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Putin in Crimea independence speech: We thanks Chinese people


Dec 23, 2012
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2014.03.18 today Putin make a speech about Crimea independence in Moscow, Kremlin

Google Putin speech video about Crimea independence


Putin: We thanks Chinese people

Before 1990, the Ukrainian voted to separated from Soviet Union. Now they refuse to admit the result of Crimea referendum. The example of Kosovo declaration of independence supported by Europe, it had proved Fairness and Legitimacy for Crimea referendum. Now the West is opposed to Crimea referendum, this is not double standard, it's "original and cynical". Foreign policy in United States believe military power rather than international laws. We Thanks Chinese People.

当年乌克兰独立的时候也是如此,他们在1990年进行了公投,现在他们却拒绝承认克里米亚的公投。 欧洲当年支持科索沃独立的先例,显示了克里米亚公投符合国际法。 现在西方却反对克里米亚的公投,这不是双重标准,而是“原始并且愤世的”。 美国的外交政策相信军事实力,而非国际法。 我们感谢中国人民。

Putin: Russia respect the independent choice by Crimean, also thanks Chinese people

03.18 Russia President Putin make a speech in Kremlin about Crimea independence, he said thanks China and India to Crimea dispute. Putin said, thanks all ppl who can understand Russian actions in Crimea problem, thanks Chinese people and China government's deliberation to the Crimea and Ukraine problem.

普京:尊重克里米亚人民自主选择 感谢中国人民

据新华社国际新闻“新国际”微博报道,普京18日在议会就克里米亚问题发表演讲时, 感谢中国和印度对克里米亚问题的态度。普京说,感谢所有对俄在克里米亚问题上的行动表示理解的人,感谢中国人民,中国政府对克里米亚和乌克兰问题经过了深思熟虑。
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Russia may find ally in China -- albeit a passive one for now

Beijing (CNN) -- Vladimir Putin is seeking China's support in Russia's standoff with Western powers over Ukraine. In a rare phone conversation, Putin briefed his counterpart in Beijing, President Xi Jinping, on "Russia's position on the issue and measures Russia had taken to tackle the crisis," the state-controlled Xinhua news agency reported Wednesday.

President Xi said the situation in Ukraine is "highly complicated and sensitive," which "seems to be accidental, (but) has the elements of the inevitable."

He added that China believes Russia can "push for the political settlement of the issue so as to safeguard regional and world peace and stability" and he "supports proposals and mediation efforts of the international community that are conducive to the reduction of tension."

The Chinese leader's comments followed similarly guarded statements by Chinese diplomats earlier this week, which neither criticized nor supported Moscow's actions over Ukraine.

Unsurprisingly, Russia has attempted to depict China's position as more supportive than it actually is.

In describing an earlier phone call between the foreign ministers of China and Russia, the foreign ministry in Moscow said Monday that there was "a broad convergence of views between Russia and China in connection to the situation in Ukraine and around it."
The US and NATO are impotent against a united and resolute Russian and Chinese tandem. It may be a marriage of convenience, for China and Russia, but any chance to diminish US influence in Eurasia is a common goal both countries share.
It's a signal for the West who's the best friend of Russian.
America, Europe and Japan are going intensify both politics and economics sanctions on Russia. Now they can add China to the list. Especially Germany as the lagrest trading partner is stopping billions of investments in Russia. Japan is more than happy to see China suffering.

America, Europe and Japan are going intensify both politics and economics sanctions on Russia. Now they can add China to the list. Especially Germany as the lagrest trading partner is stopping billions of investments in Russia. Japan is more than happy to see China suffering.


China is still doing business with all these countries, just another day in the office, but if China stop importing pho, jack fruit and vietnamese women, your economy will collapse.
Ooops the Russians have forgotten to thank the new cheerleader on the block, the whatever wannabe vietcongs!
Putin is smart, while you are not.
He is clever to keep the booty to himself and shares the pain with you. LOL
China is still doing business with all these countries, just another day in the office, but if China stop importing pho, jack fruit and vietnamese women, your economy will collapse.
From darling to rough state is just a day. wait...and see. The NATO just declares the referendum of the Crimea is illegal. America has moved fighter jets and nuclear arsenals to West and Central Europe.

China diplomacy is perhaps the worst in the world. You become a target now, thanks to the smart Mr Putin.
America, Europe and Japan are going intensify both politics and economics sanctions on Russia. Now they can add China to the list. Especially Germany as the lagrest trading partner is stopping billions of investments in Russia. Japan is more than happy to see China suffering.

I thought Russia is your friend and ally, what happen now? LOL
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