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Question for some here


Jul 22, 2009
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I am curious and have a question. I see some on this website that seem to praise and extol the Taliban. How many here are willing to admit that they hope for a Taliban victory? How many hope that the Pakistan Government fails in their military push in the Tribal areas?

And if none of these questions are not the case. Then why do you defend the Taliban in some of these threads? Why do you deny the atrocities they commit?
None who support the Taliban have the courage to live under the Taliban's inhuman rule. They 'support' the Taliban more just to spite the US than out of any sympathies for the Taliban's version of Islam.
I am curious and have a question. I see some on this website that seem to praise and extol the Taliban. How many here are willing to admit that they hope for a Taliban victory? How many hope that the Pakistan Government fails in their military push in the Tribal areas?

And if none of these questions are not the case. Then why do you defend the Taliban in some of these threads? Why do you deny the atrocities they commit?

First of it is not like defending Taliban. Its all about the situation and who is right till what point.

1. You should clarify which Taliban you are talking about?

If you are talking about proxy Taliban doint terrorism in Pakistan then no one on this forum wish for them. Hope is word which is used for those whom we support. Atleast we do not support Baitullah Mehsud gang.

2. I can speak for Swat and Malakand that there military did a wonderful job. I was amazed to see the areas where military reached although proxy Taliban terrorists were dead sure that army wont reach there but they did :)

Military did succeed when they cleansed the Bajaur Agency. I hope you remember the western media was saying if Bajaur falls Pak army will fail. It was termed a test for Pak army.

Now taliban are cornerd and runing here and there. The suicide bombing have witnessed a sharp decline.

If you are talking about real Taliban fighting against US in Afghanistan then may be our replies will depend on some other factors
I am curious and have a question. I see some on this website that seem to praise and extol the Taliban. How many here are willing to admit that they hope for a Taliban victory? How many hope that the Pakistan Government fails in their military push in the Tribal areas?

And if none of these questions are not the case. Then why do you defend the Taliban in some of these threads? Why do you deny the atrocities they commit?

There are TWO different Talibans:

1. The original Afghan Taliban that were ruling Afghanistan (their own land) from the early 90's to even most of Afghanistan today.

2. The new TTP that claim to be Pakistanis that just emerged a few years ago and are the worst thing for Pakistan. Almost all Pakistanis want TTP to be killed.

The original Afghan Taliban didn't give Pakistan much problems when they were ruling Afghanistan, and they are still ruling most of Afghanistan.

P.S. The original Afghan Taliban are also an entirely different group from Al Queda (the group that you blame for 9/11). Al Queda are mostly Arabs and are not Afghan or Pakistani hence there was not a single Pakistani or an Afghan hijacker in 9/11. All of the hijackers from 9/11 were Arabs. Pakistanis and Afghans are not Arabs.
There are TWO different Talibans:

1. The original Afghan Taliban that were ruling Afghanistan (their own land) from the early 90's to even most of Afghanistan today.

2. The new TTP that claim to be Pakistanis that just emerged a few years ago and are the worst thing for Pakistan. Almost all Pakistanis want TTP to be killed.

The original Afghan Taliban didn't give Pakistan much problems when they were ruling Afghanistan, and they are still ruling most of Afghanistan.

P.S. The original Afghan Taliban are also an entirely different group from Al Queda (the group that you blame for 9/11). Al Queda are mostly Arabs and are not Afghan or Pakistani hence there was not a single Pakistani or an Afghan hijacker in 9/11. All of the hijackers from 9/11 were Arabs. Pakistanis and Afghans are not Arabs.
..........Taliban didnt harm pakistan because they were supported by fundamentalists in Pakistan (may be or may not be by any official institution, you know better). Now they are creating problems in Pakistan because Pakistan is co-operating with US to destroy them. Its as simple as that. where did you get your dubias two Taliban theory? The motto of Taliban is not to capture any land or country...but to save their ideology which is not similar to Modern Pakistan. That way taliban is a threat to anyone which dare to come its way. Wish your army will crash them soon to safeguard your country from invasion of their medieval ideology.
I am curious and have a question. I see some on this website that seem to praise and extol the Taliban. How many here are willing to admit that they hope for a Taliban victory? How many hope that the Pakistan Government fails in their military push in the Tribal areas?

And if none of these questions are not the case. Then why do you defend the Taliban in some of these threads? Why do you deny the atrocities they commit?

First of all you must understand there are two types and sects of the Taliban.

