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Rapping for freedom and the end of communism in Vietnam

NiceGuy's statement contradicts with yours, @Soryu .

Nobody is dreaming about a "color revolution" in Vietnam. But I see most members are "warning" you about a color revolution because, US regime can live with fascism, but not with Communism.

And your own countryman said VCP can in fact be reformed internally in order to appease the US regime.

I guess if that is done, that would be the last nail on Vietnam, perhaps a few steps before internal crisis in Vietnam.

Pragmatically, I like to see Vietnam to stay united and under the VCP. But, friendship with the US (or even partnership under a security or economic framework) and a communist system in Vietnam is mutually exclusive in the long run. One of them would have to go. And I am not sure which one has more resources and more resilient.

Viet Nam doesn't need any warnings lol. It's simple as this: some people in the US govt want to see China go down (see the "calls to punish China" thread). People in the VCP also wants to see China go down. So both group can agree to work together. Simple as that.

Those leaders in the US don't care what happens inside Viet Nam, only need VN govt to join the plan in bringing China down. VCP don't care what happen inside the US, just want the US to help bring China down. So it is not VN that needs to be careful, it is China that needs to be careful.

But me, I just pray that peace will always prevail in Asia.

Yo, can you tell them to change regime quickly? like tomorrow? I need to invest in Vietnam.

It will be the same people running the govt. Just a name change.

We will still stay united under the 'Labour party' like in 1946. The 'Labour party' changed the name to 'communist party' in 1976. :pop:

I don't think it will go back to the "Democratic party" or "Labour party" name. I heard the new proposal is "Social Democratic Party" name, same name as the parties common in northern European countries. Still keep some form of Socialist values.
Ha ha, oversea Chinese members are more pro VCP than local Vietnamese in Vietnam. LOL.

Not every member is overseas here.

Being pro-VCP makes sense from strategic perspective.

Nobody would like to have a Ukraine across the borders.
It doesn't matter which party controls the government, as long as it's one party system, whatever it called doesn't matter. Even North Korean communist part has the word "democracy" in its name.
Many senior & retired high ranking VN communist officers have been asking to change the name from "Socialist republic of VN" back to "The Democratic Republic of Vietnam" like in 1946 when Ho Chi Minh was elected as the first VN chairman.WE may still have one political party, but it will be 'labour party' like in1946 instead of 'communist party'

VN is a small nation, but always has to fight against the much stronger enemies, so our army simply is not strong enough to fight in long hard wars against big enemies, the VCP and the army need oversea VN people from all around the world to stay on their side and fight wt them ,too. Thats why they seem not so dominant as CCP in CN coz PLA is big enough to fight alone, without getting support from oversea CNese.

Color revolt. wont happen if Vn can unify the sub-Mekong region to get bigger and our army will be strong enough to fight in long hard war without calling for support from OV (oversea VNese). If we cant unify the sub-Mekong region , then I dont know what will happen in VN, most of VNese now see US as a good friend and want to stay on US's side.

I hope Mr.Xi will give a full support to VN to fulfill our goal like what Chairman Mao gave full support to VN during VN war.
Now when Vietnam is going through a color revolution is the time to roll across the border with armored tanks and take back the territory that belonged to us in the Ming dynasty, including Hanoi. Saigon goes to Cambodia.
Now when Vietnam is going through a color revolution is the time to roll across the border with armored tanks and take back the territory that belonged to us in the Ming dynasty, including Hanoi. Saigon goes to Cambodia.

Ming Dynastry arm forces were kicked back to China and Ming was going to collapsed after that. This is history of China.

Same story will repeat again, China is collapsed and Tibetan, Turkistan, Mongolia, Manchuria, Nan Yue, Min Yue, ... will regain independebces form China. This is good story for Asia.
Ming Dynastry arm forces were kicked back to China and Ming was going to collapsed after that. This is history of China.

Same story will repeat again, China is collapsed and Tibetan, Turkistan, Mongolia, Manchuria, Nan Yue, Min Yue, ... will regain independebces form China. This is good story for Asia.

I guess, before China, the Communist boss, the initial target is the little Communist. That's why your party, VCP, has been all cute and cuddly with China.

In any case, US regime won't ally with a Communist country no matter what without pulling out a regime change. And your neck is much thinner against the blow of the Sword of Damocles.
I guess, before China, the Communist boss, the initial target is the little Communist. That's why your party, VCP, has been all cute and cuddly with China.

In any case, US regime won't ally with a Communist country no matter what without pulling out a regime change. And your neck is much thinner against the blow of the Sword of Damocles.

who was communist boss in cold war ? Soviet Union or China ? VCP was not puppet of China of Maoism in cold war, it is clear.

VCP propaganda does not said about ally with US, just for normal, constructive relation with number one superpower in the world, United States.
who was communist boss in cold war ? Soviet Union or China ? VCP was not puppet of China of Maoism in cold war, it is clear.

VCP propaganda does not said about ally with US, just for normal, constructive relation with number one superpower in the world, United States.

If normal relations, I guess, that's not a problem from your perspective.

But, probably, some fifth-column liberals and anti-VCP factions are rooting for greater cooperation with the US. VCP is likely aware of these potential trouble makers.

Just do not take them as perennial friends.

You may want to play the US against China, that's fine, but, I guess they are too experienced and won't give you anything without taking something much bigger in return. That would be your sovereignty.
If normal relations, I guess, that's not a problem from your perspective.

