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Qatari pilgrims harassed in Mecca Grand Mosque

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I am sure Qatari was not written on their foreheads. There must be another reason or its a lie.

And how is it harassed

I do stand with Qatar but we want to calm the situation. Not worsen it by spreading grey propaganda.
This is SA crossing the red line, no govt should bar anyone to visit the holy sites. The holy sites should be declared international Muslim property and governed by Muslim countries combined.
saudi Arabia are now exploiting people by using religion they donot deserve to control the Makkah Mukarma and Madina Munawra administration

Some other muslim country must take over Mecca from KSA. They are building palaces and hotels on historic sites ,tombs and pre-Wahabi islamic sites(they also have extreme historic value as well as there religious value) but keeps on renovating and upgrading Al-wahab's tomb. What they do is no different from ISIS but KSA keeps on shutting UNESCO and other organizations with their oil money

This is SA crossing the red line, no govt should bar anyone to visit the holy sites. The holy sites should be declared international Muslim property and governed by Muslim countries combined.

Nope. I am totally against it. Let Saudi control the holy places. At-least let the holy places remain in peace and away from politics.
mecca in the hands of saud.. someone should free it from those freemasons..
shame on al saud . sacred places are not their properties
Nope. I am totally against it. Let Saudi control the holy places. At-least let the holy places remain in peace and away from politics.
this is a self-contradictory argument.
This is a load of BS. People just mind their own business in Mecca as the diversity is so stunning that makes everybody suddenly tolerant. Even our beloved Persians hardly ever get any sort of intentional discomfort. Many people in KSA as we speak today are quite unhappy with what is going on in the GCC let alone that they would take any fight to Mecca.
This is a load of BS. People just mind their own business in Mecca as the diversity is so stunning that makes everybody suddenly tolerant. Even our beloved Persians hardly ever get any sort of intentional discomfort. Many people in KSA as we speak today are quite unhappy with what is going on in the GCC let alone that they would take any fight to Mecca.

What is amazing or expected (don't know what to settle on) is that non-Arabs here believe such obvious propaganda "news". This explains a lot actually.

Saudi Arabians and Qataris are the same people which makes this rumor even more ridiculous.
To confirm that this is a load of crap posted by a hater, everyone should know that the pilgrimage quota for Iran is one of the highest along with Indonesia, Pakistan, Egypt, and Turkey. This is due to their nearly 80 miilion population. So that is for our freinds the Persians whome we are in an eternal love with.

What would you think our treatment for the Qataris will be? BTW, Qataris themsleves are the closest folks in the GCC to us in every respect.
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This is a new low. Absolutely disgusting.

Saudi Arabia may govern the Country but by no means does it have any moral right to prevent or harass any Muslim national irrespective of whatever Country from performing their sacred pilgrim duties.

This is disgusting. Makkah and Madinah are NOT the property of Saud family. They belong to All Muslims.

I strongly condemn this notorious plotting.
This is a new low. Absolutely disgusting.

Saudi Arabia may govern the Country but by no means does it have any moral right to prevent or harass any Muslim national irrespective of whatever Country from performing their sacred pilgrim duties.

This is disgusting. Makkah and Madinah are NOT the property of Saud family. They belong to All Muslims.

I strongly condemn this notorious plotting.

I strongly condemn stupidity.
I'm very familiar with critical thinking, but I condemn the Saudis neglect to Qatar on the basis of serving Western orders and benefitting Israel.

Being from Makkah doesn't mean the Government or Country you reside in is above criticism

I suggest that you make yourself familiar with the concept of critical thinking, propaganda and the realities of Makkah.

Hint, I am from Makkah.
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