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Quran’s Punjabi translation top seller at the Chandigarh Book Fair

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Yeah, in a way you are also right.. Interpretations can vary.. But as Spring Onion saying, if he has claimed prophecy (nauzubillah) then hell fire is waiting for him eagerly ...
As it is mentioned in -
Surat An-Nisa' [4:56] : "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise."
(may Allah swt save us from this type of sin)

are you muslim?
Mainstream islam is a feudalistic and imperialist religion.The only Socialist religions are Russian Christian Orthodoxy and other Eastern Orthodoxy ,Mahayana Buddhism,Sikhism,Huji Shia Islam,Ahmaddiya Islam,Bahaism.

Original Islam was neither feudalistic , nor imperialistic .. All such trends were absorbed later and with the passage of time got so much mixed with Islamic tradition that they are usually mistaken as a part of Islam
For the Muslims the Holy Quo'ran is the final Message of Allah swt. Qadyinais keep adding to it claiming "ohi"/revelation has been sent through their successive Massifs. And this guy adds what is mostly prescribed by his CIA/MI5-6/Mossad handlers.
I have heard of book 'Al-furqan' earlier about which some of my friends have claimed that it is mistranslated book, or reason which you are mentioning,and it that book instead of God or Essa,they have mistranslated it as Jesus Christ.
Also,be aware of online translated pocket quran apps,many are mistranslated.
You can Google it and see for yourself,they will show you along with screenshot of pages.
I want to ask a question to OP,that who translated those books?which company published that?which aalim approved it?
No offence mean,nor any intention to hurt you all,kindly give one linear response,and please I request Indians not to interfare ie quoting back by asking irrelevant questions,or making unnessesary comments,which are contrary to my question as I am not here to indulge myself in any sort of debate or 'bakwas',if my friends,however will post me the name of company which has published or aalims who translated it,then I will appreciate it.
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Well that is wrong.Slavery,sex with women captured in war,promises of houris in heaven,jizya,calls for killing kafirs are imperial and racial concepts .And they exist in Islam and Quran.Socialism is not racial nor imperial.

Brother you are really confused on this , open a new thread and we may discuss it there as it is not the topic of this thread , :
Islamic socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well that is wrong.Slavery,sex with women captured in war,promises of houris in heaven,jizya,calls for killing kafirs are imperial and racial concepts .And they exist in Islam and Quran.Socialism is not racial nor imperial.

If you are claiming so, he why don't you give me any example from Quran
Brother you are really confused on this , open a new thread and we may discuss it there as it is not the topic of this thread , :
Islamic socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the caliphates were imperial and capitalistic in nature.Modern Islamic socialism was born under Ghaddafi. The ancient practised one was huji shia communists who were mass murdered by Taimur for being unislamic. Islam is pro-capitalist religion.
this thread is a troll magnet.
mods please move it to senior section.
Why are you replying to some one who is here only to troll and make this healthy discussion go worse ... ?

I think I am already seeing insults on Ahmaddiyya muslims who are socialist in nature. Neither I am in mood to troll ,but what I say is the truth. Islam is whether good or bad,its not socialist religion. That was my point.
All the caliphates were imperial and capitalistic in nature.Modern Islamic socialism was born under Ghaddafi.

The Rashidun Caliphate(original caliphate) was not "Imperialistic" , other caliphates were simple monarchies . Islamic system is not capitalist in the sense of the word . very strong central economy , Bait ul Maal (social ownership of central reserves) , concept of welfare state , strict control over profits , Interest free economy , protection of the poor (with zakat etc.), discouraging accumulation of wealth in few hands etc. are the basis of Islamic economic system ..
And it was Abu zar Ghaffari (r.a) , a companion of prophet (pbuh) who was the first Muslim Socialism Activist
Houri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The language of Islam is dualistic. As an example, there is never any reference to humanity as a unified whole. Instead there is a division into believer and kafir (unbeliever). Humanity is not seen as one body, but is divided into whether the person believes Mohammed is the prophet of Allah or not.

Kafir is what the Koran and Islam call the unbelievers. Kafir is the worst word in the human language.

The Koran defines the kafir and says that the kafir is:

Hated- 40:35 They who dispute the signs of Allah [kafirs] without authority having reached them are greatly hated by Allah and the believers. So Allah seals up every arrogant, disdainful heart. and despised by Allah.

