:

*the creation of Bangladesh in 1971;
*India's growing influence in Afghanistan;
*Sikkim's accession to India in the northeast in 1975;
*the security of India's nuclear program;
*the success of African liberation movements during the Cold War.

The first head of RAW, Rameshwar Nath Kao, who headed the IB's external intelligence division, led the agency until he retired in 1977. Many experts, including officers who worked with him, credit him with RAW's initial successes: India's triumph in the 1971 war with Pakistan, and India's covert assistance to the African National Congress's anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. "To a large extent, it was Kao who raised RAW to the level of India's premier intelligence agency, with agents in virtually every major embassy and high commission," writes Singh. But the organization has been criticized for its lack of coordination with domestic intelligence and security agencies, weak analytical capabilities, and complete lack of transparency.

The Structure and Function of RAW

Not much is known regarding the structure of RAW, say experts. The organization started with 250 people and about $400,000. It has since expanded to several thousand personnel, but there is no clear estimate of its staffing or budget, as both remain secret. However, an estimate by the U.S.-based Federation of American Scientists suggests that in 2000, RAW had about eight to ten thousand agents and a budget that experts place at $145 million. Unlike the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or Britain's MI6, RAW reports directly to the prime minister instead of the Ministry of Defense. The chief of RAW is designated secretary (research) in the Cabinet Secretariat, which is part of the prime minister's office. Some officers of RAW are members of a specialized service, the Research and Analysis Service, but several officers also serve on deputation from other services such as the Indian Police Service.

RAW had two priorities after its formation, writes B. Raman, a former RAW official, in the 2007 book ,The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane. The organization worked to strengthen its capability for intelligence gathering on Pakistan and China and for covert action in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Some experts say that RAW's efforts in East Pakistan, which was created from the partition of the Indian state of Bengal and completely separated from the rest of Pakistan, was aimed at fomenting independence sentiment. Over time, RAW's objectives have broadened to include:

Monitoring the political and military developments in adjoining countries, which have direct bearing on India's national security and in the formulation of its foreign policy.

Seeking the control and limitation of the supply of military hardware to Pakistan, mostly from European countries, the United States, and China.
Experts disagree on the amount of influence RAW asserts on India's foreign policy. Sumit Ganguly, a professor of political science at Indiana University, says the agency has no influence on foreign policy. However, Dipankar Banerjee, a retired army official and current director of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, a New Delhi-based think tank, says the head of RAW has direct access to the head of state, to whom he provides input and analysis.

From the early days, RAW had a secret liaison relationship with the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency. The main purpose was to benefit from Israel's knowledge of West Asia and North Africa, and to learn from its counterterrorism techniques, say experts.

RAW's Role in Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka

RAW played a significant role in the formation of Bangladesh along with the Indian army and other Indian security and intelligence agencies. Besides providing intelligence to policymakers and the army, RAW trained and armed Mukti Bahini, a group of East Pakistanis fighting for the separate state of Bangladesh. Analysts say that RAW also facilitated the northeastern state of Sikkim's accession to India in 1975, and provided military assistance to groups hostile to the pro-China regime in Myanmar, such as the Kachin Independence Army.

But it was the support for the Tamil separatist group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka, that brought RAW much criticism from human rights organizations. RAW helped to train and arm the LTTE in the 1970s, but after the group's terrorist activities grew in the 1980s-including its alliances with separatist groups in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu-RAW withdrew this support. In 1987, New Delhi made a pact with the Sri Lankan government to send peacekeeping troops to the island and Indian forces ended up fighting the group RAW had armed. In 1991, Rajiv Gandhi, prime minister of India at the time of the peacekeeping force deployment, was assassinated by an LTTE suicide bomber.

