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Rabia Symbol


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Rabia symbols coming to overthrow Saudi Arabia dictatorship ?


Who is supporting whom in the Arab world?



CAIRO — Saudi Arabia is emerging at the forefront of a forceful effort by Persian Gulf monarchies to back Egypt’s new military leaders, exacerbating a fierce struggle for influence in the chaotic and increasingly leaderless Arab world and putting the Saudis at odds with the United States, a long-standing ally.

Alot of popular Muslim countries on side with Pro-Morsi and rabia symbols almost everywhere.

Saudi king backs Egypt's military
King Abdullah calls on Arabs to stand together against "attempts to destabilise" Egypt.


King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has called on Arabs to stand together against "attempts to destabilise" Egypt.

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its people and government stood and stands by today with its brothers in Egypt against terrorism," he said in a statement read on state TV on Friday, backing Egypt's military leadership.

"I call on the honest men of Egypt and the Arab and Muslim nations ... to stand as one man and with one heart in the face of attempts to destabilise a country that is at the forefront of Arab and Muslim history," he added.

He also said that they were confident that Egypt will recover.

Saudi Arabia was a close ally of former President Hosni Mubarak and has historically had a difficult relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.

It pledged $5bn in aid to Egypt after Mohamed Morsi of the Brotherhood was ousted from the presidency last month.

Saudi Arabia "has stood and stands with its Egyptian brothers against terrorism, deviance and sedition, and against those who try to interfere in Egypt's internal affairs... and its legitimate rights in deterring those tampering with and misleading" its people, he said.

H A Hellyer from the Brookings Institution and the Royal United Services Institute, speaking from Cairo, said Saudi Arabia would back whoever they think can actually hold on to order in the country.

"At present that seems to be the interim government as well as the military. Also Saudi Arabia has a very uncomfortable history with the Muslim Brotherhood" he told Al Jazeera.

International condemnation

Meanwhile, with fresh violence erupting across Egypt, the Cairo leadership said it was confronting a "malicious terror plot" by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Egypt has faced international condemnation since nearly 600 people were killed in clashes on Wednesday when police broke up protest camps of supporters of Morsi, in Egypt's bloodiest day in decades.

The kingdom's regional arch foe Iran had condemned what it called Wednesday's "massacre" in Egypt.

But Arab states of the Gulf - the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain - have separately voiced support for the deadly assault on Morsi's supporters, saying it was the state's duty to restore order.

They, along with Kuwait, also welcomed the July 3 army coup that ousted Morsi, Egypt's first elected leader since an popular uprising in 2011 toppled Mubarak.

S. Arabia, Kuwait prohibit Egyptians from protesting coup

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have prohibited Egyptians from protesting the coup in Egypt, while Kuwait deported Egyptian workers protesting in front of Egypt's embassy


August 19 2013

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, which have expressed support for the military coup in Egypt, have allegedly prohibited Egyptian workers employed in their countries from protesting the Egyptian coup in front of Egyptian embassies.

Izzettin Abdullah Nasser, an Egyptian worker living in the city of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, told AA correspondent that Egyptians wanting to protest the military coup and massacres in Egypt have applied to the relevant Saudi authorities for permission, but were prohibited by police forces which threatened them with deportation.

Explaining that 1.5 million Egyptians live in Saudi Arabia and thousands of people desired to protest against the massacre in Egypt, Nasser said, "the Saudi police conveyed that we are not allowed to protest, and threatened to deport us in the case of our doing so.”

The Saudi Arabia police have increased security measures against the possibility of protests around Egypt's embassy, consulates and other offices in the country.

Meanwhile, police in Kuwait detained 35 Egyptians protesting the Egyptian coup in front of the Egyptian and US embassies in the country, deporting 9 of the Egyptian nationals.

According to information received from sources at Egypt's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kuwait decided to deport 9 people who organized protests in front of the embassies.

It has been put forward that the persons who were deported did not want to be sent to Egypt out of fear of arrest.

@iranigirl2, you should not thank my post, it is not necessary just because I post it !!! I would support Rabia symbol to overthrow Iranian regime and Ayatollah terrorists.)
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Let me add to that, yesterday in the local papers there were reports that in Kuwait also exists an outlet of MB that soon will be dismantled. Now before I get anywhere with anything. Let me say this the way the whole thing has been handled, the Egyptian army goofed up big, I mean mega time. There was simply no need for the un-necessary use of power, killings that have taken place. If anything they have made the MB guys heroes for even those who didnt care for them. But, the MB guys had done themselves no justice with the stunts they had pulled off. They tried to cause issues in UAE, in Kuwait, and in Saudi. And not to forget the stupidity they were pulling off in Egypt, and getting cozy with Iran. They by themselves were very nicely able to isolate the whole MB in the region, and presented a perfect excuse to the regional and local adversaries to go ahead with their plans.
Rabia has any connection with Arba'a (four)?

Why this symbol?

Only Turkey and Qatar have any sense of justice, principle and honour

You know the saying "Iss hamam main sab hi nangay hain?" (Everyone is naked in this bath).

