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Question and Answers with Senior Officers


Jul 19, 2009
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Question: Why PAF does not do regular exercises with PLAAF? Have we evaluated their big aircrafts? Is this true that there was some consideration for J-11s?

Answer: We don’t have to publicize all our training programs and PLAAF is a very close partner, soon we'll be flying same kind of Aircrafts so of course there has always been an interaction. PLAAF's Sukhoi platforms are nice and before J10B, there was a consideration for J-11s in limited numbers to replace Mirages but now there is no such consideration anymore.

Question: What is the trust level about kill switches in F-16s?

Answer: You know the level of trust between the two countries, there is nothing discovered as such for now but may be its possible. New electronics can be very complicated. [Author’s note: translating Pakistani customary language nuances, the officer is being diplomatic and saying that there is little trust between the two sides. PAF considers kill switches a possibility and does not dismiss it as conspiracy]

Question: Why do we have to allow F-16s to be monitored by US personnel on our bases and what do they do? Do they sit on a chair in front of F-16s all day? What is the point of having an aircraft which we cannot even fly where US does not want it to and cannot even be parked alongside other air force platforms?

Answer There is no such restriction but there are some conditions we bought the F-16s with. We have all the control on our aircraft. They are only a few aircraft.

Question: India is offered F-16INs, which is most advanced block of F-16s to-date. They come with production rights and what not and we are given only a handful of downgraded F-16s and then they blame us for slipping tech to China.

Answer: Offer to them is for political reasons and weapons offered are not necessarily to tease Pakistan but to achieve some other US strategic goal. China has its own sources of information and tech transfer and does not require Pakistan to fly a block52 to China and allow China to steal technology.

Question: Maybe it is containment of China you meant as US strategic goal for which it wants to arm India but such systems will affect Pakistan. Sir, how do you see it?

Answer: Pakistan is drifting away from reliance on USA for weapons; Block52 might not be the most advanced aircraft in PAF within a few years from now.

Question: How do you see PAKFA?
Answer: I saw the Video in Sukhoi stand. Looks nice. [Author’s note: In typical Pakistani fashion, the officer is saying that this system is still being worked on and may not see service anytime soon].

Question: Sir, will China buy JF-17s?
Answer: Yes of course, they have announced it already.

Source: Eagle Hannan's Goldmine From Zhuhai - Grande Strategy
Question: Maybe it is containment of China you meant as US strategic goal for which it wants to arm India but such systems will affect Pakistan. Sir, how do you see it?

Answer: Pakistan is drifting away from reliance on USA for weapons; Block52 might not be the most advanced aircraft in PAF within a few years from now.

I liked the bolded part of it!!:devil:
Interoperability - with China and those use Chinese and soon SinoPak equipment - a positive development I think all reasonable people would agree.

Weaning away arbis from their Western entanglements will be very difficult and Pakistan should not attempt it - let them develop as they want - good for them and good for Pakistan.
nice post thanx.

its no secret pakistan is slowly turning to china for most of its defence procurements. for info of everyone, F-16 IN wont win the race for india MMRCA project.
You have copy pasted eagle hannans work which he had posted on Pakdef.info some days back. (see the link below)

JF-17 related discussion: Jan - Dec 2010

At least have the decency to give credit where credit is due.

we try not to give other forums links here--- so he has provided alternate external links on both threads--[other thread is in jf17 sub forum]
You have copy pasted eagle hannans work which he had posted on Pakdef.info some days back. (see the link below)

JF-17 related discussion: Jan - Dec 2010

At least have the decency to give credit where credit is due.
You are new here so open your eyes and see again what has written and quoted their.i have clearly provided the source and also quoted their names .

If there would have been any problem lot of senior members or mods would have informed me .so do for what you are here .don't try to teach lesson to those who are on this forum for years.next time don't poke your nose
The restriction right now are the startup codes... requested each week or day from the US defense attache's office in ISL. Although it was the same in the 80's..
and we found a work around for that.
You are new here so open your eyes and see again what has written and quoted their.i have clearly provided the source and also quoted their names .

If there would have been any problem lot of senior members or mods would have informed me .so do for what you are here .don't try to teach lesson to those who are on this forum for years.next time don't poke your nose

my mistake and my apologies mate.
Pakistan is driftin away from USA...... even zardari has come to his senses and has known tht USA is nobdys friend they will use u and say good bye in the end.
Pakistan is driftin away from USA...... even zardari has come to his senses and has known tht USA is nobdys friend they will use u and say good bye in the end.


So, why don't we learn to use them as they use us and say a mutual goodbye when the time comes---.

So, why don't we learn to use them as they use us and say a mutual goodbye when the time comes---.

Because then the top echelon in the leadership circles.. both civilian and military...lose a savior...a way to hold onto their seats..
You think they would EvER give up that?

How much of the mistrust between the US and the Pakistani nation is because of the pakistani government..
We are prepared to scream every-time that the Americans skewed us.. but nobody pays attention to what our leaders promised for us to them..and then tell us we got skewered by the Americans..and publish "friends not masters".
The fact is however...I see very little resentment for American help on the ground.. its always when they ask something in return that we female-dog about it..were you sleeping when your leaders asked them for the help?...could you not have marched to the damn president house and said "hell no"?.

If we dont have the courage to leave out comfort zones without guarantee of anybody else's support to change the ground situation..then all of us.. including me.. should stick to voicing our concerns here electronically...but having the quarter pounder when its handed down to us..
the fat, LDL cholesterol we will just have to sort out ourselves.
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