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Racist Israelis and equally indigenous Palestinians


Dec 12, 2008
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Monday, March 24, 2014

Racist Israelis and equally indigenous Palestinians

From AFP:

The head of the Russian republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, inaugurated Israel's largest mosque on Sunday, in a village near Jerusalem whose inhabitants claim descent from Muslim migrants from the Caucasus.

"Chechens were only able to declare their nationality freely 11 years ago thanks to Akhmad Kadyrov who drafted the Chechen constitution and enabled us to say to the world we are Muslim Chechens," he told the gathering.

The new $10-million mosque in the Palestinian-Israeli village of Abu Ghosh, to which Chechnya donated $6 million, is named for the Chechen strongman's father and previous president, Akhmad Kadyrov, who was killed in a bomb attack in 2004.

The new mosque can accommodate more than three thousand worshipers and covers an area of 3,200 square meters.

Only the Al-Aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem, whose annexation by Israel is not recognized internationally, is larger.

Villagers on foot and on horseback waved Chechen flags as Kadyrov arrived.

You mean, those bigoted Zionist Israeli Jews allowed Muslims to build a mega-mosque within their borders? But,,,but...everyone knows that they define Israel as a Jewish state and therefore must want to expel all non-Jews! Why would they allow this?

And the poor, native Palestinian Arabs of Abu Ghosh who lived there for thousands of years really immigrated to their town from the Caucasus region a few hundred years ago?

How can AFP publish something that goes against everything we know about the Middle East?

It must be a case of mosque-washing. Yes, that must be it.

And the Chechen Muslims who somehow became Arabs are really descended from Canaanites and they migrated to the Caucasus before they returned.

Whew. It all makes sense again.

UPDATE: TOI notes that "The land on which the mosque sits, 3.5 dunams (0.86 acres), was donated by the Israel Land Administration."

Oh, great. More cognitive dissonance
The jews are rewarding the al Qaeda linked Chechens for attacking Syria and killing Syrian women and children.

I'm sure the Palestinians would prefer both the Jews and Chechens return back to Europe. opening a mosque for Chechens does not alleviate the plight of the Palestinians having their land stolen by the Zionist Jews.

If Chechens were truly freedom fighters they would help the Palestinians fight the Zionist Jew occupation.

Instead these al Qaeda linked Chechens are nothing but tools for the zio Jews.
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