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R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader

Sardarji the Problem is that Every @AdarshLibral says the same!!! "You cannot question my Patriotism"!!!!!

So u want to say i should use expeltives against christians and muslims to show i am a patriot??


Writer; Palaash Ghosh.

An Indian writing such an article of all the nations is funny. Essentially he's saying; murder and gang rape on a delhi bus is not that bad because Pakistan is worse, because of all the unverified reports coming from there.

Two teens charged with raping 80-year-old - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina

Muslim Gang Rapes and the Left Blames Us

There was a trial in Lille where a 13-year-old girl was gang raped by 80 men. (All Muslims) :sick:

At least cite some reliable sources rather than some crappy internet sites.
Go on then join the rss and buldoze some mosques to save ur motherland.

Hold your horses Son.. RSS never bulldozed any mosque.. The Haryana case is issue btwn pastor and villagers, The villageres were not Swayam Sevak.
Hold your horses Son.. RSS never bulldozed any mosque.. The Haryana case is issue btwn pastor and villagers, The villageres were not Swayam Sevak.

Go on then join the rss and buldoze some mosques to save ur motherland.

.... what if we refuse to cut our hair, grow it like a barbarian and wear a diaper to cover it to save ur motherland ? Is that fine ?
Go on then join the rss and buldoze some mosques to save ur motherland.

Why the crap I should get advice from pseudo secular who allows nan and kids been raped by Vatican . And Hinduism is not about what u think . It's more secular and any religious in the world .In the history of the world .
Now go and join you guru jis ISIS ... you will have lots of good rapist to join your propaganda . Of go do some SUCIDE blast
Dude do u even know the history and culture of two religious ? Christianity and Hinduism ? First read that ... then comment here .

Every religion and clture go thru phases...

Corruption is also one phase.. Reforms are other... At some point of time both religion were corrupted and both recovered by reforms..
So can we say this crying and whining from Christians in India is because their foreign funding is being stopped?

Am not Justifying that but when your dear ones are getting killed..................Never Conner a CAT
How about cornering a WOLF ? ........ and then killing it ?
Kid Grow up..............Touch us if you can...............We are 20 % in Kerala............Shoooooooo
Why the crap I should get advice from pseudo secular who allows nan and kids been raped by Vatican . And Hinduism is not about what u think . It's more secular and any religious in the world .In the history of the world .
Now go and join you guru jis ISIS ... you will have lots of good rapist to join your propaganda . Of go do some SUCIDE blast

dI******S like u have kept india backward for far too long.

It was never a Mosque.. We can discuss it many times.. Go and read ASI report...
.... what if we refuse to cut our hair, grow it like a barbarian and wear a diaper to cover it to save ur motherland ? Is that fine ?
RIP logic again.
At least cite some reliable sources rather than some crappy internet sites.

CNN.com - Transcripts

AMANPOUR (voice-over): When Samira's family discovered that she had been raped, they weren't sympathetic. They threw her out onto the streets. But she since discovered that hers was not the only case.

BELLIL (through translator): There was a trial in Lille where a 13- year-old girl was gang raped by 80 men. Yes. Sometimes it's 80 or 50 or 10. It's absolutely terrible.

In the town of Argenteuil it was horrible. A young woman was raped in a school.
What a stupid post.Delete it.
Should christians start telling the historical realities of hinduism in such brazen and stupid manner??
They have reformed much more than dharmic religions,face the truth.

Ignorant cute @he-man unwilling to learn
It was never a Mosque.. We can discuss it many times.. Go and read ASI report...

Its not even public.
Every religion and clture go thru phases...

Corruption is also one phase.. Reforms are other... At some point of time both religion were corrupted and both recovered by reforms..

You are missing some crucial info . So I leave it there
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