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Putin/Russia provoked what has turned into shooting war in Ukraine

GOOD HEAVENS!!!! What on Earth have the Heavens got to do with Egotistic men sitting in washington and Moscow? :azn:

If you read the article, then you saw or see that it is written by Matthew Boldner for USNEWS & WORLD REPORT MAGAZINE an old established major news magazine here in the USA. I did not write the article, but I like it to have posted it.

Matthew Bodner is researcher at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC. The fact that you individually don't like someone's opinion is a "So what to you?" reaction.

So what to you.

Chaos grips Odessa, Ukraine’s third-largest city

How convenient. Odessa is right next to Transnistria.:whistle:

Transnistria asks to annex it to Russia
NATO worries over Transdniestria


Another false statement about an area which is not officially recognized by the UN.

Here are some facts about Trannsnistria fyi:



A map showing the disputed areas near Russia in red (Laris Karklis / The Washington Post)

So what is the deal with Transnistria exactly? It's a slim sliver of Moldova that split away from the country as the Soviet Union collapsed and has effectively been a Russian and Ukrainian-speaking enclave ever since.

There are some good reasons to worry about Transnistria. For one thing, Transnistria residents have been pretty clear that they want to join with Russia: Some 96% of voters wanted to be part of Russia in a 2006 poll, but Russia refused. Speaking Sunday,Breedlove argued that there were "absolutely" enough Russian troops on eastern border of Ukraine to "run to Transnistria if the decision was made to do that." The Moldovan government has already warned Russia not to repeat Crimea there.

Transnistria is just one of several gray areas left after the fall of the Soviet Union. You can see some of the others on the map above, which shows other hot spots such as Abkhazia, which broke away from Georgia in 1993, and South Ossetia, subject of an unresolved conflict with Georgia since 1992 and the basis of a short war between Russia and Georgia in 2008. Nagorno Karabakh has been controlled by ethnic Armenians since 1994, despite being claimed by Azerbaijan, and the presence of Russia's 102nd Military Base in Armenia has led to a good amount of speculation that Russian troops could intervene.

The tensions over these regions have been lingering for years, rarely making headlines outside of the region. They're a worrying reminder that these gray areas, whether they are in former Yugoslavia, the East China Sea, or the Indian subcontinent, have a habit of coming back to haunt.


Adam Taylor writes about foreign affairs for the Washington Post. Originally from London, he studied at the University of Manchester and Columbia University. You can follow him on Twitter here.
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If you read the article, then you saw or see that it is written by Matthew Boldner for USNEWS & WORLD REPORT MAGAZINE an old established major news magazine here in the USA. I did not write the article, but I like it to have posted it.

Matthew Bodner is researcher at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC. The fact that you individually don't like someone's opinion is a "So what to you?" reaction.
So what to you.

Even if it got published in an Ancient News Magazine started by Benjamin Franklin, that does not make it any more Rational or Credible. We live in the Age of Reason and if any pedestrian journo tries to tell me about some kind of 'Divine Wrath' being visited upon Russia just because of the actions of Putin as a hoodlum (which he nearly is); I'll just LMAO (to use a contemporary idiom).
The fact of the matter is just this; Putin is reviving some of the old Soviet ways and dishing it back to the USA, which had a pretty much unfettered time bullying the world. So now the world is just looking at one Bully squaring upto another Bully. The hoary days of the Cold War Redux?
You would know about that. You were one of foot-soldiers of that time which wrought havoc across the world. I am not inclined to view that era of World History very charitably nor stomach some "Holier-than-thou" warriors off on some ignoble crusade.
And a good bit of that posturing is so stupid as to be simply asinine.

In conclusion, the super-powers have harmed where they could've healed; destroyed where they could've built; degenerated where they could've led.

If you read the article, then you saw or see that it is written by Matthew Boldner for USNEWS & WORLD REPORT MAGAZINE an old established major news magazine here in the USA. I did not write the article, but I like it to have posted it.

Matthew Bodner is researcher at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC. The fact that you individually don't like someone's opinion is a "So what to you?" reaction.
So what to you.

Even if it got published in an Ancient News Magazine started by Benjamin Franklin, that does not make it any more Rational or Credible. We live in the Age of Reason and if any pedestrian journo tries to tell me about some kind of 'Divine Wrath' being visited upon Russia just because of the actions of Putin as a hoodlum (which he nearly is); I'll just LMAO (to use a contemporary idiom).
The fact of the matter is just this; Putin is reviving some of the old Soviet ways and dishing it back to the USA, which had a pretty much unfettered time bullying the world. So now the world is just looking at one Bully squaring upto another Bully. The hoary days of the Cold War Redux?
You would know about that. You were one of foot-soldiers of that time which wrought havoc across the world. I am not inclined to view that era of World History very charitably nor stomach some "Holier-than-thou" warriors off on some ignoble crusade.
And a good bit of that posturing is so stupid as to be simply asinine.

In conclusion, the super-powers have harmed where they could've healed; destroyed where they could've built; degenerated where they could've led.
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