Mocked- 83:34 On that day the faithful will mock the kafirs, while they sit on bridal couches and watch them. Should not the kafirs be paid back for what they did?

Punished- 25:77 Say to the kafirs: My Lord does not care for you or your prayers. You have rejected the truth, so sooner or later, a punishment will come.

Beheaded- 47:4 When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thor-oughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.

Confused- 6:25 Some among them listen to you [Mohammed], but We have cast veils over their [kafirs] hearts and a heaviness to their ears so that they cannot understand our signs [the Koran].

Plotted against- 86:15 They plot and scheme against you [Mohammed], and I plot and scheme against them. Therefore, deal calmly with the kafirs and leave them alone for a while.

Terrorized- 8:12 Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, "I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the kafirs' hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fin-gers!"

Annihilated- 6:45 So the kafirs were annihilated. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Killed- 4:91 If they do not keep away from you or offer you peace or withdraw their hostilities, then seize them and kill them wherever they are. We give you complete authority over them.

Crucified- 5:33 The only reward for those who war against Allah and His messengers and strive to com-mit mischief on the earth is that they will be slain or crucified, have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished from the land. This will be their disgrace in this world, and a great torment shall be theirs in the next except those who repent before you overpower them. Know that Allah is forgiving and merciful.

Made war on- 9:29 Make war on those who have received the Scriptures [Jews and Christians] but do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day. They do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden. The Christians and Jews do not follow the religion of truth until they submit and pay the poll tax [jizya], and they are humiliated.

A Muslim is not the friend of a kafir- 3:28 Believers should not take kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Those who do this will have none of Allah's protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to fear Him for all will return to Him.

A kafir is ignorant- 6:111 Even if We had sent down the angels to them [kafirs], the dead had spoken to them, and We had gathered all things before their eyes, they would not believe unless Allah had willed it, but most of them are ignorant.

Evil- 23:97 And say: Oh my Lord! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones [kafirs]. And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, from their presence.

Disgraced- 37:18 Tell them, "Yes! And you [kafirs] will be disgraced." a partner of Satan 25:55 And still they worship others besides Allah who can neither help nor hurt them. The kafir is Satan's ally against Allah. Unclean- 9:28 Oh, believers, only the kafirs are unclean.

Cursed- 33:60 They [kafirs] will be cursed, and wherever they are found, they will be seized and mur-dered. It was Allah's same practice with those who came before them, and you will find no change in Allah's ways.

Stolen from- Bukhari 5,59,537 On the day of Khaybar, Allah's Apostle divided the spoils of war of Khaybar with the ratio of two shares for the horse and one share for the foot soldier.

Raped- Ishaq 759 [Mohammed's official biography] On the occasion of Khaybar, Mohammed put forth new orders about forcing sex with captive women. If the woman was pregnant she was not to be used for sex until after the birth of the child. Nor were any women to be used for sex who were unclean with regard to Muslim laws about menstruation.

Christians and Jews are infidels, but infidels are kafirs, too. Polytheists are Hindus, but they are also kafirs. The terms infidel and polytheist are religious words. Only the word "kafir" shows the common political treatment of Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, animist, atheist and humanist.

The word kafir should be used instead of "unbeliever", the standard word. Unbeliever is a neutral term. The Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a kafir is evil, disgusting, the lowest form of life. Kafirs can be tortured, killed, lied to and cheated. So the usual word "unbeliever" does not reflect the political reality of Islam.

"Hi i am not sure that 23:97 refers to Kafirs but to demons or jinns ,i read many translations at two quran browsers and a couple of tafsirs at www.altafsir.com.

Evil- 23:97 And say: Oh my Lord! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones [kafirs]. And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, from their presence.

Political Islam // Articles // Kafir

Most of the verses are taken without the context.. Just for example, I'll take 47:4 ... When idol worshipers tried to kill the Prophet, they were engaged in war and in that context the 'behead them' justifies fully ...

Take all of them one by one with context and you will see the truth ...
Some Muslims Scholars and Islamic Institute proof Read these Punjabi Translated Qurans so to see nothing Added or Subtracted from the True Meanings of Arabic Quran as I donot Trust Ahmadis as they are consider Non Muslims - Kafirs and Apostates by both Sunnis and Shias Muslims, and also they are British agents among Muslims and doing the bidding of Devil Satanic West......PLS. Be Careful:what::(
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