OrionHunter , human beings tend to see human faces on objects... if not human faces then some recognizable thing...
Here is a collection of BBC readers showing their objects with faces...
BBC News - Readers' photos of faces glimpsed in things
A recent Magazine article looked into the phenomenon of pareidolia - where people see faces in inanimate objects.
In response to the piece, readers have been sending their own examples of faces glimpsed in the landscape, in objects and even in food left-overs. Here is a selection of some of the best:
1. Patrick Allen took the picture above of his daughter Daisy on holiday - he says: "Venice is full of faces in strange places. None more so than the combined letter-box/door-bell 'faces' that can be found outside many houses."
2. 2. A face in my salad. Davina
3. 3. We found this image of the face of a little elf in our wooden floorboards. Molly Edbrooke
4. Tomato grown in summer 2012. Andrea Hatley
5. Found this on Google Maps. The face is situated near the village of Eversley on the Hants/Berks border. Gary Slade
6. I spotted this in Warkworth, Northumberland in April this year. Amanda Cockburn
7. It's a sad omelette... which I ate. Does that make me a bad person? Its mood didn't appear to spoil the taste in any way, although I guess my feeling of guilt may have tainted the whole meal a little. Mike Jones