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Featured Putin: Russia-China Military Alliance Can't Be Ruled Out

So what makes you think the west & russia wont compromise in the future against a common perceived threat (China)?
Anything can happen in the future, US can join China againt others even, but for now at least, Russia seems more likely to align with China.
Allies and enemies switched camps all the time in the history, Japan was an US ally in WWI but the arch enemy in WWII, this is geopolitics, don't think like a child. As long as our interests are aligned, we can trust each other, and that's all we need for a specific time and occasion.
However, your interests aligned more with the West back then than with Soviet Russia, that's what i mean. It's only because Mao was so into Stalin and the Soviet unions communist ideology that Mao ignored some things which he should have considered more.
If he saw things from a pragmatic point of view like say Deng Xiaoping(which i still consider China's greatest leader of this century) then he would have traded China's Korea intervention with the US for Taiwan for example, He should have put China's interests first. You have to know that at that point in time the US was not China's enemy. In fact the US was still debating its China's policy and hedging its bets, what tipped the scale to full blown hostilities was China's intervention in Korea on the behalf of Stalin. The dice were cast then.
You have to know that the U.S main rival and enemy was the Soviet union back then not China. :agree: So a US invasion of Korea was a bigger threat and issue for the Soviet Union than for China, reason Stalin urged Mao to intervene while he stayed behind and lied he will intervene later but never did. The US wanted a major big ally in Asia it could get against the Soviet Union, and China would have been a major big ally for the US back then. So if Mao played his card well, he could have gotten far more from the US than from the Soviet Union, alas Ideology didn't make him see things more pragmatically.
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Op is an idiot (no offense)


Soldiers: 3.7M
over 25K airplanes
200 submarines
8K nukes
12K tanks (irrelevant stat)
1300 warships
Military budget: $1.3T
NATO's willpower to fight China for US? 0. EU already said they will make a separate strategic deal with China,which to me signals that NATO as a military aliance is dead. I agree with @beijingwalker completely that NATO is 90% US, and since US isnt willing to enter military action anytime soon with any real power, rest of NATO wont fight any US enemy either without US going at it first or leading the charge, AND FINANCING it too..no NATO member will die for free for US strategic interests.
You really dont know what your talking about. If NATO is such a paper tiger then why does Russia feel so threatened that they have to make almost daily threats? Why is Iran building missiles to target NATO nations? Where do you get your information from????

What makes you think in any possible Russian/Chinese conflict against the US that NATO/Japan wont get involvUed? im sorry but you have given one side an extremely positive scenario while giving the other the worst possible scenario.

Lastly if Russia is such a great ally of China then why did it betray China by not joining the korean war? (Stalin promised Mao soviets would invade but backstabbed him). Why did the Soviets actively back Vietnam against China? Why are the Russians stationing ballistic/cruise missiles on the border with China? Why are the Russians actively backing India today against China? Russians appear to be far more shrude than you gullible Chinese and just want your $$$ while the rest of the world sanctions them.

First of all it is you who said Russia feels threatened by NATO. How would you know how Russia feel? Is Russia making daily threats against NATO? Got proof?

Whether Japan getting involved it would not alter the outcome. Japan is not a game changer in that conflict.
I can also say North Korea would be joining China and Russia too, maybe you should consider that in the calculation.

Lastly USSR was involved in the Korean War https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/wars...-forces-korean-war/north-korea-china-and-ussr