Covert Action in Afghanistan, Pakistan

Since its inception in 1968, RAW has had a close liaison relationship with KHAD, the Afghan intelligence agency, due to the intelligence it has provided RAW on Pakistan. This relationship was further strengthened in the early 1980s when the foundation was laid for a trilateral cooperation involving the RAW, KHAD, and the Soviet KGB. Raman says RAW valued KHAD's cooperation for monitoring the activities of Sikh militants in Pakistan's tribal areas. Sikhs in the Indian state of Punjab were demanding an independent state of Khalistan. According to Raman, Pakistan's ISI set up clandestine camps for training and arming Khalistani recruits in Pakistan's Punjab Province and North West Frontier Province. During this time, the ISI received large sums from Saudi Arabia and the CIA for arming the Afghan mujahadeen against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. "The ISI diverted part of these funds and arms and ammunition to the Khalistani terrorists," alleges Raman.

In retaliation, in the mid-1980s, RAW set up two covert groups of its own, Counter Intelligence Team-X (CIT-X) and Counter Intelligence Team-J (CIT-J), the first targeting Pakistan in general and the second directed at Khalistani groups. The two groups were responsible for carrying out terrorist operations inside Pakistan (Newsline), writes Pakistani military expert Ayesha Siddiqa. Indian journalist and associate editor of Frontline magazine, Praveen Swami, writes that a "low-grade but steady campaign of bombings in major Pakistani cities, notably Karachi and Lahore" was carried out. This forced the head of ISI to meet his counterpart in RAW and agree on the rules of engagement as far as Punjab was concerned, writes Siddiqa. The negotiation was brokered by then-Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan bin-Talal, whose wife, Princess Sarvath, is of Pakistani origin. "It was agreed that Pakistan would not carry out activities in the Punjab as long as RAW refrained from creating mayhem and violence inside Pakistan," Siddiqa writes.

In the past, Pakistan also accused RAW of supporting Sindhi nationalists demanding a separate state, as well as Seraikis calling for a partition of Pakistan's Punjab to create a separate Seraiki state. India denies these charges. However, experts point out that India has supported insurgents in Pakistan's Balochistan, as well as anti-Pakistan forces in Afghanistan. But some experts say India no longer does this. As this Backgrounder explains, Pakistan is suspicious of India's influence in Afghanistan, which it views as a threat to its own interests in the region. Experts say although it is very likely that India has active intelligence gathering in Afghanistan, it is difficult to say whether it is also involved in covert operations.

Relations with the CIA

The CIA assisted in the creation of RAW, says South Asia expert Stephen P. Cohen of the Brookings Institution. However, India's intelligence relations with the CIA started even before the existence of RAW, note experts. After India's war with China in 1962, CIA instructors trained Establishment 22, a "covert organisation raised from among Tibetan refugees in India, to execute deep-penetration terror operations in China," writes Swami.

But the CIA's operations with the ISI to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s made RAW very wary. However, it did not stop RAW from seeking the CIA's assistance in counterterrorism training. Raman writes: "One had one more bizarre example of how international intelligence cooperation works." The CIA trained the officers of the ISI in the use of terrorism against an adversary, and at the same time, he writes, it trained RAW and IB officers "in some of the techniques of countering that terrorism." India's intelligence agencies also feel the lack of an equal relationship with the CIA, say experts. Swami says RAW's grievance is that there is little information they get on Pakistan from the United States; however, Washington expects New Delhi to provide it with intelligence on Afghanistan.

In 1997, Prime Minister I.K. Gujral shut down both the CITs aimed at Pakistan on moral grounds. Before Gujral, Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao had ended RAW's eastern operations in the early 1990s, as part of his efforts to build bridges with China and Myanmar, say analysts.

Successive RAW leaders attempted to gain fresh authorization for deterrent covert operations, but without success, says Swami. Siddiqa writes: "The Indian government probably realized that encouraging covert warfare would not only destabilize bilateral relations but was also dangerous for the peace and stability of the entire region."

Weaknesses in RAW

The intrusion of Pakistan-backed armed forces into the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir (GlobalSecurity) in 1999 prompted questions about RAW's efficacy. Some analysts saw the conflict as an intelligence failure. However, RAW officials argued they had provided the intelligence but political leadership had failed to act upon it. The Indian government constituted a committee to look into the reasons for the failure and recommend remedial measures. The report of the Kargil review committee was then examined by a group of ministers, established in 2000. The group recommended a formal written charter and pointed out lack of coordination and communication within various intelligence agencies.

