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Radar Related developments in Pakistan


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
in 2007 Pakistan first Ground Survielance radar development was completed

Development of Indigenous Ground Surveillance Radar

Completed Projects

at a cost of 39millions under Dr. Mojeeb Bin Ihsan Group..the project was sponsored as well as funded by MoSt(Ministry of science and technology)

Onwards that a pilot/prototype of the same radar was started
which is still in the process of manufacturing/development

Pilot Level Production of Ground Surveillance Radar

Projects in Progress

at a cost of 10millions

apart from this

2 major more project of radar development include

*A AESA radar

Few Pakistani universities are now going for RADAR research. You can follow the details below:
Control and Signal Processing Research Group---
Vision to setup a dynamic research group, a bridge between academia and industry, acting as a catalyst in hi-tech industrial growth in the third world. It will be strived to make the group membership accessible to all, especially the down trodden classes of the society.
CASPR (Controls and Signal Processing Research) Group at M A Jinnah University is a Research Group at Department of Electronic Engineering at M A Jinnah University. Around twenty PhD students are working on the state of the art projects on Radar Systems, Automotive Control, Robotics, Fuel Cell Control and Aircraft Control.
The main aim of the group is the development of high tech human resource in the area of Electrical Engineering for the third world. The developed HR will act as nuclei agents for the growth in hi-tech engineering areas.
Controls and Signal Processing Research Group is a trend-setting research group in Pakistan’s engineering research horizon. The group started in 2001 in CASE Islamabad. The group includes five faculty members. One postdoctoral researcher is also working with the group. There are thirty full time/part time researchers in the group. There are nineteen PhD students and four Masters students. Major accomplishments of the group are elaborated later. In addition to the work on Higher Order Sliding Mode and its applications the PhD students are working on projects pertaining to Automotives control and fault diagnostics, Robotics, Radars and Aircraft Control and Guidance.
Technical Areas covered
Control applications
An MSc thesis was completed on the topic of robust controller design for a benchmark aircraft. Currently two undergraduate groups are working on making an RPV autonomous. One PhD student is working on UAV guidance algorithms. An MSc student has devised successful decoupling controllers for a twin rotor platform resulting in three conference publications so far.

The main emphasis is on making early warning systems based on OBDII measurements. The work has been published in IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics. The group purchased an engine. The engine is being used to formulate engine speed control strategies. Actively work is being done on the development of novel misfire detection strategies. Two PhD students are working in this area.

A PhD student is working on the development of robust control strategies for stabilized platforms. He has successfully tested H-infinity and LMI controllers on the platform in the actual field trials. A group of undergraduate students is working on forward and reverse kinematics of a robotic arm. Another group is devising parking strategies for wheeled robots.
Fuel Cells
Two PhD students are working on fuel cell control and fault diagnostics to make cheaper fuel cells for domestic energy consumption.
Theoretical development in Sliding Mode Control
We are actively pursuing HOSM based design algorithms. Novel HOSM based observers have been designed and implemented for automotives and research reactors.

Radar System Level Design and development
The group has actively taken part in the system level design of Ground Surveillance Radar developed at NUST. The group has already designed and in the process of developing:
• A low range Phased Array Radar
• An LPI FMCW Radar
• An open architecture based surveillance radar
Development of Radar Signal Processors
The group has developed radar signal processors for:
• Siemens MPDR45E Radar
• Ground Surveillance Radar
Development of Radar Simulator
A full fledge radar design tool and simulator is being developed. One PhD student is working on this project.
Group structure and strengths
• The group has four full time faculty members and one adjunct faculty member.
• 20 PhD students member
• 04 MSc students
• Students from CASE and Jinnah
1) The following research proposal are accepted or pursued in the current academic year:
a. LPI Radar design proposal accepted by a local industry. The proposal amounts to Rs One Million and funds one PhD student.
b. Electronically Scanned Phase Array Proposal accepted by a government industry. The project will last 18 months and costs PRs 12.6 Millions. The project funds three PhD students.
c. FMCW Radar design proposal submitted to a radar related government organization. The proposal amounts to Rs 2.4 Million.
d. Joint Research Proposal on “Low Cost Fuel Cell based Power Supply Control and Fault Diagnostics” with Leicester University UK is prepared for Delphi Round 4 and submitted.
e. Joint Research Proposal on “Low Cost Fuel Cell based UPS” with Leicester University UK is prepared for INSPIRE and submitted.
f. A proposal on the development of a low cost device for automotive fault diagnostics submitted to ICT R&D Fund, two internal reviews have taken place.
g. A proposal on ‘MRE Algorithms Development for the detection of state of Liver Tumor’ is prepared and submitted.

