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RAF Eurofighter Typhoons 'beaten by Pakistani F-16s'

These excersises cant be same as that of war even the IAF was able to defeat the US AF F-15's with its SU-30's and not MKI'S so dont underestimate the IAF pilots we are also equally capable in dog fight
So the thread is on the fourth page and yet I am unable to see what was the name of the exercise and when it happened,any link of the news,thanks in advance.
Hey i found something on the net about it.

Internet chat forums have for months been alive with comments after 1970's-era F-16s were said in a Pakistani Air Force blog to have beaten state-of-the-art Eurofighter Typhoons in close air combat exercises, but there's at least one problem with the story. At the core of the issue is an interview in which an unnamed alleged Pakistani Air Force (PAF) pilot recalls flying three hops against RAF Typhoons. In those three exercises, the Typhoons lost every time, he said. When asked to explain that success rate, the interviewee offered his opinion that "NATO pilots are not that proficient in close-in air-to-air combat." The problem is there does not appear to be a specific date associated with the event and, while the story may be true, the inability to independently confirm it means it's just as likely that it's not true.

The Typhoon is touted by its supporters as one of the world's best air-to-air combat jets and has been seen by its critics as an especially expensive acquisition, yet to prove itself. In the interview, the alleged PAF pilot described the success of the older F-16s, saying the exercises favored the PAF pilots because the pilots are "very good at" close-in air combat. Details of the engagement, when it took place, specific equipment, pilot experience and the purpose of the exercise were not discussed in the interview, which has nonetheless led to online speculation and some concern. The interview has been a point of interest on three major aviation forums online, beginning several months ago and made it to TheRegister.co.uk, Wednesday. TheRegister concedes the interview may be "a lie" but "it seems likelier that the story is the truth as he perceived it: that the RAF's new superfighter was thrashed in the very type of combat it is supposed to be best at by a 1970s-era plane, albeit much modernised."

But the future conflicts will be based on BVR missiles,era of close combat is over.

Wrong ....Ask Israili and USA Airforces.....4th generation Aircrafts with its manevers hav the capabillity to run off from BVR (Active & Passive). Not a big deal these days.
old news, wats the rationality in posting old news time n time again
And then you guys says that Pakistanis drag in India in every other thread.

Was there a need to drag in rafale / India into a discussion where the discussion is about Typhoon being beaten in WVR combat. Who knows other pilots from other nationalities may have done the same.

My reason for the earlier post u replied was because Rafale and Eurofighter is shortlisted of MMRCA ... So smelling some psycological games played in the situation ...
I have a few thoughts I wanted to share. Though it seems that this may have been discussed at length at an earlier date, I believe there are a number of factors one needs to keep in mind.

The PAF pilots being talked about here are invariably those seconded to the TuAF from PAF. The reason is that the only exercise where typhoons participated (June 2009), PAF did not participate. They did face each other in 2007 (british tornado GR4's) and that doesn't count. Now there are a few things to look at,
PAF pilots seconded to TuAF are on the basis of pure merit. Not only do the "best" get to fly the F-16's in PAF, the very cream of them are sent on to foreign air forces for training. Thus it would not be a stretch to imagine the PAF pilots flying in the said exercisess to be the very best PAF has to offer. TuAF closely follows the NATO philosophy wrt air combat tactics and this would have indeed added an additional bit of "surprise element" for the british. They would have not been expecting this "surprise". It would also be interesting to find out how good the Typhoon pilots were or how they have trained for WVR combat. Moreover, considering some of the technicalities associated with most exercises including "test points" and "envelope limitations", I would not be dismissive of the Typhoon and its abilities in WVR.

Anyhow, I am always pleased to know of the so called "top airforces and their pilots" getting their a$$ kicked. I believe it is the pilot and the machine and how well they can make use of this "marriage" that counts. I have no doubt of the high caliber of the PAF pilots and their abilities. I hope one day we can have friendly exercises with IAF typhoons (hopefully ;)) vs. PAF F-16's facing each other. That would be a treat indeed!
IIRC, According to So called Indian Pilots, Mig-21 had a upper hand in WVR against F-15, in one of the Indo-American exercises, right?

Whatever Indians says is word of God, ours is not, simple as that.

I don't understand what is there that so many arses are on fire ??
Whatever Indians says is word of God, ours is not, simple as that.

I don't understand what is there that so many arses are on fire ??

So you want to belive americans ?

See this


Now these are all mind games being played and we cannot believe anyone unless the organising country of the excercise officially comes out with the detalis of the same...
here, even a F-16 shot down a F-22, while a similar news of a F/A-18 shooting down an F-22 is also there. Plus, we also heard about a T-38 trainer tagging a F-22.

War Is Boring » First Ever F-22 Raptor “Shot Down” (Bumped and Updated)

So, if an F-16 can shoot down a F-22, due to less experienced pilot or whatever other thing, what's to be so surprising if PAF guys says they shot down 3 Typhoons, when the unnamed pilot himself is acknowledging that the Typhoon is a formidable aircraft, but the kills are being attributed to less experienced pilots. Did the PAF guy said the Typhhon is shiet or a bad plane, he himself said it was due to pilot training and experience.

So guys, get over it and don't think PAF pilot said anything bad about the Typhoon, he blamed the pilot factor for the kills. He praised the jet.


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