You lack any basic understanding, logic thinking and historical knowledge of history. USSR and China split came after Stalin's death because of Nikita Khrushchev having a fallout with Mao. Soviets abandoned Vietnam when China was having a tiny war with Vietnam which is only natural due to geography. Russia today are not actively backing India against China, what is with this nonsense. The latest brawl between China and India you do not see Russia condemning China. Are you just simply dumb or are you spreading false info for the sake of propaganda?
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Exactly, It was even Soviet advisors who mindlessly brainwashed Mao into believing his great cultural revolution was working...in the end you had a huge famine which killed easily between 20-30 million people. Mao until his last days could not forget the way Stalin backstabbed China into the Korean war causing the unecessary deaths of millions of brave Chinese soldiers with no strategic gain to show. Russians even colluded with the Japanese and their soldiers were even involved in the genocide of many Chinese civilians but I bet most Chinese are even unaware of that.
To be fair though, Stalin was a master at playing the great game and deception. So we can forgive Mao for falling for his little games and charm, even more so when Mao had already fully embraced the Soviet union's communist ideology to the bone . Even some westerners fell for some of Stalin's machinations and deceptions. :D
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European countries have long passed that stage and reason thy formed a military alliance and even a united union like the E.U. China and Russia are different since both countries are very different and thus cant form such an alliance or union easily. for one they are very much different in almost everything one can think of. Moreover, Russia still harbours suspicions about China over its far east, since Russia sees that China who has always been a junior to Russia is now Rising very fast and Russia know that it wasn't until recently that they finally settled their border issue with China, even though vast amount of land was illegally seized and annexed from China by Russia. For example even ROC(Taiwan) still doesn't recognises Russia's illegal occupation and annexation of most of these territories. CCP was only able to calmly negotiate and make some concessions with Russia without creating an uprising or outraged among the Chinese public simply because the CCP is a one party state that controls almost everything in China and controls every information the Chinese public receives. Imagine China was a democracy like Taiwan, then such a situation would never have been possible and Russia knows it.
Moreover, the fact that Russia's far east is very sparsely populated by Russians makes Russia wary that a rising China can one day slowly encroached and slowly carved that area out back from Russia(just like Russia did against China in the past when China grew weak only this time its the opposite). There are many reasons Russia will always be wary deep down about China giving that Russia is a prideful country and always sees itself as a great power, to see one of its neighbours rising above it will obviously bring some sort of apprehension. To put things into perspective, if the West decides to lower its pressure on Russia and bring Russia in its fold, then Russia wont think twice and ditch China. Russia is only a little bit closer to China today because they have no choice whatsoever and because the West has pushed them away(despite this they still don't want to form a military alliance with china, else they would have done so long ago. So yes both countries will keep trading and Russia will keep selling arms to China and even making joint ventures with China. However both sides will not form a military alliance.

You are wrong. Aigun Treaty of 1860, which preceded the ROC by 50 years, signed the lands over to Russia.

Taiwan is known for 日记爱国,地图开疆 - patriotism only in diaries, expansion only on maps.

If they really were so aggressive on border issues then they could've pursued them at any time in the 37 years that the ROC was in power in mainland China - but they didn't.
Defensive? Did Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq attacked the West? As i recall it the US has always used NATO states to attack countries it wanted to overthrow.

Do you have any idea what you are talking about? For one thing, Iraq was never a NATO operation, but exclusively a US one (plus their coalition of the willing). Yugoslavia was being terrorized by the Serbs, Syria a sectarian mess, Libya in a civil war, and Afghanistan was a fount of international terrorism. NATO did not create these problems, but it did respond to them.

China won the Korean War as it was fighting 16 countries head on. China won and NATO lost
Communist Vietnam won the Vietnam War and took the South. American troops fled back to USA.

Today China and Russia two of the three mightiest countries forming a military alliance could easily drill USA + NATO in their butts. I would not underestimate what that alliance can really do.

You are not only ignorant but a fool. Your knowledge is utterly lacking. The Korean War was not a NATO operation, in fact, its combatants were operating under a UN mandate.

The rest of your rant is not worth responding to.
Do you have any idea what you are talking about? For one thing, Iraq was never a NATO operation, but exclusively a US one (plus their coalition of the willing). Yugoslavia was being terrorized by the Serbs, Syria a sectarian mess, Libya in a civil war, and Afghanistan was a fount of international terrorism. NATO did not create these problems, but it did respond to them.

You are not only ignorant but a fool. Your knowledge is utterly lacking. The Korean War was not a NATO operation, in fact, its combatants were operating under a UN mandate.

The rest of your rant is not worth responding to.
You have fallen so deep you can no longer be saved.
So what makes you think the west & russia wont compromise in the future against a common perceived threat (China)?

In the world of international diplomacy realpolitik always prevails

True, which is why Russia is under sanctions while China isn't. Imagine being Putin and seeing that after all this time, after all the bluster about China this, China that, the US still treats China better than Russia.

I'd be mad too.
However, your interests aligned more with the West back then than with Soviet Russia, that's what i mean. It's only because Mao was so into Stalin and the Soviet unions communist ideology that Mao ignored some things which he should have considered more.

It‘s a very Western Centric view, as if the West had been paying all nice and fair with China since 19th century. I don't think you even understand the reasons that got CCP started in the first place and wiped China clean in less than 3 decades .
Make it so, Vladimir!

Why yes, make it so. I mean if it’s that easy, he should immediately push the button And get started.

I mean after all, they’ll be absolutely no nuclear retaliation right? :sarcastic:
It certainly can be ruled out.
China won't seek a military alliance with any country.
Some people are really frustrated about Russia opening up for an actual military alliance with China 😂
They put so much efforts spamming all these hoaxes abot some impending Russian Chinese war and political conflicts you have never heard of...