Both Military and Brotherhood, they have killed innocents and what not. Problem is with their mentality. So I won't equate justice, principle and honor based on who supports what side.
Ameen a lot of R4ba symbols around Muslim countries and also civilians in the Gulf states (webcam pics). Taghoot King Abdullah and the ruling elites already destroyed their reputation and they are pathetic anyway. May their downfall come near.

Since when did Iran say they were against the coup? Iran definitely not backing MB and secretly supported the coup but not involved, they can't say publicity because of KSA. Their Taqiyah is probably turned on. MB accused Iran for supporting the coup. The reason Iran is not backing MB. Firstly, Morsi did not react after 4 Shiites killed in Egypt. Secondly, MB is an ally with Qatar and AKP (Qatar hates Iran and probably Erdogan too). Thirdly, Morsi bravely showed love for the Sahabas in Tehran parliament and called for Assad to leave. Lastly, two weeks before his oustal; On the stadium with 70 world prominent scholars and thousands of Egyptians watching their speech 'declaring Jihad in Syria' in the stadium Egypt's Sheikh Muhammad Hassan said "I call on Morsi not to open the door of Egypt for the Rafidha(Shiites) while Egypt MB members watches and openly support Syrian revolution. All of this makes Iran uncomfortable and shows that MB hates Shias.

Iranians probably desperately want to kill Morsi during his speech.
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Rabia has any connection with Arba'a (four)?

Why this symbol?

Rabaa, Rabia & Arbaa are the same meaning ... This symbol has been given by Turkish PM Racep Tayyib Erdogan for showing solidarity with Egyptian people against the massacre which had been done by Egyptian army .........

Two countries in the region worked hard to outs Morsi from power.

One is Saudi Arabia, they don't like Political Islam because it's a challenge to their own Absolute monarchy.

Second one is Israel, because they trust the Egyptian army much more to keep the peace treaty (Camp David Accords) and cooperate with the Israeli army.

Another country that's involved is America, their primary concern is Israel, so they'll do whatever Israeli lobbies want.

Iran is not involved in Egypt.


Israel lobbying U.S., EU to support Egypt’s military government


Israel Escalating Efforts to Shape Allies’ Strategy


Egypt's Rulers Have a New Friend in DC: The Israel Lobby


Saudi Arabia Promises to Aid Egypt’s Regime


Saudi Arabia warns against pressing Egypt on crackdown


Saudi Arabia Blames America for the Turmoil in Egypt

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Two countries in the region worked hard to outs Morsi from power.

One is Saudi Arabia, they don't like Political Islam because it's a challenge to their own Absolute monarchy.

Second one is Israel, because they trust the Egyptian army much more to keep the peace treaty (Camp David Accords) and cooperate with the Israeli army.

Another country that's involved is America, their primary concern is Israel, so they'll do whatever Israeli lobbies want.

Iran is not involved in Egypt.


Israel lobbying U.S., EU to support Egypt’s military government

Israel lobbying U.S., EU to support Egypt’s military government | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Israel Escalating Efforts to Shape Allies’ Strategy


Egypt's Rulers Have a New Friend in DC: The Israel Lobby

Egypt's Rulers Have a New Friend in DC: The Israel Lobby | The Cable

Saudi Arabia Promises to Aid Egypt’s Regime


Saudi Arabia warns against pressing Egypt on crackdown

Saudi Arabia warns against pressing Egypt on crackdown | Reuters

Read my post again. I didn't say Iran was involved in the coup. I said they never supported the Muslim Brotherhood because there are reason for it.
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Read my post again. I didn't say Iran was involved in the coup. I said they never supported the Muslim Brotherhood because there are reason for it.

Your implying that Iran "supported" the coup and that we are lying about it.


Iran didn't support the coup.

for Iran, Morsi is better than the military rule in Egypt.

Military in Egypt is pro-Israel, So for Iran it's better to have Morsi in power than Military.

This is from a geostrategic point of view, not religious or Shia vs Sunni.

But again , Iran is not involved nor did she supported any side.

Iran is against the massacre, which was against unarmed people sleeping in tents.
I have adopted this symbol as my DP on twitter as well as here. I urge others to do the same, at least for a few days. This is the least we can do to show support.

For Muslim countries, democracy is the only way forward. This is in accordance with Islamic ideals and provides us the opportunity to engage with the rest of the world in a transparent and organized manner with long-term benefits for all. Do not let Mullahs tell you otherwise. Do not let Western-educated dictator supporters otherwise. These two sections of the population represent the forces that do not allow Muslim countries achieve stability and institutional framework necessary for progress and partnership with the wider world.

Down with Mullah-politics, down with dictators, down with Fascist liberals.

People in Egypt and elsewhere who say that this coup is not a coup, must now realize that the revolution was not a revolution, and that their spring has become a fall (autumn) by their hands. A people who can not put up with the difficulty of establishing democratic setup and its evolution must necessarily have to put up with dictators, repression, foreign meddling, & being treated like 3rd grade citizens of the world.
I have edited this double post to answer @darkinsky.

Yes sir, indeed this is a new traffic sign. The sign has been made to direct the political thought traffic to democracy and tolerance, something dictator supporters must not find appealing.
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Read my post again. I didn't say Iran was involved in the coup. I said they never supported the Muslim Brotherhood because there are reason for it.

because you are too ignorant and so much obsessed about shia vs sunni

buy a brain
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