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RAW: Destabilizing South Asia

Soon Pakistan will be working to 'dismantle' RAW, the terrorist organistaion, which once again, recently got clearly exposed in the case of samjhota express.
In term of success i could not tell you, but if you remember about three to four months ago there was a preassure from the US to put the ISI under civil gov't authority.
That preassure was mounted by India and US. Mind you it was a success for one day. My point is though they are trying, only future can tell how successful they will be.

What happened after one successful day?:pop:
As for dismantling ISI, something else happened recently if you remember a very kind lady known as Madhuri Gupta. For rest of the story, please click below:

India's low intelligence quotient - India - The Times of India

Widening cracks within Indian RAW

Pakistani spy network infiltrates Indian RAW Pakistan Ledger
I guess this should explain you why our Indian friends hate the ISI :D.

yes there r more indians who hate ISI than paks who hate india.........number of paks hating RAW reduced drastically after 1971(propably half);)..............RAW has caused more damage to pak than ISI to india...........ISI may hav a good history of carrying out covert terrorist operations,but splitting a country into two is a different ball game.
yes there r more indians who hate ISI than paks who hate india.........number of paks hating RAW reduced drastically after 1971(propably half);)RAW has caused more damage to pak than ISI to india...........ISI may hav a good history of carrying out covert terrorist operations,but splitting a country into two is a different ball game.

Yeah Number of Pakistanis decreased and number of Bengalis hating RAW increased. That's an achievement.:victory:
There were many factors involved that resulted in the creation of Bangladesh just like there were many reasons for the creation of Pakistan. RAW can't be credited for Bangladesh creation totally. :P
PS. All intelligence agencies are rouge by nature. Their successes are unknown but their failures are known.
I can tell you how much success the Indians had, its 0%. If only something the Indians did was to make ISI even more popular among ordinary Pakistanis. India can try whatever it wants but there is no possible way they can dismantle ISI, i am being realistic here.

Well i dont know hw u agreed at that 0% figure.
As for the achievements of RAW,our friends Idune,MBI Munshi,Al-Zakir all can vouch for that. :rofl:

But seriously these days after every attack on Indian assests be it Mumbai,Afghanistan etc dont u see a weeks full of suicide bombings in Pakistan.?? Dont u see the correlation in it..?

If wat i think is correct RAW has finally woken up from the slumber which it was put thru during the Gujral period when it was forced to dismantle its assets in Pakistan.
well said sir :cheers:

Its same the other way round...how come you came to the conclusion that Indians have more of an ISI phobia than our people in our neighborhood.. Even otherwise...there are more anti RAW,CIA,MOSSAD articles over here than there are ISI...

edit: I did not check the date of that post...why was an 1 year old thread revived >
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RAW works at such a low level, and without any moral calibre. The types of activities RAW has committed against neighbooring countries, internationally and even against its own citizens within india is what sets it apart. It is not a professional organization, but rather a state backed petty terrorist organization that has mastered the art of creating Suicide bombers and exporting them all around the world (Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan).

The irony is, that RAW is getting itself intangled into things that it will not be able to handle in the longterm, and all these problems that it has created globally, will all come marching back to india and pay their dues ten fold. Lets face it, india is a country with an infinite number of ''soft targets'', the amount of damage and chaos that can be done in india using the RAW's own low level/low moral tactics will create unimaginable chaos and destruction.

The world community is also becoming aware of RAW involvement in terrorist activities and many of the ISAF commanders have recently voiced their concerns about the presence of Indian weoponry, tactical manuals and financial aid in the hands of the TTP.

Interestingly, I dont think indians themselves fully realize the extent of the monster they have in their midst, and the damage RAW is doing to indians. It seems indians dont have the courage or ability to question them. Or maybe its easier for them to turn a blind eye and always point the blame at others in even unplausible situations. Call it a mass dilutional effect. Rather than turn a blind eye, indians should actively question as well as protest the activities of RAW and expose them for who they truly are, a band of terrorist with no moral discipline, maiming and killing innocent people all around the region, wether it be via terrorists in Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh or within India itself.
RAW works at such a low level, and without any moral calibre. The types of activities RAW has committed against neighbooring countries, internationally and even against its own citizens within india is what sets it apart. It is not a professional organization, but rather a state backed petty terrorist organization that has mastered the art of creating Suicide bombers and exporting them all around the world (Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan).

The irony is, that RAW is getting itself intangled into things that it will not be able to handle in the longterm, and all these problems that it has created globally, will all come marching back to india and pay their dues ten fold. Lets face it, india is a country with an infinite number of ''soft targets'', the amount of damage and chaos that can be done in india using the RAW's own low level/low moral tactics will create unimaginable chaos and destruction.

The world community is also becoming aware of RAW involvement in terrorist activities and many of the ISAF commanders have recently voiced their concerns about the presence of Indian weoponry, tactical manuals and financial aid in the hands of the TTP.

Interestingly, I dont think indians themselves fully realize the extent of the monster they have in their midst, and the damage RAW is doing to indians. It seems indians dont have the courage or ability to question them. Or maybe its easier for them to turn a blind eye and always point the blame at others in even unplausible situations. Call it a mass dilutional effect. Rather than turn a blind eye, indians should actively question as well as protest the activities of RAW and expose them for who they truly are, a band of terrorist with no moral discipline, maiming and killing innocent people all around the region, wether it be via terrorists in Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh or within India itself.

At the end of the day if India grows on the back of a monster we dont care.

what ever you say if true please back ur claim with a source:D
Dont have one then RAW guys are genius.:lol:
Ask a common ramlal sharma from mumbai he wont be able to tell you what RAW is. Ramlal Sharma's son will probably tell you that RAW is WWF smackdown event. Nothing more.

Ask a common abdul from lahor he will tell you how RAW is causing earthquake in pakistan and secretly conspire with Mossad/ blackwater/ KGB/ WHO etc to destabilise pakistan, funding TTP and bla etc. SUch misinformation is forcefeeded and hammered into common abduls mind since decades.
Ask a common ramlal sharma from mumbai he wont be able to tell you what RAW is.

Ask a common abdul from lahor he will tell you how RAW is causing earthquake in pakistan and secretly conspire with Mossad/ blackwater/ KGB/ WHO etc to destabilise pakistan.

This tell you how well informed our nation is about current affairs and incidents happening around us... we search alot and do not follow blindly what media says .... :cheers:
This tell you how well informed our nation is about current affairs and incidents happening around us... we search alot and do not follow blindly what media says .... :cheers:

I would prefer mis-informed instead of well informed.
This tell you how well informed our nation is about current affairs and incidents happening around us... we search alot and do not follow blindly what media says .... :cheers:

The Ramlal Sharma though will be knowing what caused fukushima and which reactor is leaking and what is the cause and what is been done. He will simply not believe in propaganda. He simply does not know what RAW is. Hell before coming on this forum even I did not know what RAW is. And mind you I am an engineering graduate. Well aware of current happenings and recent updates.

But you have to salute RAW for maintaning such an amazing low profile in India.

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