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Rangers recover arms from mosque in Karachi

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Rangers recover arms from mosque in Karachi
Submitted 1 hr 49 mins ago

In a crackdown, Rangers have recovered large cache of arms from a mosque in Karachi. The operation was launched in Baldia Town on a tip-off. The Rangers found the arms hidden in the lawn of the mosque and an attached house. Earlier, police cordoned off a residential building near Jama Cloth and arrested over 100 suspects during house-to-house search. A suspect, Babu alias Bakri :lol:, has reportedly been taken into custody. The crackdown was launched in Sector A-III nd Sector B-III. The cache comprises klashnikovs, repeaters, pistols and thousands of cartridges.
Rangers recover arms from mosque in Karachi | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
definitely Karachi is one fukced up city, with highest number of weapons... and like it or not, this is gonna explode one day !!
can any one explain exactly how can a "religious place of worship" store such huge amounts of armament? What action are the authorities taking to prevent this? This the the umpteenth time arms have been found in a mosque.. what are you waiting to get all the mosques under a centralized check and control regime? after all, your whole country is the same religion, whats stopping you from doing it?
And again...Mosques supposed to be sacred places for in the Islam...Such a low by the fundamentalists..
can any one explain exactly how can a "religious place of worship" store such huge amounts of armament? What action are the authorities taking to prevent this? This the the umpteenth time arms have been found in a mosque.. what are you waiting to get all the mosques under a centralized check and control regime? after all, your whole country is the same religion, whats stopping you from doing it?

This individual has such a valid argument - as a long-time lurker on this forum, I was forced to register to point this out. Pakistan needs this urgently.
Sunni tehreek area .. Mosque also controlled by Barelvi sect ..

Is hamam mein saare hi nange hain :D

Yup, Sunni Tehrik ain't any better than MQM or ANP. Any political party who has any significant footprint in Karachi uses weapons to further its cause.
can any one explain exactly how can a "religious place of worship" store such huge amounts of armament? What action are the authorities taking to prevent this? This the the umpteenth time arms have been found in a mosque.. what are you waiting to get all the mosques under a centralized check and control regime? after all, your whole country is the same religion, whats stopping you from doing it?

These people ain't religious scholars bro. These people are just thugs who use religion as a cover for their illegal activities much like the Florida pastor who used the Christianity's good name to malign Islam and The Quran. You try to do anything to them, they start crying wolf and screaming religious oppression at the top of their lungs, but it wont go on for too long now with the Supreme Court of Pakistan conducting a full scale inquiry into the causes of disturbance in the city of Karachi.
Heck! In Texas you don't have to store your weapons in your Church, you just take them to the service whenever you want! You can store as many weapons in your Church as you want, provided they are all legal weapons, under both US Federal laws and the laws of your state.

Now storing illegal weapons is entirely different. THAT is what David Koresh and his Branch Davidians were doing in Waco, Texas. This led to the deadly raid of his compound by the US ATF and FBI. Which, in turn, led to Timothy McVeigh's bombing of those same US government units at their office building in Tulsa, Oklahoma on the anniversary of the Waco event.
can any one explain exactly how can a "religious place of worship" store such huge amounts of armament? What action are the authorities taking to prevent this? This the the umpteenth time arms have been found in a mosque.. what are you waiting to get all the mosques under a centralized check and control regime? after all, your whole country is the same religion, whats stopping you from doing it?

Jihad is a farz ("fard" to our arabized brethren) and Masajid are open to be used for whatever purpose deemed necessary - Do you want the state telling us what religion's content should be? If each and every side is armed and ready to use these arms, we can then let god decide who his favorites are, if they win then surely god favors them, right? and if they lose then, well, they lose.

So what happens to Pakistan?? Whatever is the will of god, of course. No worries.
^^^ muse, Sir! You failed to capitalize "god". I.e, it should be "God." Also, I think, perhaps, it should be al-Lah, n'est-ce pas?
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