Following the review, a new organization was set up-the National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)-modeled on the U.S. National Security Agency-which would be the repository of the nation's technical intelligence-spy satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and spy planes. The government also decided to create a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), whose head would be the adviser to the Chief of Staffs Committee and the defense minister. The DIA was empowered to conduct transborder operations.

However, the shakeup of the intelligence apparatus has not removed the problems that persisted, especially relating to the overlap of agency activities, say experts. Earlier, RAW was the only organization permitted to conduct espionage operations abroad. Now both the IB and DIA have also been given the authority to conduct such operations, writes Singh.

There have also been occasional media reports of penetration inside RAW by other agencies, in particular the CIA. Swami writes that RAW is exceptional amongst major spy agencies in maintaining no permanent distinction (Hindu) between covert operatives who execute secret tasks, and personnel who must liaise with services such as the CIA or public bodies, such as analysts and area specialists. "As a result, personnel with sensitive operational information are exposed to potentially compromising contacts," he writes.
Interesting. I did not know a lot of this, Neo. Thanks
Interesting, but hard to believe some of it. The so-called agreement between ISI and RAW brokered by the Jordanian prince sounds like fiction. Has Siddiqa's account been corroborated by any other sources?

Punjab was a cauldron for a decade since '85 and remained so till Ribeiro's men decapitated the leadership of groups like BTF, KCF, KLA, etc, snuffing out the insurgency by '95. With so many Sikh insurgent groups operating, ISI had no need to deploy its own people there. They just had to train, arm and fund these Sikh groups who did the dirty work. What's the point in RAW and ISI negotiating an "agreement" when the Sikh insurgents would simply ignore it and continue their agenda?
this should be a sticky thread.so everyone can now about it. for those who talk only about ISI
CIA-RAW Mission -Tarnishing Pakistan-destroying the ISI

CIA Mission -Tarnishing the Image of ISI By Zaheerul Hassan: Since couple of months, some of Western electronic and print particularly Americans media jumped into the support of self-generated cold war of notorious Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) against Pakistani Intelligence Agency (ISI). As usually its allied agencies, RAW, Khad and Mossad are assisting the US intelligence agency covertly in the completion of their agenda of destabilizing this region. The malicious operating roles of the revealed agencies against Pakistan, China, Russia, Bangladesh, Iran, Middle East countries and Sri Lanka are totally now an open secret game because of their common interests of containing the emerging super power like Russia and China to get hold of the future markets. Washington-led block believes that their political economic goals can only be achieved through targeting the opponents’ intelligence agencies, launching puppet governments of their own choice, destroying important institutions, assassinating popular political leadership and creating unrest and destabilization in the developing countries particularly in Asia .

The psychological war between KGB and CIA was remained on the top till disintegration of the former Russia after the World War II. Similarly, US in collaboration with Raw and Mossad are engaged in disturbance creation plan in like China and Arab countries. In the recent past, Raw with the help of her master agency CIA staged a plot of sabotaging Beijing Olympic Games through of Dalai Lama movement which was a simplest example of nefarious activities in this region being undertaking by her.

The European intelligence agencies led by CIA now-a-days have started tarnishing the image of ISI just to cover their failure in Iraq and Afghanistan. The responsibility of every unsuccessful action like deteriorating law and order situation in Afghanistan are being put on the shoulder of ISI so as to conceal their own clandestine activities. On, July 31 and August 1, The New York Times levelled the series of allegations while quoting CIA Deputy Director Stephen Kappes visit of Pakistan, in which he confronted to Pakistani officials on the evidence of ties between ISI and the militants in the tribal areas—aiding in bombing of Indian embassy in Kabul on July 7. Instead of taking confidence building measures, President Bush too contended with Prime Minister Gilani about the “divided loyalties of ISI.” Next day, Washington Times and American electronic media too repeated these baseless allegations. PM Gilani rejected these accusations as “unbelievable” in
relation to any links between Pakistan’s ISI and the militants. Pakistan Army spokesman and foreign minister also declared these allegations as rubbish. Basically all this have been done intentionally by American officials just to pressurize Pakistani Prime Minister during his talk with Bush.

