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Rabbi Yosef's death leaves huge void: 'No man can replace him'

He was an evil man. The world just became a slightly better place.

He gave fatwa to kill Muslims destroy their farms kill their cattle and cows and sheep dont leave thing he did what his Talmud tell him
I remember he declared jihad against iran he wish that all Palestinians should annihilate by cancer from god
PDF should not tolerate cheering for a dead terrorist. If someone opened a thread like this on obl or ttp leaders they would be banned in an instant. There should be no double standard. :mod:

This thread should be deleted and the op should be banned.
PDF should not tolerate cheering for a dead terrorist. If someone opened a thread like this on obl or ttp leaders they would be banned in an instant. There should be no double standard. This thread should be deleted and the op should be banned.
Cute. The thread was opened because a man who can mobilize - even in death - ten percent of a country's population is clearly someone of strategic importance. Instead, this thread has degenerated into an unsupportable hate-fest resting on name-calling and such ludicrous sources as David Duke of the KKK!

Guys, it was Pakistani diplomats who revealed to me what every Muslim needs to publicly acknowledge - yet they dared not: that the Jews of Israel are the material and moral success Muslims seek but have yet to attain. Since Islam claims to supersede Judaism and gazing through the half-mirrored glass reveals Israel's success and Islam's failure, comfort is sought by destroying the mirror.

Just because so many Muslim clerics are "evil men" and "believe the rest of the world should be annihilated because it does not conform to their stance" why should that give you licence to willy-nilly tar clerics of other religions with the same brush, rather than hold Muslims to the higher standard demonstrated by Jews and others? Islam may be trumpeted as "the religion of peace" but the Muslims in this thread have waved the flag of religious hatred, where the only "peace" sought is that of graveyards filled with the corpses of enemies and non-Muslims.
Another article, this time from AFP:

Rabbi's funeral draws 700K mourners in Israel


Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of Israel's Sephardic Jewish community and the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, died in hospital on Monday. Picture: AFP/Gali Tibbon

More than 700,000 people took to the streets of Jerusalem on Monday night to mourn influential Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, making it the biggest funeral in Israel's history, police said.
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said there were more than 4,000 police securing the event, which shut down many streets in the Holy City.

Israel's Magen David Adom emergency services said more than 150 people had suffered slight injuries due to the overcrowded streets. Fifteen were taken to hospital.

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, there were currently slightly over six million Jews in Israel, meaning that over one in every 10 Jews was at the funeral.

Yosef, 93, who wielded enormous influence among Israeli Jews of Middle Eastern and North African ancestry but courted controversy with his outspoken views, had been in and out of hospital for months and undergone heart surgery.

His death came two weeks after his operation at Jerusalem's Hadassa hospital, where he eventually passed away.

"Despite all our efforts... since his deterioration overnight and huge efforts to halt that, and after a great struggle, the rabbi died just a few moments ago,'' cardiologist Dan Gilon said in remarks aired on radio.


More than 700,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews flooded Jerusalem's streets to mourn the death of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Picture: AFP/Menahem Kahana

A former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel whose son took over the same role in June, Yosef had frequently played the role of kingmaker in the country's fickle coalition politics.

He was spiritual leader also of ultra-Orthodox party Shas, which was a member of most ruling coalitions before going into opposition after January elections.

The mourners, mostly ultra-Orthodox Jews wearing traditional black clothing and with men separated from women, gathered outside the seminary Yosef had studied at, before going to his funeral in Jerusalem's conservative Sanhedria district.

"We've lost a father,'' Eliel Hawzi, a 26-year-old mourner in the middle of his military service, said. "Rabbi Yosef is irreplacable for the Jewish people.''

News of his deteriorating health prompted President Shimon Peres to cut short a working meeting with his Czech counterpart Milos Zeman and rush to the rabbi's bedside, his office said.

Peres later delivered a eulogy for Yosef, whom he described as "my teacher, my rabbi, my friend''.

"I held his hand which was still warm and kissed his forehead. When I pressed his hand I felt I was touching history and when I kissed his head it was as though I kissed the very greatness of Israel,'' the 90-year-old head of state said of his earlier meeting with the rabbi.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed deep sorrow over Yosef's death, saying the Jewish people had lost "one of the wisest men of this generation''.

"I heard with profound grief about the passing of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, one of the greatest rabbis of our generation,'' he said.

"He was filled with love of the Torah and the people. I very much appreciated his convivial personality and his directness,'' Netanyahu said, extending condolences to his family and followers.

His death sparked an outpouring of emotion within the Sephardi community, with Shas leader Arye Deri openly sobbing as he expressed his grief in radio interviews.

"We are all alone,'' he said, referring to the rabbi as "our father''.

Yosef founded Shas in 1984 on the platform of a return to religion and as a counter to an establishment dominated by Ashkenazi Jews of European ancestry.

But the Baghdad-born rabbi frequently courted controversy with his outspoken remarks, describing Palestinians and other Arabs as "snakes'' and "vipers'' who were "swarming like ants''.

He called on God to strike down then prime minister Ariel Sharon over Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, and during the 2006 war in Lebanon, he implied Israeli soldiers killed in battle died because they didn't follow Jewish commandments.

Despite the rabbi's often sharp-tongued outbursts, he had for many years been an advocate of peace talks with the Palestinians based on his respect for the sanctity of life, explained Jerusalem Post religious affairs correspondent Jeremy Sharon.

