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Quran burnt in Florida church

Religeous bigots happen to exist in all religion apparently.. They sure are not getting any salvation..

@Marwari: Be a little sensitive and stop these cr@p off-topics plz.
What he's done is a disgrace, but simply put, he is a half wit that doesn't deserve the time of day given to him.

I would recommend not getting worked up about this because I have a feeling he is a simpleton as an individual and won't even recognize the hypocrisy in his actions.

He falls under the category of "extremist" and is only a cockroach in my eyes. All extremists are deluded and they all need to be classed as such. Group them all together and you will note they come from all kinds of backgrounds and have all sorts of varying influence over multiple people. Chuck them all in your scum bucket and move on, they have no power unless we react or respond.

If they burn a book have no worries. The book will feel NO pain so neither should you! True destruction of the Quran cannot be done with fire, it is destroyed when we fail to remember & practice its lessons in our daily lives. If this occurs then it is ANOTHER fire that you should truly be concerned about!
One day the world would be rid of the Quraan by Allaah's command, before the end of the world. All people can do is to burn their money they spent buying bound paper.
Huh.... In that case one more time like always lanat on RSS.:)

Are you the only skilled person in here when it comes to the war of wits? I clearly said it must have been a 'nutjob'.

Buddy, I am basically a non-biased person, who has nothing against Pakistan. However, if you want to twist my words to favor your quick wits, then I can give you nightmares by citing examples from Pakistan. Open your eyes, and learn to read.
I don't know why, but somehow it looks like a propaganda by some nutjob in the RSS.

Did you even attempt to put a thought about the comment you were making? What do you know about RSS to talk such BS? Well i don't blame you. The Barkha Dutts and Co have brainwashed many people like you. You people can mourn and cry foul about graham Staines, but have not even heard of Aseemanand.
You will be shocked to see the level of extremism in these "missionaries" dude.
I will quote from ALQURAN and that's perfect for this ... " habib saw Kia tum nay dakikha hai Kay kuch log Allah Kay deen Kay noor ko phonko say bujhana chathay hain "
We condemn it from the utmost; but we never will & even allow burning of the Bible. Its the beauty of Islam

last year some christians were burned alive in ghojra for supposed insulting of islam by one of them..Nut jobs are everywhere in every religions,so please dont use such incidences to portray one religion's beauty/Superiority over other.And as per your religion punishment for insulting quran is not just 'atmost condemnation' but something more brutal.
Did you even attempt to put a thought about the comment you were making? What do you know about RSS to talk such BS? Well i don't blame you. The Barkha Dutts and Co have brainwashed many people like you. You people can mourn and cry foul about graham Staines, but have not even heard of Aseemanand.
You will be shocked to see the level of extremism in these "missionaries" dude.

I did attempt everything you can think of, and even the things that you can't. And no, I do not have the facilities/time to watch your Barkha Dutt (?) or whatever journalists you may cite. And WTF do you mean by "You people"???

Can you not see that the entire page is written in a way so as to portray Christians in a bad light? Can you not see that it had to be 'authenticated' by the VHP, that stamped on it? And dude, I have traveled enough and met a lot of missionaries. Don't preach me about extremism.

Well, may be you can still not comprehend. So let me try one last time, with a fictitious stance. Say I am a Muslim. I write on a pamphlet, "Kill all Hindus, even the babies as their birth in itself is a burden on humankind" and then I distribute it all over. Who do you think is it going to hurt more, the Hindus or the Muslims?

When you think over it, you will know the answer why it is more likely that it is an artwork of some nutjob in the RSS, and not some non-existent Lord's Salvation Army.
I did attempt everything you can think of, and even the things that you can't. And no, I do not have the facilities/time to watch your Barkha Dutt (?) or whatever journalists you may cite. And WTF do you mean by "You people"???

Can you not see that the entire page is written in a way so as to portray Christians in a bad light? Can you not see that it had to be 'authenticated' by the VHP, that stamped on it? And dude, I have traveled enough and met a lot of missionaries. Don't preach me about extremism.

Well, may be you can still not comprehend. So let me try one last time, with a fictitious stance. Say I am a Muslim. I write on a pamphlet, "Kill all Hindus, even the babies as their birth in itself is a burden on humankind" and then I distribute it all over. Who do you think is it going to hurt more, the Hindus or the Muslims?

When you think over it, you will know the answer why it is more likely that it is an artwork of some nutjob in the RSS, and not some non-existent Lord's Salvation Army.

Well no offence meant in my post. Anyways, what makes you think only the RSS has nujobs and not the missionaries? I am a secularist too. It is pseudo secularism I have a problem with.
We all look at the world with different eyes. Maybe you see the world as a place where the "Angry hawkish RSS" is there to get you.
Well no offence meant in my post. Anyways, what makes you think only the RSS has nujobs and not the missionaries? I am a secularist too. It is pseudo secularism I have a problem with.
We all look at the world with different eyes. Maybe you see the world as a place where the "Angry hawkish RSS" is there to get you.

No offence taken.

I never said that only the RSS had nutjobs, did I? The topic is not whether only the RSS has nutjobs.

The problem between you and me is, unless I gives a certificate of secularism to the RSS each time I mention its name, I will be attacked.

But guess what, I don't care.

Ah... about your suspicion that it might be a work of a nutjob from the missionaries: Two things: It has been stamped and authenticated by the VHP.
Second: The foundation/missionary would have already denounced the paper and its contents the moment they became public. But what to denounce that they are oblivious of? They won't be ignorant to such counterproductive piece of crap, if it were created by someone of their own. (What I mean is, they are ignorant of it - Believe it or not, I am learning new ways to express my thoughts. People around here can barely comprehend anything. Hence the effort. Please appreciate ;) )
About quran burning, good to see that muslims are not flamed.
More books should be burned, more gods should be offended, more rituals should be challenged. Just so that people get used to being criticized and offended.
People are of course free to continue their religion, but the competition among religious people that who gets offended first, is sickening(at least in India).
If you listen to bal thakrey and people like him, you will think they are the most super sensitive (precious is the other word) people in the world.

About the christian nut cases who wants to burn gita, (no it does not appear to be handiwork of rightwing, from my pov) they can do it.
I dont see anything wrong, if they want to make a point.
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