Basically, Washington, New Delhi and Tel Aviv are launching covert and overt operations through their secret agencies in China, Russia and other countries of the region. In the 1980s, Larry Wu-Tai Chin (Jin Wudai), a translator for the CIA’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service, was arrested and charged with espionage in China. He had been recruited as US officer in 1944 while stationed in China, who remained invisible for four decades. In 2003, Chinese-American Federal Bureau of Investigation employee and Republican Party fund raiser Katrina Leung was arrested and accused of being a double agent for both the FBI and the Chinese government, although she was acquitted of charges of copying classified information, and convicted only of tax charges and of lying to the FBI. The charging of Katrina is also revealing one more fact, which is causing harassment for the completion of unlawful tasks of CIA.

The missions of ISI and Chinese Security agencies since their inception are very common and simple, the security of their respective states through effective measures against enemy agents, spies, and counter-revolutionary activities designed to sabotage or overthrow. But on the other hand, the missions of CIA and its allied agencies include achieving their aims of protecting their interests through destruction, destabilization and over throwing undesired rulers of other countries. According to the available information’s on websites, The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act of 1947[1][2] (PL 235 - 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402) by President Harry S. Truman.

The Act was amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). Somehow this agency in general masses is known as a powerful central state of America.

The National Security Act charged the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) with coordinating the nation’s intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence which affects national security … The CIA is an independent agency, responsible to the President through the DCI, and accountable to the American people through the intelligence oversight committees of the U.S. Congress but working of this agency is quite different from that which a layman thinks or know that CIA even doesn’t spare her own political leadership. Actually, it is on record that CIA itself promoted terrorism in the world because Bin Laden, Amil Kancy and many others even some of main activists operating in FATA are her products . In this context, Ramzi Yousaf who was well-aware of the activities of the American secret agencies had stated in the US court in 1997, “You are butchers, liars, and hypocrites. You keep on talking about terrorism to the
media, but behind closed doors you support terrorism.” His statement about the CIA activities is absolutely right by which world came to know their dealing with prisoner of war.

In the recent past, an officially declassified document of the CIA had revealed that during the Cold War era, the agency had tried to kill the Cuban President Fidel Castro. US journalist Ron Suskind unfolded some of CIA actions in his book, “The Way of the World” regarding taping of Benazir Bhutoo conversation with Musharraf. These tapes may be wrong or right but fact is there that it’s a very normal activity and condemnable action in the part of American agency. In fact, assassination of Edi Ameen of Uganda, murder of Kennedy , efforts of toppling over of present Iran government , hanging Sadam , execution of Bhutto in Zia’s regime and killing Shah Faisal through his nephew somehow suspected to be undertaken or launched by CIA. The inhuman acts with prisoners in Guananamo Bay are being condemnd world over. The current case of Dr. Aafia Siddique by so called civilized country (US) is again a big question mark for sleeping NGO dealing with Human
Rights. Reportedly, she along with her innocent kids have been picked by CIA in 2003, taken to Afghanistan and transported to America. Print and electronic media of Pakistan and western countries have reported that she have been fired, tortured physically and mentally. Government must provide her legal support to rescue from the case.

Similarly, Raw in Kashmir, Mossad in Palestine and Khad are playing with the innocent individuals, women and children by to pressurizing—creating harassment through rape and killing to fulfill there own interests .
Unfortunately some of leaders unintentionally, play in the hands of anti -Pakistan agencies and start doing those actions which directly give the benefits to our opponents. The latest example of issuance of a notification on July 26 last month by some officials to bring ISI under the control of the interior ministry and later on withdrawing the same in no time on the occasion of the recent trip of Pakistan’s PM Gilani to the US exposes an international plot against the ISI .The role of ISI in relation to country’s security is undoubtedly very important. The agency works in and outside the boundary to guard and protect the interests of our own nation which can never be taken as positive by the anti- Pakistan elements. While, US and its allied agenda is to compromise ISI, degrade the image of Pakistan Army in the masses, destabilize Pakistan, and then go for nuclear assets of the lonely Islamic state. Thus issuing of notification regarding ISI might be
unsuccessful move of creating rifts amongst newly elected government and ISI.

