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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

Turkey now became an enemy with its neighbors....

Trust me Syrian people and Turkish people do not see each others as enemies or foes... we once had open border policy.. and erDOGan betrayed Syria..

I dont see treachery, we were not friends with Assad family.
I dont see treachery, we were not friends with Assad family.
Really? go ask erDOGan about the vacation he took with Alasad family?
Anyways... Syria and Turkey became a very good friends.. you can even say allies.. we had open borders and open trade policies.... but now Turkey has open borders for terrorists to go in and out of Syria...
erDOGan is taking Turkey into a deep hole.... Turkey now became an enemy with its neighbors.... at least Syria which shares a long border with Turkey.... now like I said before Syria made sure it will not attack Turkey... what will Syria benefit from attacking Turkey... if Syria had to attack a nation it will probably be Israel... now that's a different topic...
Trust me Syrian people and Turkish people do not see each others as enemies or foes... we once had open border policy.. and erDOGan betrayed Syria..

Assad has no credibility and his words means nothing. He didn't even hesitate before dropping bombs on his own people and cities, why wouldn't he attack a neighbouring country, whom government is supporting terrorists against him.

You don't need to tell us about Erdogan or his party's policies. We Turkish people are well aware of them. You just need to open your eyes and see what Assad really is.
Assad has no credibility and his words means nothing. He didn't even hesitate before dropping bombs on his own people and cities, why wouldn't he attack a neighbouring country, whom government is supporting terrorists against him.

You don't need to tell us about Erdogan or his party's policies. We Turkish people are well aware of them. You just should open your eyes see what Assad really is.
oh man i have to repeat myself here again:
Alright so now you're doing good by supporting the bloodshed in Syria??
and you must be out of your mind... if Alasad was killing his people.. do you think he would last? he has the west, gcc, and turkey against him how can he survive? Alasad power comes from the people.. and if the people wanted Alasad out he would have been gone already... because NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN OVERCOME THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE...

You are just a victim of erDOGan policies...

btw you might wanna check this thing out
Syrians Rally - YouTube

Plus this is not about Turkey and Syria... it's about the puppet government calling Arabs sheep...
oh man i have to repeat myself here again:
Alright so now you're doing good by supporting the bloodshed in Syria??
and you must be out of your mind... if Alasad was killing his people.. do you think he would last? he has the west, gcc, and turkey against him how can he survive? Alasad power comes from the people.. and if the people wanted Alasad out he would have been gone already... because NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN OVERCOME THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE...

You are just a victim of erDOGan policies...

btw you might wanna check this thing out
Syrians Rally - YouTube

Because Assad is pretty good at terrorizing his own people, thus managed to delay the inevitable.


Agreed. We will see why, pretty soon in Syria.
Because Assad is pretty good at terrorizing his own people, thus managed to delay the inevitable.

Agreed. We will see why, pretty soon in Syria.

Like I said before.. if Syrians wanted Alasad to leave he would have been gone already... and this is the time for Syrians to all rise up.. remember "Arab Spring" so they got the chance... and you misunderstood this statement...
Like I said before.. if Syrians wanted Alasad to leave he would have been gone already... and this is the time for Syrians to all rise up.. remember "Arab Spring" so they got the chance... and you misunderstood this statement...

Well, it seems to me that Syrians do want Assad to leave since your country turned into a shthole.

Before you say it; yeah, radical Islamists from abroad played an important role in this process but hey, if Syrians wanted Assad to stay, they wouldn't join them, instead they would've been fighting against them.

You may close your eyes to the facts and continue to think, this is all because of foreign interventions, but there are actually many real Syrian freedom-fighters among FSA.

You are talking like Assad is victorious, but according to latest news, even Russia admitted that the end of Assad is near.
Dude ill wipe the floor with you, and Abu sufyan and muawaya and Yazid, lol you people are the weakest people on earth and you dare to "wipe the floor", lol that must be the funniest thing I heard.

Invented yes... Invented from Sunni sources.

تاريخ الطبري - الجزء : ( 8 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 185 و 189 )

الحديث طويل فإستقطعت منه موضع الشاهد فقط

- ...... أبو سفيان بن حرب وأشياعه من بني أمية ، الملعونين في كتاب الله ، ثم الملعونين على لسان رسول الله في عدة مواطن ، وعدة مواضع ، لماضي علم الله فيهم وفي أمرهم ، ونفاقهم وكفر أحلامهم ، فحارب مجاهداً ، ودافع مكابداً ، وأقام منابذاً حتى قهره السيف ، وعلا أمر الله وهم كارهون ، فقتول بالإسلام غير منطو عليه ، وأسر الكفر غير مقلع عنه ، فعرفه بذلك رسول الله (ص) والمسلمون ، وميز له المؤلفة قلوبهم ، فقبله و ولده على علم منه ، فمما لعنهم الله به على لسان نبيه (ص) ، وأنزل به كتاباً قوله : والشجرة الملعونة في القرآن ونخوفهم فما يزيدهم إلاّ طغياناً كبيراً ، ولا إختلاف بين أحد أنه أراد بها بني أمية ......

