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Rahul Gandhi won't be PM nominee, will lead Congress campaign

Kabil has had a lot of negative publicity during the anna movement:) but is a nice guy and a brilliant lawyer:)
I dont pay much heed to the dog and pony show, but from what I have heard from him over the years in interviews and talks, it seems like he is more of a legislator and less of a leader... the need of the hour for congress is someone who can balance the two... some one like a nitish kumar, who is balanced......
Do you think he has a chance? I don't know too much about his stand in the party, but as a politican and wrt to his way of talking and arguing, he wouldn't be a bad choice, but feel free to correct me!

He always had a chance. As per original trend, RG was never goign to be the PM candidate anyway, it was after Modi turned it into a presidential election that pressures on him increased. But I guess now they're clear that there is too much risk of failure to justify risking his 'good' name :disagree:

Congress 1st choice would have been Pranab, but he's been sent 'upwards'. Remaning heavy weitghts are Chidambaram (very liked by MMS. He's a Harvard Business School MBA, so understood and worked well with MMS on economics). Shinde is the new heavywight but is known to be venal, goon like ex-Sub Inspector. Recent events have taken the gloss off him. If you notice the Home Secretary who accused Shinde yesterday was asked by NDTV who was a better HM and he laughed and asked- is there a question- Chidambaram is a 1000 times better. Everyone worked with Chiddu has a great opinion about him.

Everyone except subramania swamy of course- and that has an epic, interesting story behind it that I'll tell you sometime :lol:
I dont pay much heed to the dog and pony show, but from what I have heard from him over the years in interviews and talks, it seems like he is more of a legislator and less of a leader... the need of the hour for congress is someone who can balance the two... some one like a nitish kumar, who is balanced......
IMHO its the third front which will form the govt with congress support for outside. and i would love to see Nitish as a PM candidate but i have a sinking feeling that mulayam is better at garnering support for his candidacy .
LOL on that HAHAHA... He would be soon eaten alive by people of Kerala...
Check out Kerala's growth and HDI improvements. On every social and economic indicator, Kerala has performed remarkably in the past few years. Indeed, it has been one of the best performing states in the country. Don't let your revulsion for the congress blind you to the facts.
IMHO its the third front which will form the govt with congress support for outside. and i would love to see Nitish as a PM candidate but i have a sinking feeling that mulayam is better at garnering support for his candidacy .

AK will be PM in a coalition similar to what we see in delhi now
Sonia will win more votes any gien day s she has proven in the past.... and I don't see rahul winning any youth votes, namo or arvind will take youth votes on anygiven day compared to rahul...

I meant within the congress, if they take an older PM candidate, they will have even less chances in this important demographic, they will lose even more votes or?
I dont think Congress will name any one as a PM candidate ...

Rahul gandi will be announced as the person who lead the election ... but not as the PM...

If they win then the PM offcorse would be PM...

The real question now should be who could congress nominate as the leader of opposition???

If they will make some Senior person like Kapil sibbal the Leader of Opposition ...
Check out Kerala's growth and HDI improvements. On every social and economic indicator, Kerala has performed remarkably in the past few years. Indeed, it has been one of the best performing states in the country. Don't let your revulsion for the congress blind you to the facts.
Dont ask me lol ask the People of Kerala...

what is the current condition of congress in Kerala ??? :omghaha:

@kurup @nair
@Nair saab :
Kerala beats Gujarat as best performing state
State of the States 2013: Kerala model of development balances growth with equity : NATION - India Today
At 9.5%, Kerala growth story remains intact -The New Indian Express

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. In everything from poverty reduction to health access to economic growth to balanced fiscal spending to investment to public safety, Kerala has outshone every other state these past years. If Oommen Chandy was from the BJP, he would rightfully have been laying a claim to the PM's post, like NaMo and Shivraj Singh Chauhan. But for the congress, doing a job well is not the criterion, so...
But the BJP is screwing up it's campaign so bad....so the third front will be AAP....
App is a phenomena with the urban class . the sheen may ware off by the elections. they do not enjoy rural support. Plus given a choice people will vote for regional parties over a new entity . but then its my opinion , lets wait and see what May brings.
If the people of India votes for AAP after all this Kashmir, Bhushan, referendum, AAP rifts, unfulfilled poll promises, lack of FIR against Dixit, volte faces of AK etc - then India does not deserve to exist.

I'm sure India deserves to exist when Yeddy (2 B USD corruption) is brought back under the glorious leader
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