A Microwave Imaging Radar is also developed by the nust.(Source the completed projects list of nust link posted above)

A microwave imaging radar is used for many purpose.in defence related purposes majority of the 3rd generation ATGM include the microwave imaging radar.
In dec 2010 a unknown atgm was tested by pak which bold official features included automatic guidense over the older wire guided baktar shiken..
so the possibility exist of this MIR being developed for the nescom latest ATGM still in development
The most advance firm in pakistan with facilities to under take anylevel of radar development project if funds are provided is the NESCOM ELECTRONIC COMPLEX PAKISTAN

which was being built under 300millions USD project with china help
Pak, China to jointly establish National Electronics Complex[/B]

BEIJING: Pakistan and China on Wednesday signed a framework agreement to jointly establish National Electronics Complex of Pakistan (NECOP). The total amount of the contract, which was signed by Pakistan Ambassador to China Masood Khan and President of CETC Yan Lijin, is estimated at around US $ 300 million, covering civilian, information technology and defense electronic domains in Pakistan.

Through the establishment of NECOP, CETC will help Pakistan achieve indigenous research and development and production capabilities after providing sophisticated training and technical assistance packages by fully utilizing local resources.

The signing of this framework agreement reflected good wishes for bilateral cooperation, strengthening the traditional friendship and also presenting a Science and Technology oriented government image for the newly elected government of Pakistan.

CETC is the largest state-owned Chinese enterprise, specializing in the field of defense electronics, information technology, public security, space, transportation, energy and education.

Pak, China to jointly establish National Electronics Complex - GEO.tv
^^^ Raja rental diverted most of the funds for NESCOM to his constituency...

I dont think the project was ever completed
Thanks for sharing its look like Pakistan is catching up Good luck.
It is good that tight on funds.such projects are atleast undertaken in Pakistan

i just hope to see that man portable ground based survielance radar in mass production for our army

The nescom electronics complex should under take medium to long range radar development project.since we know under 300millions USD they have already the necessary infra for the development of radar only if funds are sanctioned for such an projects

Working on Product Development of Ground Surveillance Man Portable Radar – A Project funded by Ministry of Sciences and Technology, Government of Pakistan.

Haider Muhammad - Pakistan | LinkedIn

^^^ Raja rental diverted most of the funds for NESCOM to his constituency...

I dont think the project was ever completed

NESCOM electronics complex


Jobs advertisement has already been started..i remember reading news about NECOP being completed in early 2012
those recent funds cuts were less than of 2millions and were for other purpose

as a whole the project is completed
in 2007 Pakistan first Ground Survielance radar development was completed

Completed Projects

at a cost of 39millions under Dr. Mojeeb Bin Ihsan Group..the project was sponsored as well as funded by MoSt(Ministry of science and technology)

Onwards that a pilot/prototype of the same radar was started
which is still in the process of manufacturing/development

Projects in Progress

at a cost of 10millions

apart from this

2 major more project of radar development include

*A AESA radar

A Microwave Imaging Radar is also developed by the nust.(Source the completed projects list of nust link posted above)

A microwave imaging radar is used for many purpose.in defence related purposes majority of the 3rd generation ATGM include the microwave imaging radar.
In dec 2010 a unknown atgm was tested by pak which bold official features included automatic guidense over the older wire guided baktar shiken..
so the possibility exist of this MIR being developed for the nescom latest ATGM still in development

Farhan bhai love you for this great post. I wish i could thank you 10 times. God bless you. :pakistan:
Farhan bhai love you for this great post. I wish i could thank you 10 times. God bless you. :pakistan:

Blueprints are there for many advanced defense systems..No government interest in developing them..
Hope a sincere government comes in next time and we will see all Pakistani defense hardware being made...
interview of Kashif Siddique

Worked as a Research Associate at NUST-CEME Microwave Research Labs on the first indigenously developed ground surveillance radar (GSR) in Pakistan
Did MS in Electrical Engineering from CEME with CGPA 4.0/4.0
Initiated a project for the development of Pakistan’s first indigenous Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) all-weather active airborne imaging system
Participated in various National and International trainings related to mixed RF/DSP system design
Conducted various workshops & trainings on topics like “Introduction to RF Measurement Equipment”, “Advanced Fourier Analysis Techniques” and “Intro. to MATLAB for Engineers” at renowned institutions nationwide
Designed, developed and taught state-of-the-art courses in the areas of Radar/Microwave Engineering at various universities including FAST-NUCES, NUST and CASE

Interviews from EME Alumni
Blueprints are there for many advanced defense systems..No government interest in developing them..
Hope a sincere government comes in next time and we will see all Pakistani defense hardware being made...

