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Quite simply, Israel is freaking out (Israel's media blitz against Rouhani)

That's the mission in progress. The 'gates' are already open to IAEA, only some diplomacy and compromise is needed from both sides and this issue will be solved easily.

Do you realistically think US-Iran relation can improve, given the immense power of the lobby groups such as AIPAC?
The congress is completely obedient to those fascists and is not gonna lift any sanctions
BTW - It's funny that Hassan & Hussain are negotiating
Do you realistically think US-Iran relation can improve, given the immense power of the lobby groups such as AIPAC?
The congress is completely obedient to those fascists and is not gonna lift any sanctions
If they don't lift sanctions, then we won't have anything to offer, simple as that.

Obama HAS to overcome the warmongering pressure groups or no deal could be reached at all.
its just not isreal which has sleepless nights the prospects of sanctions removed will give some other countries sleepless nights aswell.

Hint: regional supremacy
yeah they are;)

bro did u even bother to watch president rouhani speech at UN??

No, I haven't heard - but my friend was telling that both western & iranian media these days are rolling back the negative stance which they took in past. Anyway best of luck.
No, I haven't heard - but my friend was telling that both western & iranian media these days are rolling back the negative stance which they took in past. Anyway best of luck.

tnx bro:laugh:
hurt ur feelings??:partay:

Sure because they were created by mr.homver and lawrance of Arabia nejdi wahhabi cult it's hurt his feeling when I speak against his british Freemason Zionist imperialist masters.he is from Najd the horn of the satan the land of fitna and dajjal it's hurt them because their slavery house (kingdom) was founded by the British they are Freemason colony
I'm sorry but you misunderstood my point. I stated earlier that Iran reserves the right to take whatever measures necessary to secure its integrity.

I understand your context now. Thanks for clarifying. But your Saudi govt. is walking down the path to hell. Its policies in the region are indirectly helping Israel advance its interests.

An enemy like Israel will want nothing less than wars and brothers slitting each other's throats. If any Muslim country helps in Syrian rebels doing what they are doing there, its equivalent to fighting Israel war. In the end, all the neighbors of Syria and Iran will be losers.
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