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Putin Detains O.S.C.E. Observers

Parderner, you seem a young man believing whatever "conspiracy theory" suits a child's game.

What conspiracy theories? You are the one regurgitating the State Departments lies. Like i said there is no single shred of proof of Russian involvement. Most conspiracy theories have been debunked.

Your ideas and remarks are not faintly true, and you are perpetuating lies when innocent folks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and elsewhere are at risk with such wreckless and untrue remarks.

Quote specific examples, i will be more then glad to see which of my comments are not true.

Shame on you, who doesn't have the guts to show your nations flags.

I'm Russian, and my flags manually were deleted when the forum undergone maintenance. But my flags are none of anyones concerns. Personal attacks just demonstrates an inability to counter my arguments.
There are many good young Russians inside Russia today starting to be crushed...you apparently don't or refused to read recent articles I have posted here from the just taken over by Mr. Putin's editor (formerly of the RIA)...which flatly note the unhappy events of outlawing and shutting down in St. Petersburg of democratic, freedom loving, lessons learned from old style USSR era government oppressions, as well as noting that Russia has stirred up a pot in Eastern Ukraine which now the greatly reduced to akin to special forces only style of smaller Russian Army leaves Russia unable to manage either it's European let alone it's Asian borders.

The very fact that Mr. Putin served two full (constitutional) terms as President; imprisoned emerging free enterprise class folks for wanting to run for President of Russia; was PM for a while; then, unconstitutionally ran in a rump election again to now be President for a new pair of 4 year terms as President of Russia; stares you in the face to make up tripe like the US being colonial.

I don't believe for a minute that the value and character system of a vast majority of Russian youth today are any less than our youth in America or elsewhere in the world where nations are governed by the people via duly elected officials in open, contested multi-party elections.

Your excuse for now showing the Russian flag in your logo on this site is not creditable. Put up your national Russian flag for others to understand who you are so they, too, can debate with you here. Otherwise you are a paid propagandist of Mr. Putin's regime and wasting all our time.
Your ideas and remarks are not faintly true, and you are perpetuating lies when innocent folks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and elsewhere are at risk with such wreckless and untrue remarks.

And what about innumerable US drone strikes that have so far claimed lives of thousands of innocents in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Let's not kid ourselves, of all the countries around the globe, if there's anyone who has specialized in hypocrisy, it's the United States. Broaching up Russia's violation of international law, what did the US do to Iraq in 2003? Kofi Annan, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations clearly stated the invasion is not in accordance with the UN charter, and thus, is illegal. You didn't give a shit back then, did you?

Never thought of the collateral damage that your 'war on terrorism' has caused around the globe, it's time you back off. And please, next time you are engaged with Russia in a conflict, do not support terrorist organizations to confront Russia. After the purpose is achieved, you discard the agreement and create one hell of a mess for us.
First, clean up your language.

Second, you failed to read the detailed facts of the three major categories of UN Resolutions violations which Saddam Hussein violated over and over after the Truce he then repeatedly broke following Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and Northern Saudi Arabia.

I know whereof I speak, as I volunteered back on USAF active duty at age 51 as a full Colonel to run the entire East Coast Airlift for Desert Storm (I). I know and new events on both sides of the "pond" rather than being a text book or newspaper reader commentor as you are.

Your refrence to "thousands" of collateral damage killed if pure bull, plain and simple.

Drones are used today by Pakistan itself as a precise, focused tool of a hot war.

Unfortunately you typify the "characteristic" of anti-democratic naysayers who make up bull from thin air and worse still use the bull the murdering terrorists put out when their just wiped out terrorist leadership cadre are taken out by drones.

Noting you just joined this website in March 10, 2014, you are clearly a pro-Russian paid propagandist just full of "it."
If Novorossia become part of the Russian Federation, then Putin will be responsible for everything that is happening here. But not before.
The illegal overthrow of the Ukrainian government isn't going to plan Obama.
You are perfectly aware that once authority has lost legitimacy its overthrow is no longer illegal. That's the foundation of the two Russian Revolutions, the reason why Lenin & Yeltin et al weren't thrown in jail for their actions. "Great" Russians are meddling in Ukrainian affairs to change that, against the will of the people.

If not reversed - and soon - Russia, whatever its borders, will be surrounded by hostile states of its own making. Can't you see that, or don't you care?
You are perfectly aware that once authority has lost legitimacy its overthrow is no longer illegal. That's the foundation of the two Russian Revolutions, the reason why Lenin & Yeltin et al weren't thrown in jail for their actions. "Great" Russians are meddling in Ukrainian affairs to change that, against the will of the people.

If not reversed - and soon - Russia, whatever its borders, will be surrounded by hostile states of its own making. Can't you see that, or don't you care?