NATO? Most members of that dead relic are dumping sanctions on US exported garbage at this moment and half their members are seriously frustated with rampant US espionage and IP theft and meddling in their business with Russia and China to keep them controllable. Some are even pushing to expand the EU into a military alliance with its own joint army because of the US regimes "unreliability".
Vladimir Putin warns of Russia-China alliance with three times the tanks & warships of US & 6,810 combined nukes

VLADIMIR Putin has hinted about a future military alliance between Russia and China that would be more powerful than the US.

The two powers combined would outnumber the US Army some two to one, have three times as many tanks and warships, and have more nuclear weapons.


Missile launchers rumble through in Moscow during a military paradeCredit: Getty Images - Getty


Vladimir Putin hinted of a new alliance between Russia and ChinaCredit: AP:Associated Press

China and Russia have the world's second and third most powerful militaries - and a formal alliance could help tip the scales against the US.

Putin signaled deepening ties between Moscow and Beijing as both have ongoing tensions with Washington.

Russia continues to try and thrash out a new arms treaty, while facing ongoing allegations of election interference in the US along with military tensions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

China meanwhile has seen relations with the US plunge to new lows due to the coronavirus pandemic and rows over the South China Sea and Taiwan.

Vlad was quizzed on whether he could envision a military alliance between Moscow and Beijing during a conference call on Thursday.

He replied: "'We don't need it, but, theoretically, it's quite possible to imagine it."

Russia and China have hailed their "strategic partnership", but have so far stopped short of creating a formal military alliance.


It would be worrying for the rest of the world as well, especially if Donald Trump wins the US election on November 3.

Trump has long insisted on an "America First" policy, and wants the US to have less involvement in foreign conflicts while also showing scepticism over alliances such as Nato.

Russia and China would outnumber the US - and every other military in the world - but also have advantages in several key areas.

However, even combined the two massive nations lag behind the US in military spending - with a duel total of $302billion, compared to America's mammoth $430billion.


China has the largest number of active soldiers in the worldCredit: AFP or licensors

Russia and China combined would have 3.2million troopsCredit: Alamy Live News

Russia and China would outnumber the US two-to-one in terms of active military personnel, comparing 3.2million to 1.4million.

They would also have a vastly larger fleet of tanks - with 16,450 total - and warships, with a total of 1,380.

And with Russia already having the largest nuclear stockpile in the world, combining with China's nukes pushes them in further ahead.

The US however would maintain advantages in some areas, such as having many more warplanes - with 13,264 compared to 7,373.

Aircraft carriers are also one of the most important ways of projecting power worldwide - and the US have 11 with two more under construction.

China has two with one under construction, and Russia has just one extremely old vessel - with the infamous, smoke belching Admiral Kuznetsov.

The US has as many aircraft carriers as the rest of the world combined, and the weapons are essential to asserting global dominance since World War 2.


Russia and China would have three times as many warshipsCredit: Alamy Live News

And an alliance would give them three times as many tanksCredit: Getty Images - Getty

Putin said recent war games Russia and China have carried out highlight how well the two country's cooperate.

He also hinted that Russia has shared military technology with China, but declined to go into any specifics.

"Without any doubt, our cooperation with China is bolstering the defense capability of China's army." Putin said.

"Time will show how it will develop. We won't exclude it."

Putin has been key in pushing Russia to develop new weapons, including modernising its nuclear weapons.

He has repeatedly pushed for his country to be on the forefront of development of technologies such as hypersonic missiles, seen as a new frontier in weapons tech.

Putin however did say he continues to be eager to signing a new weapons treaty, with the New Start agreement set to expire in February.

The deal was signed in 2010 with US President Barack Obama, and the pact act limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bomber.

Trump has however said they would only renew the agreement if China also joins, but Beijing has refused.

US officials are now trying to push through a new agreement - with the Trump administration keen to do so before the election - with a one-year extension.

Putin said: "The question is whether to keep the existing treaty as it is, begin a detailed discussion and try to reach a compromise in a year or lose that treaty altogether, leaving ourselves, Russia and the United States, along with the rest of the world, without any agreement restricting an arms race.

"I believe the second option is much worse."

He added: "If our partners decide that they don´t need it, well, so be it, we can´t stop them.

"Russia´s security will not be hurt, particularly because we have the most advanced weapons systems."

It is high time Russia and China really worked together as a strong cohesive unit. This alliance alone will change the way the world works. Now imagine if the likes of Pakistan, Iran and others strenghened this bloc. It is in the making. Give it another few years. It is inevitable.
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