- اللهم العن أبا سفيان بن حرب ، ومعاوية إبنه ، ويزيد بن معاوية ، ومروان بن الحكم وولده ، اللهم العن أئمة الكفر ، وقادة الضلالة ، وأعداء الدين ، ومجاهدي الرسول ، ومغيري الأحكام ، ومبدلي الكتاب ، وسفاكي الدم الحرام.
Dude ill wipe the floor with you, and Abu sufyan and muawaya and Yazid, lol you people are the weakest people on earth and you dare to "wipe the floor", lol that must be the funniest thing I heard.

Invented yes... Invented from Sunni sources.

تاريخ الطبري - الجزء : ( 8 ) - رقم الصفحة : ( 185 و 189 )

الحديث طويل فإستقطعت منه موضع الشاهد فقط

- ...... أبو سفيان بن حرب وأشياعه من بني أمية ، الملعونين في كتاب الله ، ثم الملعونين على لسان رسول الله في عدة مواطن ، وعدة مواضع ، لماضي علم الله فيهم وفي أمرهم ، ونفاقهم وكفر أحلامهم ، فحارب مجاهداً ، ودافع مكابداً ، وأقام منابذاً حتى قهره السيف ، وعلا أمر الله وهم كارهون ، فقتول بالإسلام غير منطو عليه ، وأسر الكفر غير مقلع عنه ، فعرفه بذلك رسول الله (ص) والمسلمون ، وميز له المؤلفة قلوبهم ، فقبله و ولده على علم منه ، فمما لعنهم الله به على لسان نبيه (ص) ، وأنزل به كتاباً قوله : والشجرة الملعونة في القرآن ونخوفهم فما يزيدهم إلاّ طغياناً كبيراً ، ولا إختلاف بين أحد أنه أراد بها بني أمية ......

- اللهم العن أبا سفيان بن حرب ، ومعاوية إبنه ، ويزيد بن معاوية ، ومروان بن الحكم وولده ، اللهم العن أئمة الكفر ، وقادة الضلالة ، وأعداء الدين ، ومجاهدي الرسول ، ومغيري الأحكام ، ومبدلي الكتاب ، وسفاكي الدم الحرام.

you are exposing your ****** religion, abusing and insulting Sahaba will not get you anything.

post reported.

استقطاعك مردود عليك يارافضي

معاوية رضي الله عنة كاتب وحي رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم وخال ام المؤمنين زوج النبي واكبر من يتكلم عنه امثالك من ابناء المتعة واحفاد المجوس عبدة القبور

اخلاق ال البيت تقول

لا تسبوا أصحابي فإن أحدكم لو أنفق مثل أحد ذهبا ما بلغ مد أحدهم ولا نصيفه

ولكن هذا هو دينكم السبئي
اخلاق ال البيت تقول

لا تسبوا أصحابي فإن أحدكم لو أنفق مثل أحد ذهبا ما بلغ مد أحدهم ولا نصيفه

ولكن هذا هو دينكم السبئي

you are insulting my religion and reporting me for posting from Tabbari, who is one of the most popular Sunni scholars. You sir are an idiot, how can the sahaba who fought and killed each other all be perfect. How can both the criminal and the victim both be right. how does your mind allow you to accept that "saydna muwaiah fought saydna Ali"

Ill pm you the rest because i dont want to further spam this thread.
you are insulting my religion and reporting me for posting from Tabbari, who is one of the most popular Sunni scholars. You sir are an idiot, how can the sahaba who fought and killed each other all be perfect. How can both the criminal and the victim both be right. how does your mind allow you to accept that "saydna muwaiah fought saydna Ali"

Ill pm you the rest because i dont want to further spam this thread.

يارافضي دينكم دين السب والششتم واللعن والطم والزنا وعبادة القبور والاستعانه والاستغاثة لغير الله
سبيتم عائشة ام المؤمنين زوج النبي رضي الله عنها واتهمتوها والله برئها في ايه الافك
سبيتو الصحابة والله سبحانة وتعاللى يقول في كتابة الكريم لقد رضي الله عن المؤمنين اذا يبايعونك تحت الشجرة...اذا ربك يقول انا رضيت وش تقول يارافضي
اتهمتهم القران بالتحريف والله يقول انا نحن نزلنا الذكر وانا له لحافظون

اذكرك باحاديث الرسول عن معاوية

الرسول يدعي لمعاوية

اللهم علم معاوية الكتاب والحساب وقه العذاب
مسند الامام احمد

اللهم اجعلة هاديا مهديا واهد به

فاذا كان الرسول ائتمنه على وحيه واصبح كاتبا له وصهره في نفس الوقت فمن انت حتى تعلمنا من هو معاوية رضي الله عنة وماهي مناقبة

اذا اردت ان تتحدث فتادب مع اصحاب رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم وهو الذي يقول خير القرون قرني ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم

الرسول صلى الله عليهم وسلم يقول ليس المؤمن بالطعان ولا اللعان ولا الفاحش ولا البذيء

تعلم من نبيك
بالمناسبة انت تعاني من اشكالية وتخلط التاريخ بالدين ولو اردت التحدث في الموضوع فتعال حدثني في القسم العربي وبصمت بدون شوشره
unfortunately I cannot send a PM but since you decided to continue in arab ill just type my reply.

