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Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

We need to launch missile strikes on any involved foreign governments. My suspicion falls on Afghanistan. India aids NDS that aids these terror groups. Americans need to leave so the gloves can come off against Kabul.
So the BS has started again to destabilize the country our enemies are at it again.
NADRA should have been just the beginning. Pakistan, for its own survival & stability, needs to turn into a surveillance state, it can start with Balochistan and then gradually cover the entire country. There should be CCTV cameras installed everywhere, streets, alleys, marketplaces, public facilities, neighborhoods, border, LoC, etc. The cameras should send this live video feed back to center and where facial recognition software will analyze everything.

You can keep track of everyone, almost everywhere within the country. Not only will this help Pakistan capture separatists, it will also help capture R&AW agents. Stop playing around with security and lives of people. Intel needs to wake up. Intel & military should remember that no one wants to invest in this country as long as there is no stability, and you have daily killings. You are allowing economic damages to continue unabated.

Well Idea is really good. :enjoy:

But any idea how it can be implemented practically ??

And any guess who much strain it will put on already troubled Pakistan economy ?? :azn:
Well Idea is really good. :enjoy:

But any idea how it can be implemented practically ??

And any guess who much strain it will put on already troubled Pakistan economy ?? :azn:

That kind of surveillance state only works for small compact countries like Israel or Singapore. Very difficult and costly to implement in nations of 100m +
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
As usual India is behind of it by using PTM TTP.

Agreed and not at all surprised by your comment. But the question is why couldn't it be Afghanistan or Iran as well ??? :-)
Mohsin Dawar of PTM was maligning Military, called to attack Army, provokes people based upon racial hatred while speaking to a gathering recently in Miranshah, yet again but still people like Mushahidullah & others invited PTM to Senate for a briefing. These 14 lives were taken based upon same pretext of racial subversion & hatred but our Political Lot will keep playing its card because none of these were family members of any Senator.

Terrorism can't be fought by LEAs alone but it also needs a political will & resolve to eliminate. Security Forces will keep hitting them as & when found but on other hand, these gangs breeds upon political games as well as a reach in Media through moles.

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
As usual India is behind of it by using PTM TTP.

See one example that who is running most of these terrorist pages... but unfortunately, Civilian Administration is all busy with other things. Not accusing the whole team but indeed, there are few incompetents that acts similarly to what been happening in past.

Agreed and not at all surprised by your comment. But the question is why couldn't it be Afghanistan or Iran as well ??? :-)
because the twitter account which claimed the attack is being operated from India.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

First of all, May Allah bless the souls of innocent martyrs and offer them highest place in Jannat ul Firdoos.

I am late, because Internet was not working at my end.

The solution to ALL problems MUST NOT be placed on Army, Security Forces or Rangers etc. Civilians must be issued NPB Weapons licenses, and if the rationale and sane civilians of our country are armed, well they can travel with their Gun to every where in Pakistan. And in a situation like this, at least they can neutralize some of Terrorists.

Situation is deteriorating rapidly, and every citizen of Pakistan must secure his safety, and must consider the safety of his fellow brother Muslims. Remember, United we stand, divided we fall!.

Secondly, If the above preposition is NOT possible, then armed policemen in Civilian guise must accompany the civilians in isolated and desolate inhospitable terrains, just like NYPD Officers in civilian guise board trains and other intelligence officials board planes.

Hope, these recommendations carry some weight.

@Zarvan . What you think, Bro?
LOL, atleast learn to lie properly. :woot:
OK tell me who is Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav ( Hussain Mubarak Patel) and what he was doing in Balochistan..Don't tell me that he was just doing import export business with help of Iran.
OK tell me who is Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav ( Hussain Mubarak Patel) and what he was doing in Balochistan..Don't tell me that he was just doing import export business with help of Iran.

Beating a dead horse again, huh?? Mr. KJ is under your custody for years now. Yet.....

This can be anyone including India. I never denied that possibility. It can very well be Afghanistan or even Iran. Afterall Pakistan is also having a bad track record of perpetrating alleged terror attacks in all the aforementioned neigbhours. So I'm not at all surprised.

And on topic, RIP to the fallen irrespective of who they were. :(
India fighting the war it knows it can
Randomly killing a few dozen Indians will go unnoticed and it really wouldn't serve much purpose as Indians are expert in diverting attention away from the issues. The best option is to let the snipers continue their practice on the LOC.
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