There is the original Taliban led by Mullah Omar then there is TTP (Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan) led by Baitullah Mehsud.

Nearly every Pakistani is against Baitullah Mehsud's TTP, by the way I believe he was released from US custody several years back. The TTP is the Taliban causing terrorism and strife in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, not the original Taliban led by Mullah Omar who are fighting occupational forces in Afghanistan especially since Oct. 2001...

Some Pakistanis do in fact support Mullah Omar's original Taliban, as they are not seen as a direct threat to Pakistan. Mullah Omar once declared he would never attack Pakistan, he has even condemned Baitullah Mehsud for his terrorist activities and violence in Pakistan and Baitullah Mehsud's foolish fighting with the Pakistani Army.

So in fact, Mullah Omar does appear to heed to Pakistan, therefore is given an exemption by some. Though let me make this very clear, this does not mean any crime or oppression that is or may be implemented by any group claiming to be "Taliban" is condoned by Pakistan.

There is also another dimension to this imbroglio and that is sometimes it's not that people support Mullah Omar's Taliban but it is that they support US/Western defeat and an end to occupation and control. They also don't support the US puppet regime installed in Kabul led by Pres. Hamid Karzai, who happens to be pro-Indian and considerably anti-Pakistani on several regional affairs...

Hope this answers your question and enhances your understanding.
There are TWO different Talibans:

1. The original Afghan Taliban that were ruling Afghanistan (their own land) from the early 90's to even most of Afghanistan today.

2. The new TTP that claim to be Pakistanis that just emerged a few years ago and are the worst thing for Pakistan. Almost all Pakistanis want TTP to be killed.

The original Afghan Taliban didn't give Pakistan much problems when they were ruling Afghanistan, and they are still ruling most of Afghanistan.

P.S. The original Afghan Taliban are also an entirely different group from Al Queda (the group that you blame for 9/11). Al Queda are mostly Arabs and are not Afghan or Pakistani hence there was not a single Pakistani or an Afghan hijacker in 9/11. All of the hijackers from 9/11 were Arabs. Pakistanis and Afghans are not Arabs.

CORRECTION: The supposedly "19-arab/muslim" hijackers did NOT exist. Fact is some of the supposed hijackers were surprised to find their names on the list the next day (when supposedly they died in the plane crash).

9-11 was the biggest FALSE FLAG operation in the world's history. That much is obvious to anyone with half-intelligence. :woot:
Well its all about interests. I especially like Henry Kissinger's quote on the topic of interests.

Here is a question:
How many times has US abandoned Pakistan

1.) 1965

2.) 1971 the so called help that going to come in the form of 7th fleet but it didn't.But two years later the same nixon sends every almost entire transport fleet loaded with supplies to Israel.

3.) After the fall of soviet union. We take the brunt of millions of afghan refugees for decades.

4.) pressler amendment,thanks to sen pressler. We are paid back in the form of cooking oil for our F-16s.

What will happen if US leaves tomorrow AGAIN.

We have to look at our interests first.

No body likes the Afghan Taliban but they represent the majority Pushtun population. There is no one else representing pushtuns right now. We will have to maintain our relations in one form or another because we can't choose neighbors and no country likes to get encircled by enemies. This is why we don't like indian backed Hamid Karzai.

Please spare us the bull crap on the "Freedom" e.t.c. We all know how your CIA changed governments in many countries whenever it desired. There is a long list of it.

Nearly every Pakistani is against Baitullah Mehsud's TTP, by the way I believe he was released from US custody several years back.

That was Abdullah Mehsud. The first thing he did when he came back was to kidnap chinese.
I am curious and have a question. I see some on this website that seem to praise and extol the Taliban. How many here are willing to admit that they hope for a Taliban victory? How many hope that the Pakistan Government fails in their military push in the Tribal areas?

And if none of these questions are not the case. Then why do you defend the Taliban in some of these threads? Why do you deny the atrocities they commit?

Mr. Thomas, let me clearfy some of the confusion you have about the Talibans. Pakistanie consider Pakistan Taliban as bad Taliban, and they considered the Afganistan Taliban as good Taliban.

So when you reading about the glorification of Talibans, those represents the Afgani side and they are supporting them to remove NATO forces and Indian influences in Afganistan.