But, probably, some fifth-column liberals and anti-VCP factions are rooting for greater cooperation with the US. VCP is likely aware of these potential trouble makers.

Just do not take them as perennial friends.

You may want to play the US against China, that's fine, but, I guess they are too experienced and won't give you anything without taking something much bigger in return. That would be your sovereignty.

I understand why you have created this thread. In fact, in vietnam we don't care too much about such pro-democracy activist in or out Vietnam. VCP is strong enough to facing with such challange.

as I said: constructive relation with USA is most important for Vietnam in long term, not only for this tension with China about our Islands in this moment.
I understand why you have created this thread. In fact, in vietnam we don't care too much about such pro-democracy activist in or out Vietnam. VCP is strong enough to facing with such challange.

as I said: constructive relation with USA is most important for Vietnam in long term, not only for this tension with China about our Islands in this moment.

True talk, afterall, even CCP'S China has a very close relationship with the U.S, just look at their trade/business deals/value. It dwarfs every country on planet earth bar U.S-E.U trade, and they do cooperate on alot of issues when they deem necessary. In fact its China that has been calling on the U.S to cooperate with them even more and lift sanctions(high tech, space and military sanctions, though the U.S has so far been reuctant to lift) against them which they U.S imposed on them long time ago. So despite Chinese members here wanting Vietnam to distance itself completely from the U. S and stick with China, they have raher a very good/close relationship with the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens/officials and their children immigrate to the U.S to live a better life/study etc, So Vietnam should go on and deepen its relationship with the U.S. Afterall, NO COUNTRY on this planet can do without having a cooperative relationship with the world's sole superpower(bar pariah States like North Korea and Iran/Cuba, though even Iran is now pleading for sanctions to be lifted .lol). So why should Vietnam be alone, so don't care what some Chinese members here say. If they want Vietnam to stop all cooperation with the U,S. they need to lead by example and show vietnam the way, that is by cutting all ties with the U.S, then we will all know China is indeed serious.VIETNAM SHOULD SO WHAT IT THINKS IS IN ITS INTEREST. FULL STOP.:cheers:

Vice-Premier Li urges US to lift trade restrictions|China-US|chinadaily.com.cn
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Obama administration urges approval of US-China nuclear pact - Yahoo News
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I understand why you have created this thread. In fact, in vietnam we don't care too much about such pro-democracy activist in or out Vietnam. VCP is strong enough to facing with such challange.

as I said: constructive relation with USA is most important for Vietnam in long term, not only for this tension with China about our Islands in this moment.

That's good, in fact. A strong, viable VCP is good for China.

You will definitely do business with the US and others, just as China does. It does not take a strategy genius like above to get it.

But, that does not mean that VCP will sell your country's interests to foreign interests. VCP's firm control over the traitorous activity is to ensure that the country goes on with its own business.

By protecting itself, the VCP is helping China. The institutional relations between VCP and China is just fine. To keep people hyped up a little, it plays the islands and sovereignty card; understandable.

This does not change the facts on the ground after all.
True talk, afterall, even CCP'S China has a very close relationship with the U.S, just look at their trade/business deals/value. It dwarfs every country on planet earth bar U.S-E.U trade, and they do cooperate on alot of issues when they deem necessary. In fact its China that has been calling on the U.S to cooperate with them even more and lift sanctions(high tech, space and military sanctions, though the U.S has so far been reuctant to lift) against them which they U.S imposed on them long time ago. So despite Chinese members here wanting Vietnam to distance itself completely from the U. S and stick with China, they have raher a very good/close relationship with the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens/officials and their children immigrate to the U.S to live a better life/study etc, So Vietnam should go on and deepen its relationship with the U.S. Afterall, NO COUNTRY on this planet can do without having a cooperative relationship with the world's sole superpower(bar pariah States like North Korea and Iran/Cuba, though even Iran is now pleading for sanctions to be lifted .lol). So why should Vietnam be alone, so don't care what some Chinese members here say. If they want Vietnam to stop all cooperation with the U,S. they need to lead by example and show vietnam the way, that is by cutting all ties with the U.S, then we will all know China is indeed serious.VIETNAM SHOULD SO WHAT IT THINKS IS IN ITS INTEREST. FULL STOP.:cheers:

Vice-Premier Li urges US to lift trade restrictions|China-US|chinadaily.com.cn
New Straits Times - Google News Archive Search
U.S.-China S&T cooperation strong part of bilateral relations: Obama's science adviser
HOME - China-U.S. science and technology cooperation since 1979 - Research & Subject Guides at Stony Brook University
U.S.-China Experts Meet to Strengthen Nuclear Cooperation - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Obama administration urges approval of US-China nuclear pact - Yahoo News
Yep. right, we learned well the lesson from 1979 when CN willing to bowed down to daddy US to harm VN despite that US occupy its Taiwan till now.

Times for CN to taste its own medicine, we will shake hand wt US to tighten the containment around CN and wait for its collapse . :pop:
Now when Vietnam is going through a color revolution is the time to roll across the border with armored tanks and take back the territory that belonged to us in the Ming dynasty, including Hanoi. Saigon goes to Cambodia.

LMAO You my friend are pure comedy gold :lol:
But, that does not mean that VCP will sell your country's interests to foreign interests.
I agree with you on this statement, understood that such foreigners are included China.
I agree with you on this statement, understood that such foreigners are included China.

I say it again, China supports VCP's viability and continuity.
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