Don't care. The entire EU is only some 4.3 million square kilometers. Russia is some 17.1 million square kilometers. Russia is fielding PAK-FA which outmatches any European fighter jet. Bring it on :p:
You are perfectly aware that once authority has lost legitimacy its overthrow is no longer illegal.

The government never lost legitimacy it was forced to flee by a bunch of anarchists and radicals when they resorted to killings, beatings, kidnappings and storming government buildings. There was never a popular vote by the people, and the impeachment was due to armed gangs storming and intimidating politicians into voting their way. How democratic and fair is that? Groups of armed men with bats, chains, clubs, and guns in parliament bullying politicians, funny how the White House did not have a problem with this yet in eastern Ukraine everything and everyone is scrutinized and termed "tugs".

Just as important Maiden broke an agreement that it signed along with Europe leaders which called for early elections but instead of taking a democratic path Maiden decided it would just continue to use violence, install its own government, force political opponents out of office, propose discriminatory laws, set up a Right Wing paramilitary and call it the "national guard" the same national guard that put up a giant poster of hitler on parliament. It was a coup and a western one, no one even denies it. Western politicians such as John McCain and victoria Nuwland were in Kiev encouraging the violence; furthermore, Nuland was wire tapped talking about which puppets the white house wanted to install, lets not forget that John Carry was also in Ukraine as was Joe Biden and the biggest player in Ukraine was the CIA directer.

That's the foundation of the two Russian Revolutions, the reason why Lenin & Yeltin et al weren't thrown in jail for their actions. "Great" Russians are meddling in Ukrainian affairs to change that, against the will of the people.

If not reversed - and soon - Russia, whatever its borders, will be surrounded by hostile states of its own making. Can't you see that, or don't you care?

NATO has been pushing onto Russian borders at an alarming rate for well over a decade, look at how many countries that are hostile to Russia have joined NATO in the past 15 year.

There are many good young Russians inside Russia today starting to be crushed...you apparently don't or refused to read recent articles I have posted here from the just taken over by Mr. Putin's editor (formerly of the RIA)...which flatly note the unhappy events of outlawing and shutting down in St. Petersburg of democratic, freedom loving, lessons learned from old style USSR era government oppressions, as well as noting that Russia has stirred up a pot in Eastern Ukraine which now the greatly reduced to akin to special forces only style of smaller Russian Army leaves Russia unable to manage either it's European let alone it's Asian borders.

The very fact that Mr. Putin served two full (constitutional) terms as President; imprisoned emerging free enterprise class folks for wanting to run for President of Russia; was PM for a while; then, unconstitutionally ran in a rump election again to now be President for a new pair of 4 year terms as President of Russia; stares you in the face to make up tripe like the US being colonial.

I don't believe for a minute that the value and character system of a vast majority of Russian youth today are any less than our youth in America or elsewhere in the world where nations are governed by the people via duly elected officials in open, contested multi-party elections.

You completely went off topic and have not answered a single argument of mine.

Your excuse for now showing the Russian flag in your logo on this site is not creditable. Put up your national Russian flag for others to understand who you are so they, too, can debate with you here. Otherwise you are a paid propagandist of Mr. Putin's regime and wasting all our time.

Again, it is no ones business if i have flags or not. My flags were deleted when the site undergone maintenance and i really could care less about wasting my time to put the flags back up. Again this is no ones business, nor does it have anything to do with the subject.
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And what about innumerable US drone strikes that have so far claimed lives of thousands of innocents in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Let's not kid ourselves, of all the countries around the globe, if there's anyone who has specialized in hypocrisy, it's the United States. Broaching up Russia's violation of international law, what did the US do to Iraq in 2003? Kofi Annan, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations clearly stated the invasion is not in accordance with the UN charter, and thus, is illegal. You didn't give a shit back then, did you?

Never thought of the collateral damage that your 'war on terrorism' has caused around the globe, it's time you back off. And please, next time you are engaged with Russia in a conflict, do not support terrorist organizations to confront Russia. After the purpose is achieved, you discard the agreement and create one hell of a mess for us.