"Yosef was of the opinion that if a peace process could be conducted with Palestinians and save lives, then territorial compromises could be considered,'' he said.

Sharon added that Yosef's death without having appointed a successor could lead to splits in Shas, which had its heyday in the late 1990s with 17 seats in parliament.

But following the failure of the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords to bring about an end to the conflict with the Palestinians, Yosef shifted politically to the right.


More than one in every 10 Jews in Israel was at Rabbi Yosef's funeral. Picture: AP/Sebastian Scheiner

Nonetheless, Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas was quick to pass on his "condolences to Ovadia Yosef's family''.
@Solomon2 you are a nobody at the very least and a propagandist hasbara at most, nobody believes your half assed stories of Pakistani diplomats taking times out of their busy lives to entertain your petty company and "admitting" such things to you. :rolleyes:

@Aeronaut why is this thread still open? Next people will open threads celebrating other maniacs. @Jungibaaz
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Cute. The thread was opened because a man who can mobilize - even in death - ten percent of a country's population is clearly someone of strategic importance. Instead, this thread has degenerated into an unsupportable hate-fest resting on name-calling and such ludicrous sources as David Duke of the KKK!
I don't know him but i don't like him, maybe because he doesn't talk much to the goyims. Unlike the popes who often talk for everybody.
@Solomon2 you are a nobody at the very least and a propagandist hasbara at most, nobody believes -
So? I'm telling readers what I learned about Pakistani and Muslim motivations and how. Whether readers believe it or not isn't my concern, is it?
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what a waste of time man you are here since 2008 and i didn't read your 10 posts till now
Of course, you being "Imran Khan" means you're the only worthwhile person in the room! I bow in fear of your dread commenting skills and seek pardon for breathing and caring about Pakistani, sir!
Cute. The thread was opened because a man who can mobilize - even in death - ten percent of a country's population is clearly someone of strategic importance. Instead, this thread has degenerated into an unsupportable hate-fest resting on name-calling and such ludicrous sources as David Duke of the KKK!

Guys, it was Pakistani diplomats who revealed to me what every Muslim needs to publicly acknowledge - yet they dared not: that the Jews of Israel are the material and moral success Muslims seek but have yet to attain. Since Islam claims to supersede Judaism and gazing through the half-mirrored glass reveals Israel's success and Islam's failure, comfort is sought by destroying the mirror.

Just because so many Muslim clerics are "evil men" and "believe the rest of the world should be annihilated because it does not conform to their stance" why should that give you licence to willy-nilly tar clerics of other religions with the same brush, rather than hold Muslims to the higher standard demonstrated by Jews and others? Islam may be trumpeted as "the religion of peace" but the Muslims in this thread have waved the flag of religious hatred, where the only "peace" sought is that of graveyards filled with the corpses of enemies and non-Muslims.

Agree with you except first couple of lines.
an Israeli explained me that his words have been very much transformed by the media, even Israeli media.
for exemple when he said he wanted the death of terrorists, it was transformed to he wanted the death of Palestinians.
i guess only people understanding hebrew can judge of what he really said
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an Israeli explained me that his words have been very much transformed by the media, even Israeli media.
for exemple when he said he wanted the death of terrorists, it was transformed to he wanted the death of Palestinians.
i guess only people understanding hebrew can judge of what he really said
I'm not really sure. It looks like a number of his more politically controversial statements were taken out of context. But I know he apologized for these remarks. Still, his words from thirteen years ago -

"The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads,
waste their seed and exterminate them,
devastate them and vanish them from this world,"

- have a special poignancy today, as over 200,000 Arabs have died from Arab-on-Arab violence since 9/11, over 100,000 of these in the past three years (mostly Syrians).

You know, us Jews experienced this about 2,000 years ago. Before the Romans captured Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple us Jews were an intolerant and polarized people. Our rabbis tell us we lost to the Romans because of this baseless hatred. If I recall correctly R. Yosef believed after the Six-Day War that Jews should not pray on the Temple Mount because while the Mount remained holy, Jews still had not yet reached the correct level of merit.
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I'm not really sure. It looks like a number of his more politically controversial statements were taken out of context. But I know he apologized for these remarks. Still, his words from thirteen years ago -

"The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads,
waste their seed and exterminate them,
devastate them and vanish them from this world,"

- have a special poignancy today, as over 200,000 Arabs have died from Arab-on-Arab violence since 9/11, over 100,000 of these in the past three years (mostly Syrians).

You know, us Jews experienced this about 2,000 years ago. Before the Romans captured Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple us Jews were an intolerant and polarized people. Our rabbis tell us we lost to the Romans because of this baseless hatred. If I recall correctly R. Yosef believed after the Six-Day War that Jews should not pray on the Temple Mount because while the Mount remained holy, Jews still had not yet reached the correct level of merit.

Funny how sometimes you accuse arabs of beeing close minded in their religious views.News flash:you lost to the romans because at that time they were the most formidable war machine on Earth,nothing to do with the fact that the jews were intolerant.Israel was a small,weak nation compared to Rome,bigger empires fell to the roman juggernaut,jews could have been the most tolerant nation on Earth,they would still have been steam rolled by the romans.Don't cover basic history with some BS mystic beliefs.
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