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Rapping for freedom and the end of communism in Vietnam

I'm shock at the lack of critical thinking skills in this thread. Sometime I'm not sure whether people are just trolling or they actually seriously lack intelligence.

For the Indonesians and Thai members who are trying to egg on Viet Nam for getting closer to the US, you do realize that the US has a much much closer relationship with Indonesia and Thailand?? lol. Although I will admit that US-Thai relationship is getting cold. But for the Indonesian members, don't you see the irony?

As for the comments about the Vietnamese people allowing/welcoming the US to start a color revolution and topple the VCP, you do realize that it is the VCP who are welcoming the US? Anywhere from the most powerful figure (PM), to the VCP figurehead (Secretary General) have or will be visiting the US. So how could you spin it as some third party people inviting the US to topple the VCP when it is actually the VCP who are welcoming the US? lol. Where's your critical thinking skills' at?

For the Chinese members in this thread who are making fun of Viet Nam for warming up to the US. You are also lacking critical thinking skills because you don't realize you are a kettle calling the pot black. Only one picture is needed to explain this:


If you guys troll, at least use some critical thinking skills first.
You Viets are blight upon the Earth with your expansionist agenda. China can boss other countries around because we are the Middle Kingdom. You are just some barbarian deeply jealous of China's rise. Now everybody in ASEAN knows Vietnam's evil plans to conquer ASEAN. Cambodia is already moving to contain you. Thailand also wishes to see Vietnam get taught a lesson. Everybody sees through your tricks.

China will happily watch your country fall into civil war and this time we make sure the war will never end. ASEAN will be safe once more.​
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You Viets are blight upon the Earth with your expansionist agenda. China can boss other countries around because we are the Middle Kingdom. You are just some barbarian deeply jealous of China's rise. Now everybody in ASEAN knows Vietnam's evil plans to conquer ASEAN. Cambodia is already moving to contain you. Thailand also wishes to see Vietnam get taught a lesson. Everybody sees through your tricks.

China will happily watch your country fall into civil war and this time we make sure the war will never end. ASEAN will be safe once more.​
do what you like...piss in your pants or jump off the window. I don´t care :D
I don't think the US would support a colour revolution in Vietnam as nobody knows who would come to power as a result. They will probably just put pressure on the government to reform.

You misunderstand me. I never say anything related to US and Vietnam relations. You can go back and read what i wrote. I just LOL the idea that the articl' s VN. war 2 is a reciprocal of VN war 1.
Do you think that since last year's coup Thailand is moving away from the US towards the Russia/China camp?
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I'm shock at the lack of critical thinking skills in this thread. Sometime I'm not sure whether people are just trolling or they actually seriously lack intelligence.

For the Indonesians and Thai members who are trying to egg on Viet Nam for getting closer to the US, you do realize that the US has a much much closer relationship with Indonesia and Thailand?? lol. Although I will admit that US-Thai relationship is getting cold. But for the Indonesian members, don't you see the irony?

As for the comments about the Vietnamese people allowing/welcoming the US to start a color revolution and topple the VCP, you do realize that it is the VCP who are welcoming the US? Anywhere from the most powerful figure (PM), to the VCP figurehead (Secretary General) have or will be visiting the US. So how could you spin it as some third party people inviting the US to topple the VCP when it is actually the VCP who are welcoming the US? lol. Where's your critical thinking skills' at?

For the Chinese members in this thread who are making fun of Viet Nam for warming up to the US. You are also lacking critical thinking skills because you don't realize you are a kettle calling the pot black. Only one picture is needed to explain this:


If you guys troll, at least use some critical thinking skills first.

A foto speak nothing, check following one:
I don't think the US would support a colour revolution in Vietnam as nobody knows who would come to power as a result. They will probably just put pressure on the government to reform.

Do you think that since last year's coup Thailand is moving away from the US towards the Russia/China camp?

Here is only my own opinion.
I think Thai- US colder relations is real. US newly appointed ambassador to Thailand is former ambassador to North Korea. This person must be very important and veterans on conflict. He cannot be put to the easy relationship job. This show how US view Thailand.
Thai people always remember that US help us after WW 2. We were not treated as bad as other WW 2 losers-and cold war.
We love USA who brings economy, culture, and science.
For relationship with China and Russia, Thai people always be a good host for guesses. I do understand competition between great powers. We wish to be friends to everyone and be foe to no one, as we are Bhuddist peaceful country.
Good to see Vietnam political collapse. Since they are already enemies of China, we should help them kill each other. Reduce Vietnam population to 10% of present level from war, starvation and disease. Then China attack and force them to live in the jungle as indigenous tribals. Chinese will settle in the agricultural lands.

