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Qatar and UAE leaders run into each other for first time since Gulf crisis ended in the winter olympics

I am sunni , and muslim, so only Allah is my God.

also , what am i preaching to you exactly ? all i said i would rather not crack jokes at our leaders because i really like them.

take a chill pill ;)

Look you are dragging this unnecessarily.
You did not crack the joke, I did, then why are you getting worked up?
You seemed offended and I clarified without dragging it further, but you are hell bent on dragging this on and on.

You went into they are doing this and that for you, if you don't show your gratitude you would be an a-hole. It's a bit much, please, come on.

You love them, good for you, if you want my honest opinion then ask me and I shall share, but if you come after me for cracking a joke, then in my view, you are being extremely rude, and your approach is very offensive.

I understood your first message, and out of politeness I made things clear, I told you to leave it.
Which approach do you want to take?
You need to understand, No one outside of your country gives a damn, leaders are respected, not worshipped.

If you want to have a constructive discussion, then ask me, if I have an opinion, I shall share it with you. Otherwise, I do not see the point of this discussion.
Look you are dragging this unnecessarily.
You did not crack the joke, I did, then why are you getting worked up?
You seemed offended and I clarified without dragging it further, but you are hell bent on dragging this on and on.

You went into they are doing this and that for you, if you don't show your gratitude you would be an a-hole. It's a bit much, please, come on.

You love them, good for you, if you want my honest opinion then ask me and I shall share, but if you come after me for cracking a joke, then in my view, you are being extremely rude, and your approach is very offensive.

I understood your first message, and out of politeness I made things clear, I told you to leave it.
Which approach do you want to take?
You need to understand, No one outside of your country gives a damn, leaders are respected, not worshipped.

If you want to have a constructive discussion, then ask me, if I have an opinion, I shall share it with you. Otherwise, I do not see the point of this discussion.

You milking it yourself just leave it.. nobody said worship thats effin shirk..
You milking it yourself just leave it.. nobody said worship thats effin shirk..

I'm not milking it, since he replied to my message, I am within my rights to reply. How's that milking it? He didn't say worship, but that's the approach he took. He came across as all righteous and all preachy.
You can't expect me not to reply. You are being unfair.

After my initial reply, he should have moved on.
If you are happy being a slave, then that's you choice. Do not preach me or anyone else about it

A leader is not a God, he is human, nothing more. They do not do anything for you by spending your money on you. It is your land, any wealth that comes out of that land belongs to everyone so it's your money.
The only good they do is provide good quality leadership, for which they get the status and all the privileges, it does not mean you equate them as Godly figures.

They are your leaders not mine, so feel free to live in your servitude, and call yourself an a-hole or not as the case may be.

The rest of the world is free, and knows how to think, and how to differentiate between humans and divine beings. Your leaders are human, not divine.

If you view them as divine, then that's your business, but kindly keep that attitude in your country and within yourself, it is rude of you to preach such degrading mannerisms to the rest of the world.
Gulfies are still in the shackles of their colonial mindset. Will always view their "royals" who were given nations wealth without merit as idols
i believe leaders are kept remembers in history due to their their actions rather than their physical appearance both are physically fit Masha Allah, other than that a very good gesture from both side.. i hope both courtiers will resolve their disputes soon and relations between both will become normal once again
@peagle i think the mistake you made is reply based on assumptions and preconceived notions. Don't do that. just ask next time with a clear mind and open heart :)

anyway , this is the end of this "discussion"

take care
@peagle i think the mistake you made is reply based on assumptions and preconceived notions. Don't do that. just ask next time with a clear mind and open heart :)

anyway , this is the end of this "discussion"

take care

Abu dhabi, you are confused, and extremely annoying.
Making assumptions and being preachy is the mistake you made and are continuing to make.

You need to have an open and honest heart, and stop back tracking on what you said, it's written, you can't pretend you never said it. Because you got a suitable reply, now you want to crawl back.

Ok, I'll let you crawl back, but don't be like high and mighty hypocrite, it's rude.

The end of the discussion is when you stop replying, only then it's the end of the discussion.
I suggest you lean some manners, they will help you in life.
i believe leaders are kept remembers in history due to their their actions rather than their physical appearance both are physically fit Masha Allah, other than that a very good gesture from both side.. i hope both courtiers will resolve their disputes soon and relations between both will become normal once again

You must be a girl otherwise this is the second LGBT red flag post
Abu dhabi, you are confused, and extremely annoying.
Making assumptions and being preachy is the mistake you made and are continuing to make.

You need to have an open and honest heart, and stop back tracking on what you said, it's written, you can't pretend you never said it. Because you got a suitable reply, now you want to crawl back.

Ok, I'll let you crawl back, but don't be like high and mighty hypocrite, it's rude.

The end of the discussion is when you stop replying, only then it's the end of the discussion.
I suggest you lean some manners, they will help you in life.

Inshallah Peagle ;) whatever you say

An interesting analysis from Mr.Hussain , if anyone is interested
What he is saying?

well okay, i tried my best to conclude the major points made in the clip (you will notice its all about al sisi take on it since the narrator is Egyptian)

- President Al Sisi said that he will use his visit to China as a platform to show the world his strong relations to nations that matter to his country (China, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, Kazakhstan ..etc)
- he also mentioned that China is a great place for Arab leaders to meet far from the tensions of the middle east

-Both al sisi and Chinese president agree on a multitude of matters
1-USA harassing both countries about human rights violations while turning a blind eye to real human rights violations taking place in allied nations
2-India says that 20 high ranking Chinese officials, including the Chinese president meeting with al sisi is China flexing her relations with Egypt
3-china says that Egypt is key for Chinese success in the entire african continent

also, narrator mentions that

-KSA attending shows the USA that it is always seeking what is in its best interest and that KSA, by not speaking about the matter, shows USA that it is ignoring the fact that the US dropped sanctions on Iran a day before the meet in china and this is a clear sign to the US that KSA knows how to choose its allies and it will do so in China
-first time for MBZ and tamim meet after the blockade

now for the very last point above , the narrator pokes fun at all the haters out there that will literally dissect MBZ and say things like he was forced to meet tamim or that he was begging tamim to meet when all facts prove otherwise. He also said to notice that if tamim wore traditional qatari clothes and MBZ attended in a suit, the media will go into a frenzy about how tamim is loyal to his country and culture and anti Israel and how he is true to his roots and how MBZ is a traitor for wearing a suit :P
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