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Racism: Separate mosques for expats? Its means Saudis are arrogant peoples

Perhaps if they are unable to clean them selves or their clothes properly before they go to prayer it is because of the conditions they are expected to live in as guest workers?
Perhaps if they are unable to clean them selves or their clothes properly before they go to prayer it is because of the conditions they are expected to live in as guest workers?

Why must you make sense?
That was a really sumb question from the caller- Sheikh handled him well-
Who knows that caller could be a sick retard-
Arabs are a proud people and I can understand if they want to pray among their kind.
Indeed these people are getting more dangerous then jews.:astagh:

Here, you are being ridiculous.

Arabs are a proud people and I can understand if they want to pray among their kind.

No sunshine, Islam is all about equality, and I tell you, few left who really practice Islam in dealing with people these days.
Arabs are a proud people and I can understand if they want to pray among their kind.

And so they can, at their homes, outside the mosque, under their camels but in hiding because if there is a mosque, if there is a suff/standing for prayers, the snotty Arab gets no say in who gets to stand in it and who does not. Not a Christian, not a Hindu, not a Pagan, no one can be barred from entering a mosque as long as he is dressed to the requirement. Best for the snotty Arab to realize that that sweaty, smelly, ex-pact just came in from working under the desert sun performing labors which his pansy little behind won't touch. I have more problem with the belching, burping, overfed pig that I have to stand next to after every sehar and aftaar.

Proud? This is what happens when yesterday's boot-licking, uneducated morons, out of sheer luck, come by enormous wealth. It instills in them a false sense of entitlement, based on pretense, backed my imbecility, showing only insecurity and impotence...at least until they meet someone who's willing to rub their noses in the dirt. Happens quite a lot in Pakistan too, a lot!
Separate mosques for expats? Its means Saudis are arrogant peoples

By: Saeed Al-Suraihi


IF Sheikh Al-Mutlaq had not, by his wisdom, humility and right spirit, contained a question asked to him by one of the viewers during his program on Al-Majd satellite channel, we would have been obliged to bury our heads in the sand out of shame over our arrogance and treatment of foreign workers who help us in our daily matters more than we help them to earn an honorable living.

The questioner suggested building separate mosques for foreigners because he was disgusted by their dirty clothes and the bad smell of their sweat and socks. He said foreigners should be banned from praying in the Kingdom’s clean and tidy mosques.

Sheikh Al-Mutlaq told the questioner that his description of foreign workers reminded him of the condition of Saudi citizens at a time when the country did not know soap or shampoo.

He told him that the dirty foreign workers might be closer to God than him. If the sheikh had not been quick in his handling of the situation, the video clip that was circulated on social media would have created a worldwide scandal for us.

The other nations would not hesitate to ask us never to talk about justice or equality. We would have never dared to talk about the concept of human rights of which the questioner, who called himself Abu Khaled, probably never heard of.

I cannot imagine anyone could come up with this ridiculous idea of building separate mosques for foreigners. However, this kind of thinking is a clear proof that some of us are naked racists.

If our prayer fails to prevent us from being arrogant racists, then we need to be rescued. We should never forget that a few decades back we were a nation of bare-footed, illiterate people.

The wealth we are living in should make us thankful and humble, not arrogant and conceited.

Saudi Gazette - Separate mosques for expats?

What else to add, mashallah the Sheilh said more than what we need to say. All respect to him.
And so they can, at their homes, outside the mosque, under their camels but in hiding because if there is a mosque, if there is a suff/standing for prayers, the snotty Arab gets no say in who gets to stand in it and who does not. Not a Christian, not a Hindu, not a Pagan, no one can be barred from entering a mosque as long as he is dressed to the requirement. Best for the snotty Arab to realize that that sweaty, smelly, ex-pact just came in from working under the desert sun performing labors which his pansy little behind won't touch. I have more problem with the belching, burping, overfed pig that I have to stand next to after every sehar and aftaar.

Proud? This is what happens when yesterday's boot-licking, uneducated morons, out of sheer luck, come by enormous wealth. It instills in them a false sense of entitlement, based on pretense, backed my imbecility, showing only insecurity and impotence...at least until they meet someone who's willing to rub their noses in the dirt. Happens quite a lot in Pakistan too, a lot!
I think I made my point regarding this topic, but I would like to raise an another one:

Why when Turks, Persians, Iranians, Pakistanis..etc are proud of their nationality or ethnicity is considered patriotism but when it comes to Arabs is considered racism? It really sucks.
that's the real face of Arabs ... they always thinks that they are superior
I think I made my point regarding this topic, but I would like to raise an another one:

Why when Turks, Persians, Iranians, Pakistanis..etc are proud of their nationality or ethnicity is considered patriotism but when it comes to Arabs is considered racism? It really sucks.

It does, considering that Arabs are the ones who changed the above mentioned civilizations. not the other way around.
Hmm, I would say anyone going to prayer houses of any religion would be expected to be reasonably clean. Especially in case of mass gatherings such as Muslim's friday prayers.

Personally i'd not be in favour of such an outright ban because prayer houses are supposed to be open to everyone, rich/poor. If, by chance, any such law is enacted, it should apply to both locals (in this case, arabs) and foreigners. That is, anyone looking dirty, regardless of race.
This is not Islam, this is jahiliyah.
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