Are you a real Chinese ?

There is no limit to Viet stupidity. You are going to ally with your agent orange daddy to overthrow your government to realize your delusional fantasy of conquering Southeast Asia. You are desperately jealous and afraid of China despite your hostility. China rises and you hope to rise too! That is why China will crush you like a bug until only a gooey smear is left on the floor. You are a threat to Asian peace and prosperity similar to Imperial Japan except they are much smarter and powerful than you.

Yes, Viet always dream of unifying the Indo-China, even coveted Guangxi province of China, I remember during the war with China at the end of 1970's there is a slogan in Viet army that said : Occupy Nanning to spend the Spring festival, Nanning is Capital city of Guangxi, it sounds crazy but Viet really believed they can make it because the Soviet big boss gave them tons of the latest weapons and Viet claimed that they are "the third military power of the world", that was really hilarious :woot:

Yep, even VN. Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap said:" if NVA confront wt US Army directly, we will be wiped out in just 2 hours". We kicked US out of VN mostly bcz our guerrilla tactic and our air defense system was so effective against US while most of our large-scale operations were lost.

Right, they should look at the mirror and laught at themselves first, US dont need to wait for 'color revolt' happen in Indones, if they want, they (US) can wiped Indones army in just 2 hours.

kid, how old are you ? you think US army ground force did not attack the North Viet because they afraid of your great guerrilla tactic ? have you ever heard the story of 17 degrees north latitude line ?
It is true indeed VCP has recently swing in favorite towards the CCP. I did inform most of you all but the vietnamese troll refused to believe it.

The VCP need to put up a show of defiant of giving speech and talk to let the vietnamese mass thinking they are still interested in taking paracel island back. Some war exercise with US to give good publicity.

The fact is VCP is more interested in increasing trade with China than taking action of claiming back those islets.

While CCP is more interested in increasing their presence in SCS by building military airfield and pier to allow warship docking. Enlarging all their underwater coral to bigger islands. :D
You misunderstand me. I never say anything related to US and Vietnam relations. You can go back and read what i wrote. I just LOL the idea that the articl' s VN. war 2 is a reciprocal of VN war 1.

Oh sorry I misunderstood you. Let me LOL at myself for misunderstanding you.

You Viets are blight upon the Earth with your expansionist agenda. China can boss other countries around because we are the Middle Kingdom. You are just some barbarian deeply jealous of China's rise. Now everybody in ASEAN knows Vietnam's evil plans to conquer ASEAN. Cambodia is already moving to contain you. Thailand also wishes to see Vietnam get taught a lesson. Everybody sees through your tricks.

China will happily watch your country fall into civil war and this time we make sure the war will never end. ASEAN will be safe once more.​

Everyone can see our tricks? Buddy we have lots of tricks, I don't think you have seen them all. Just wait and watch the show.


A foto speak nothing, check following one:
View attachment 218312

But what were they doing in both pictures? Shaking hands. So it's funny to see the sour grape comments from the Chinese members here commenting on the warmer VN-US ties.

I don't think the US would support a colour revolution in Vietnam as nobody knows who would come to power as a result. They will probably just put pressure on the government to reform.

Those clowns keep talking about a US sponsored colour revolution but ignored the fact that it is the Viet government who are welcoming the US. So according to their twisted logic, the Viet govt is inviting the US to come and topple... itself??? :what:

kid, how old are you ? you think US army ground force did not attack the North Viet because they afraid of your great guerrilla tactic ? have you ever heard the story of 17 degrees north latitude line ?

NiceGuy is an adult who only cares about facts, not stories. There is a writer's thread in the members section for you to tell stories.
NiceGuy is an adult who only cares about facts, not stories. There is a writer's thread in the members section for you to talk about stories.

Fine, let's say history. Do yo know the reason why US ground force did not pass the north latitude 17 degree line ?
And you know, US takes budgeting for propaganda very seriously. Can Vietnam financially withstand this?

Vietnamese comrades should really think hardly where the tangible and more existential threat comes from.

US introduces $30 mn bill to target ‘Russian propaganda’, ISIS threat — RT USA

US legislators have introduced a new bill which proposes adding $30 million to target ‘Russia’s propaganda...

