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RAW Agents Target NATO Forces

Well every effort is to pull india down to the mess that pakistan is in now. But i guess mere rehtoric is not enough for the world powers and they know where india stands and where pakistan stands. However for a person with yellow fever all things look yellow.. this is a classic case of that.

And more importantly india wont risk the friendship of usa by doing something stuipd like this.
the chemical match of bomb blast in Lahore was 100% match with the dynamite used by an Indian construction company -
Dynamite is a commodity. It would be like claiming the U.S. supports the Taliban because the bread they eat is made from American wheat. So I say again, it could be Martians just as easily as it could be Indians!

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Doesn't matter if the voices of those who aren't fooled are quashed, does it?

If ISI was written everywhere instead of RAW, i am sure you wud have the opposite reaction-
Doubt it.
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