I hope I answered your question!!!
@Jana ,omar1984 & A1kaid

That is called double standard you are supporting those who have responsible for 9/11 and wants to remove the other wing called TTP from your land only because they are against Pakistan? What about rest other countries suffering from the whole taliban. I assume the word 'World' applies to you only Pakistan.
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I am curious and have a question. I see some on this website that seem to praise and extol the Taliban. How many here are willing to admit that they hope for a Taliban victory? How many hope that the Pakistan Government fails in their military push in the Tribal areas?

And if none of these questions are not the case. Then why do you defend the Taliban in some of these threads? Why do you deny the atrocities they commit?

I guess the posts above clarify your doubts...as you can see many in Pak still support the ideology; that is the reason for their reluctance to go full fledged against them. And the results are reflected the army's and secret agencies inability to counter them fully since the ideology is institutionalized. Taliban are still considered friends in Pak. I do see some members here rejecting this good & bad theory; but they are in a small minority against the radicalized population of Pak. Probably pak is doing just enough to appease the US, they still believe taliban is an asset and save some for the rainy day...even if it is at a cost for their allies.
None who support the Taliban have the courage to live under the Taliban's inhuman rule. They 'support' the Taliban more just to spite the US than out of any sympathies for the Taliban's version of Islam.
Right, but we don't support the Taliban even then. We're ready to fight off these militant groups that your country turns a blind eye to while India supports them right from under your noses in Afghanistan and we're ready to fight the Taliban too.

We're one step better than you in the fight against terrorism. We're fighting the terrorists you fight and the terrorists you support.

Now if you want us to give a damn about you guys more, shut down India's terror network in Afghanistan.
Well its all about interests. I especially like Henry Kissinger's quote on the topic of interests.

Here is a question:
How many times has US abandoned Pakistan

1.) 1965

2.) 1971 the so called help that going to come in the form of 7th fleet but it didn't.But two years later the same nixon sends every almost entire transport fleet loaded with supplies to Israel.

3.) After the fall of soviet union. We take the brunt of millions of afghan refugees for decades.

4.) pressler amendment,thanks to sen pressler. We are paid back in the form of cooking oil for our F-16s.

What will happen if US leaves tomorrow AGAIN.

We have to look at our interests first.

No body likes the Afghan Taliban but they represent the majority Pushtun population. There is no one else representing pushtuns right now. We will have to maintain our relations in one form or another because we can't choose neighbors and no country likes to get encircled by enemies. This is why we don't like indian backed Hamid Karzai.

Please spare us the bull crap on the "Freedom" e.t.c. We all know how your CIA changed governments in many countries whenever it desired. There is a long list of it.


That was Abdullah Mehsud. The first thing he did when he came back was to kidnap chinese.
Good Points by the way Americans don't realize that Anti Americanism exists for a reason.Some Pakistanis are anti American not because they hate Americans but because of their past policies.
The question that has puzzled so many Americans..that why do they hate us? is not so difficult to understand if you put yourself into the shoes of Afghan and Pakistani Veterans who fought in Afghanistan War.Within Months, the US Government discovered what it had known for past eight years that Pakistan was hard at work on Nuclear Bomb..but with Russians gone Sanctions were imposed and all military and economic assistance was cut off.The Fleet of F16's and other weapons that Pakistan paid for was withheld..Spares of F-16s provided to Pakistan were already used while flying sorties on western border.The Afghan, Arab and other Mujhaideen believed that America had betrayed Pakistanis.
@Jana ,omar1984 & A1kaid

That is called double standard you are supporting those who have responsible for 9/11 and wants to remove the other wing called TTP from your land only because they are against Pakistan? What about rest other countries suffering from the whole taliban. I assume the word 'World' applies to you only Pakistan.

The original Afghan Taliban (which is still ruling most of Afghanistan) were not responsible for 9/11. Please, these guys dont even know where US is on the world map but they know how to fight invaders. They are AFGHANS NOT ARABS.

The US blames Al Queda for 9/11 which is/was lead by ARAB Osama Bin Laden.

Al Queda and Taliban are two different groups.

Do some research before writing up a post next time.
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@Jana ,omar1984 & A1kaid

That is called double standard you are supporting those who have responsible for 9/11 and wants to remove the other wing called TTP from your land only because they are against Pakistan? What about rest other countries suffering from the whole taliban. I assume the word 'World' applies to you only Pakistan.

And the double standard is when one lies through his teeth about 9/11.

When was the last time Taliban were responsible for 9/11????

And btw we support those Taliban who were once creation of CIA to fight Russia.

We now support them because they are fighting the invader US.

And tell me when Taliban have done anything wrong to other countries ?
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