LOOOL LMAO....seems yo chinese are trying eally hard to so called 'help' Vietnam see the 'right way'.:rofl: Unfortunately for you people, Vietnam hates you more than anything they might have against the west/Japan. Just like my friend @Bussard Ramjet said they wont listen to anything you people have to say, simply because they hate you alot, so keep wasting your time, even if the VCP falls(it shouldnt even be in power in the first place, since it is in power simply because of China and Russia in the first place), the vietnamese woud rather have a western backed regime/system than a regime modeled on/friendly to China.:agree: So yes as of now the VCP IS THE BEST/MOST FRIENDLY REGIME, china could ask for. reason i understand why you people are worried.:D:usflag:
kid, how old are you ? you think US army ground force did not attack the North Viet because they afraid of your great guerrilla tactic ? have you ever heard the story of 17 degrees north latitude line ?
They did not attack bcz we had Soviet's protection, and all VNese appreciate the Soviet's help
LOOOL LMAO....seems yo chinese are trying eally hard to so called 'help' Vietnam see the 'right way'.:rofl: Unfortunately for you people, Vietnam hates you more than anything they might have against the west/Japan. Just like my friend @Bussard Ramjet said they wont listen to anything you people have to say, simply because they hate you alot, so keep wasting your time, even if the VCP falls(it shouldnt even be in power in the first place, since it is in power simply because of China and Russia in the first place), the vietnamese woud rather have a western backed regime/system than a regime modeled on/friendly to China.:agree: So yes as of now the VCP IS THE BEST/MOST FRIENDLY REGIME, china could ask for. reason i understand why you people are worried.:D:usflag:
We don't need ordinary vietnamese to understand. VCP do will be enough :D
It is true indeed VCP has recently swing in favorite towards the CCP. I did inform most of you all but the vietnamese troll refused to believe it.

The VCP need to put up a show of defiant of giving speech and talk to let the vietnamese mass thinking they are still interested in taking paracel island back. Some war exercise with US to give good publicity.

The fact is VCP is more interested in increasing trade with China than taking action of claiming back those islets.

While CCP is more interested in increasing their presence in SCS by building military airfield and pier to allow warship docking. Enlarging all their underwater coral to bigger islands. :D

@mike2000 is back, do you know the funny thing about @Beast's comments above? Those are actually the words from a CCP official. I thought those kind of comments was Beast's own personal analysis but it is actually what one CCP official has told the media. One article scolded the Philippines for raising tension and commented how the Philippines should be like VietNam and cooperate with China.

I told you the Philippines is a good spokesman for VN. ;)

Anyway @Beast, I've told you many time that the VCP will not get close to the CCP. You're free to not believe it. But just don't later call VN a traitor or a snake when you finally see the reality that VCP will always be against CCP lol. So I'll tell you the reality now, VCP is anti-CCP.
They did not attack bcz we had Soviet's protection, and all VNese appreciate the Soviet's help

To be honest, the U.S didnt send in ground troops all the way in the north/launch full scale land invasion simply because they didnt want to draw a Chinese(and soviet) direct intervention like in Korea. Just like General Westmoreland’s former G-2, or Intelligence Officer would write after the Vietnam Wars i quote:

“With a friendly China located adjacent to North Vietnam, there would have been little chance for a Vietnamese victory against the French, and later against the Americans and South Vietnamese.”

So we have to rcognise facts. VCP is in power because of its commie buddies U.S.S.R and China back then. This made vietnam pay a very heavy price both materially and from isolation/sanctions.
we all have family members and relatives in Vietnam. why would we want to see our home country slipping into chaos?

there are some overnationalists and dickheads, but they belong to the minority. most want to see Vietnam to prosper and get strong. I know nobody of us that wants war. sure, we want peace and protect our homeland. and we are ready to pay a price for. don´t underestimate our resolve. in our long history we see a lot of enemies coming and going. many of them end in mass graves.

We see the US as counterbalance to China like you see Russia as counterweight to the US. it is part of the game. Realpolitik. we are much more realistic than you think. I don´t need to tell you that our relationship to China is complicated.

there is only one power ruling in Vietnam: the VCP. there is no political competition, no opposition, no revolutionary change of the government form in sight. the army is loyal to the government. how can Vietnam clip into civil war? it is ridiculous. moreover, it is just a dream of our enemies. they can dream until the doomsday.

Well said bro.:)

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