First of all, I don't want to start with an aggressive or insulting manner. Because there is no point in that, so I will talk about it logically and with proper manners. we don't hate all the sahaba, but only those who fought against the prophets family, the events we mention well known and written in most sunni books. The problem is most sunnis never hear of them. The idea that all the sahaba are bright stars is false. First, this gives them infallibility, and justifies every action they do regardless of whether it is positive or negative. Second, many sahaba have had problems between them, not just simple issue, but wars, and killing. So it is illogical to say that they are all perfect. The Quran and the prophet clearly mention that there were hypocrites among the Muslim lines that again prove that not all the sahaba are perfect.
When we Shia mention these facts; were are not mentioning them to make more division, or to insult. Rather we want the people to know the true history and what has gotten Islam into its current state. You may say we are making this up because we hate the sahaba, think about it, why would be dislike the sahaba if they are all perfect?
Bani omia have always been against Islam since the prophet’s time. Abu sufyan fought the prophet for years and did not become Muslim only after the Muslims conquered mecca. He became Muslim only to save his life. There are three early Muslim. These are the muhajireen, the Ansar, an the "tulaga2", the tulaga2 are the once who converted to Islam when the Muslim conquered mecca, Abu sufyan and Muwaiya are of the "tulaga2"
One of the ugliest innovations that started during the reign of Muawiyah was that Muawiyah himself, and through his order to his Governors, they used to insult Imam Ali (AS) during the Sermons in the Mosques. This was even done on the pulpit of the mosque of the Prophet in Medina in front of the grave of the Prophet Muhammad, so that even the dearest Companions of the Prophet (PBUH), and Imam Ali (AS), his family and his near relatives used to hear these swears with their ears.

Sunni references:
- History of al-Tabari, v4, p188
- History of Ibn Kathir, v3, p234; v4, p154

So it’s either Muawiyah is the bad guy, or Ali, or Tabbari is a lair, you choose.

let me remind you of the perfect sahaba and the beautiful and peaceful history of the battle of the camel, battle of siffin, the killing of Uthman by those who were closest to him, then the blame was later was put on Ali although he had nothing to do with it.

The killing of Ammar ibn yassir by muawyahs army
The very first head that was amputated from the body during the Islamic period was of Ammar Ibn Yasir (RA), the famous companion of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF). Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad narrates a tradition as follows, that has also been mentioned in the
Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd that:
In the Battle of Siffin, when the head of Ammar Yasir (RA) was cut off and was taken to Muawiyah, two people were arguing over it, each one claiming that he had killed Ammar.
Sunni references: - Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Traditions #6538, #6929 Printed in Dar al-Maarif, Egypt 1952
ًWhat are you trying to say?
btw Turkey is the same.. Turkey would be nothing without NATO... Turkey always asks NATO for help... just recently they asked for Patriot... that shows that Turkey can not defend itself...
at least Algeria has its own Army... no need for help from NATO...

And the sad thing, not only they didn't trust them enough to give it to them or sell it to them, The US (NATO) don't even think that Turkey has the capability to invade and vanquish Syria.Only a Turc that doesn't realize that fact.
With nothing, we vanquished a colonial power who had NATO capabilities behind him and history test to that. And history will also witness that we are no lap dog to any country.
first, we dont worship graves,
we dont blame Aisha of zina and that is a made up lie, Im talking about the true shia faith and not youtube videos of unknown "scholars" our problem with Aisha is her role in the Battle of the Camel. she disobeyed the quran and the prophet. she went against the Imam of her time.

Again baseless claims, shia believe in the same quran, If you want to play the blame game i could do the same, but i find it of no use.

Can you explain to who is responsible for the lives of thousands of muslims in the battle of siffin between Ali and Muawyah? how can they be both right and both go to heaven, again that not logical.

The same atrocity was committed against Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr (RA) who was the Governor for Imam Ali (AS) in Egypt. When Muawiyah captured Egypt, he was arrested and was killed. His dead body was placed in a belly of a dead donkey and then was brutally burnt.
Sunni references:
- al-Isti'ab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v1, p235
- History of al-Tabari, v4, p79
- History of Ibn Kathir, v3, p180

so much for the great bani omia and there glorious history
Allah is my god
Mohammed is my prophet
The Quran is my book
The Kaaba is my qibla
Islam is my religion
Ali Is my imam> and not prophet

Do I sound kaffir to you?

Hypocrisy of the Saouds, the qaba, a symbol for all the muslim is going to be scrapped to give a place for a mosque. Where ever they send their beni hillal, the destructions of historical and cultural artifact followed. That is not the religion of Mohamed that they are spreading, but a paganism dating of the stone age era.
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