Concluding the discussion, I must say that CIA and its allied agencies are on the mission to fulfill their agenda by tarnishing the image of ISI but indirectly they are causing damage to the war against terror. Pakistan’s political leadership must take step to guard against the potent threat to the country’s security. US think-tanks must ask their leadership to curtail the activities of CIA if they want to go for real peace in the world.

CIA-RAW Mission -Tarnishing Pakistan-destroying the ISI - World Politics - Zimbio
Author: Jayshree Bajoria


Hi Neo,
As I always tell my colleagues, who like to discuss these things, that we are not a holy nation and that RAW does engage in dirty work just like ISI does, just like any intelligence agency of any country would.

Having said that, I think these are just opinions, not facts. Some of it could be facts and some of it not. Frankly the bit that did give me a smile, :) not a smug but a genuine smile, was the bit on the information the lady took from Federation of American Scientists. Three points on that,

1.) No one knows the truth about such agencies. So one never knows what is the degree of deviation from the facts when such opinions are aired.

2.) She quotes from American figures on these matters. I would rather take the word of an ISI insider about RAW's work than any American think tank. I am not playing them down. What I mean is for KGB I would have taken the word of an American think tank. RAW and ISI are way too small compared to CIA and KGB.

3.) She quotes Federation of American scientists (I just don't seem to get over it :) ). That is the last source of information I would look for.

So all I want to say is that this is just a collection of opinions, true or false, we may never know.

I am so fascinated by this guy - communist ....

U are just gr8. can u tell me how u dig up year old articles.... or is it like u keep an inventory of articles of nonsense authors with no credibility ....

U are filled with tremendous hatred for India and let me tell u if people like u (and extremist in India ) continue to be same then its very hard to establish peace and friendship ...

dnt spread hatred if u cant spread love...
I am so fascinated by this guy - communist ....

U are just gr8. can u tell me how u dig up year old articles.... or is it like u keep an inventory of articles of nonsense authors with no credibility ....

U are filled with tremendous hatred for India and let me tell u if people like u (and extremist in India ) continue to be same then its very hard to establish peace and friendship ...

dnt spread hatred if u cant spread love...

Such words as peace, love, friendship may sound very high, great but in reality, such sentiments do not work when the question of a nation's survival comes. One Indian may talk about love, friendship and peace, very good, but can that person tell us why India formulated its nuclear program, why it is making such lethal mass-killing weapons, missiles, tanks, why it has formed such a large number of army, why all the fighters and missiles have been made keeping Pakistan and China in mind? Why the existence of RAW? Why air force, navy, army and commandos? Why it has not given freedom to the Kashmiris? Why it has not given freedom to the north eastern states who do not want to stay with India? Why the dams on the rivers of Kashmir to block the natural flow of water to Pakistan?

Yes, I can post some Bollywood pyar mobabbat ishq type love songs, but it is a defence forum and here, please do not expect any love story. For that other forums are there on the internet.
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Such words as peace, love, friendship may sound very high, great but in reality, such sentiments do not work when the question of a nation's survival comes. One Indian may talk about love, friendship and peace, very good, but can that person tell us why India formulated its nuclear program, why it is making such lethal mass-killing weapons, missiles, tanks, why it has formed such a large number of army, why all the fighters and missiles have been made keeping Pakistan and China in mind? Why the existence of RAW? Why air force, navy, army and commandos? Why it has not given freedom to the Kashmiris? Why it has not given freedom to the north eastern states who do not want to stay with India? Why the dams on the rivers of Kashmir to block the natural flow of water to Pakistan?

Yes, I can post some Bollywood pyar mobabbat ishq type love songs, but it is a defence forum and here, please do not expect any love story. For that other forums are there on the internet.

Very nicely asked, indeed. Indian love, friendship are equivalent to its deceiving efforts and its non-stop purchase of lethal military hardwares are show off forces. The grand strategy is known as 'DECEPTION & FORCE'. IND has been applying it since long and had succeeded in creating BD but if people get informed/educated more and more then they can put cap on it to thwart evil Hindutavya.
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