Exactly, previous government has reversed all the efforts which were made by Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman. They have stopped the funds and cut budget of HEC. People are there and some Industrial base has also developed. We just need a visionary leadeship nothing more. And look at the funds above mentioned. 2 million, 4 million? Yaar, its such a small amount, if we compared it to the cost, we tax payers pay on every minister. Why cant, government allocate just 1 billlion rupee for such research projects. It can take Pakistan to whole new level. Its the only way to progress.
The question is will these inventions materialized or the young scientist will find the lure of dollars and euro too irresistible.
Blueprints are there for many advanced defense systems..No government interest in developing them..
Hope a sincere government comes in next time and we will see all Pakistani defense hardware being made...

What type of defense systems? Are the blueprints related to radars only?
Exactly, previous government has reversed all the efforts which were made by Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman. They have stopped the funds and cut budget of HEC. People are there and some Industrial base has also developed. We just need a visionary leadeship nothing more. And look at the funds above mentioned. 2 million, 4 million? Yaar, its such a small amount, if we compared it to the cost, we tax payers pay on every minister. Why cant, government allocate just 1 billlion rupee for such research projects. It can take Pakistan to whole new level. Its the only way to progress.

To make an independent decision the country must first have indepdendent forgien policy, economy and national politics. We in a true sense are not an Independent nation because our economy is still dictated by the fears of dwindling rupee value and shrinking forex reserves. Our leaders all have a secondary home in London, Newyork or Dubai and we are always under the fears of losing foreign aid. We exist on the map for the sake of filling UN seat nothing else.
First Pakistan pulse doppler radar developed in 2007 by nust

Evaluated By PA already.

Note: Watch the video in the below link as well

APP Video Preveiw

Swati for indigenous production of high tech equipment
ISLAMABAD, Jun 8 (APP): Federal Minister of Science and Technology Azam Khan Swati Monday said that our new generation was capable of meeting the challenges of new era, but we have to facilitate them and provide them training and the opportunities. He said this while witnessing the demonstration of Development of Ground Surveillance Radar at Islamabad tool plaza organized by National University of Science and Technology (NUST). The minister said that government is committed to get the ability of indigenous production of most modern equipment and production of this radar was one of the example of governmental effort. He also appreciated the effort of the University and said that we should try to further enhance the project in future. During the demonstration, the Rector of the University Lt General Muhammed Asgher briefed the minister about the project. He said that the main purpose of this project was to build capacity of indigenously undertake design and development of radars and this objective was to be realized through development of an R&D laboratory and highly capable human resource. He further said that to design and develop a prototype model of a coherent pulse Doppler ground surveillance radar capable of detecting and tracking targets traveling at speeds of 3 to 100 km/hr and up to a range of 3 to 5 km for pedestrians and 6 to 10 km for vehicles. Giving the details the Principal Investigator of the Project Dr. Mujeeb Bin Ihsan said that these objectives have been successfully realized and an indigenous capacity has been developed in the critical field of radar technology. The radar developed by the team has been successfully tested at a number of locations namely; Islamabad-Peshawar motorway, Faisal Mosque, Kashmir highway, Daman-e-koh and most importantly by Pakistan Army in Bahawalpur, he added. The Principal Investigator said that the scientific and technical achievements of the GSR project team in successfully developing the first truly indigenous coherent pulse Doppler radar in Pakistan, are truly commendable. One of the most important achievements is the know-how gained to conceive, design, and develop a working system that meets the user requirements. Later, the Minsiter visited the Electrical and Mechinical Engineering (E&ME) laboratory where the project was completed. APP/Saeeda/Aamir
First Pakistan pulse doppler radar developed in 2007 by nust

Evaluated By PA already.

Note: Watch the video in the below link as well

APP Video Preveiw

this radar is good start for pak! if they achieved it by true research but there are a lot of unanswered questions!
for instance what antennae tech the radar use? How portable are these? what is the peak power performance?and most importantly ,since pakistan lacks a "dedicated industry" for production of various radar LRUs,where will they source the sub-systems?-i reckon it'll be china?

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