Here is a list of Saddam Hussein violations of UN Resolutions, to include and start with the big three reasons for the allied invasion of Saddam's Treaty breaking nation, wherein Saddam was in the process of slaughtering the Marsh People in the sout of and inside Iraq and in the North the Kurds inside of and a part of Iraq:

Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Portal:United Nations Security Council Resolutions
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the organ of the United Nations charged with maintaining peace and security among nations. While other organs of the United Nations only make recommendations to member governments, the Security Council has the power to make decisions which member governments are obliged to carry out under the United Nations Charter. The decisions of the Council are known as United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

There have been three major events in Iraq's history for which the UN has passed numerous resolutions: the Iran–Iraq War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Iraq disarmament crisis leading up to and following the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Iraq related resolutions[edit]
47928 September 1980UnanimousNoted the beginning of the Iran–Iraq War.
51412 July 1982UnanimousCalled for an end to the Iran–Iraq War.
5224 October 1982UnanimousCalled for an end to the Iran–Iraq War.
54031 October 198312-0-3Condemned violations of international law in the Iran–Iraq War.
58224 February 1986Unanimous"Deplores" the use of chemical weapons in the Iran–Iraq War.
5888 October 1986UnanimousCalled for the implementation of resolution 582.
59820 July 1987UnanimousDemanded an immediate cease-fire between Iran and Iraq; requested that the UN Secretary-General start an investigation to determine how the conflict started.
6129 May 1988Condemned the use of chemical weapons in the Iran–Iraq War, but did not single out Iraq as the only side to use them. Instead, the resolution said that the Security Council, "Expects both sides to refrain from the future use of chemical weapons."
6199 August 1988Created UNIIMOG to observe the implementation of a cease-fire for the Iran–Iraq War. Extended by resolutions 631, 642, 651, 671,676 and 685. Terminated 28 February 1991.
62026 August 1988Condemned the use of chemical weapons in the Iran–Iraq War.
6602 August 199014-0-1,YemenabstainingCondemned the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demanded a withdrawal of Iraqi troops. Supported by resolutions 662, 664, 665, 666,667, 669, 670, 674, and 677.
6616 August 199013-0-2;Cuba, YemenPlaced economic sanctions on Iraq in response to the invasion of Kuwait.
67829 November 199012-2-1Authorized use of force against Iraq to "uphold and implement resolution 660 and all subsequent resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area".
6862 March 199111-1-3Demanded Iraq's acceptance of all previous resolutions concerning the war with Kuwait.
6873 April 199112-1-2Formal ceasefire ending the Persian Gulf War, with the conditions that Iraq:
6885 April 1991Condemned the repression of Iraqi Kurds.
70715 August 1991Demands immediate, complete, full compliance with UNSCR 687.
71511 October 1991Approves United Nations Special Commission on Iraq and International Atomic Energy Agency inspection provisions.
83327 May 1993Acknowledges clarifications of Iraq-Kuwait border and United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM).
8994 March 1994Compensation payments to Iraqi private citizens whose assets remained on Kuwaiti territory following the demarcation of the Iraq-Kuwait border.
94915 October 1994Condemned the Iraqi military buildup on Kuwaiti border.
98614 April 1995Created the Oil-for-Food Programme. Supported by resolution 1111.
105127 March 1996UnanimousCreated a mechanism to monitor Iraqi "dual use" import and exports.
106012 June 1996UnanimousDemands Iraq allow access to sites, weapons, transport and equipment by United Nations Special Commission weapons inspectors.
128417 December 199911-0-4Changed the Iraqi inspection program from UNSCOM to UNMOVIC.
14418 November 2002UnanimousGave Iraq "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations". After Hans Blix of UNMOVIC reported to the UN on 7 March 2003, the US, UK, and other members of the "coalition of the willing" declared that Iraq remained in material breach of resolution 687. Efforts aimed at a new Council resolution authorizing the invasion were aborted owing to resistance from other members of the Council including veto-wielding members. Iraq was invaded anyway, on 20 March.
148322 May 200314-0-1,SyriaabstainingRecognized the US and the UK as occupying powers under international law, with legitimate authority in Iraq. Removed economic sanctions imposed during the Gulf War.
150014 August 200314-0-1, Syria abstainingCreated the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq as a special representative of the UN Secretary General. Extended by resolutions 1557, 1619, and 1700.
15468 June 2004UnanimousEndorsed the dissolution of the Coalition Provisional Authority in favor of the Iraqi Interim Government as a step toward democracy.
172318 November 2006UnanimousExtended the mandate for Multinational Force Iraq until 31 December 2007.
179018 December 2007Extended the mandate for Multinational Force Iraq until 31 December 2008.
Stop spreading propaganda, Putin did not detain anyone. The fact is that Russia is working on the release of the hostages.

Stop spreading propaganda, Putin did not detain anyone. The fact is that Russia is working on the release of the hostages.

It is not propaganda. Let Mr. Putin individually to and ask the self appointed "Mayor" to release the remaining hostages. One was released earlier today with health issues.
The government never lost legitimacy it was forced to flee by a bunch of anarchists and radicals when they resorted to killings, beatings, kidnappings and storming government buildings. There was never a popular vote by the people, and the impeachment was due to armed gangs storming and intimidating politicians into voting their way. How democratic and fair is that? Groups of armed men with bats, chains, clubs, and guns in parliament bullying politicians, funny how the White House did not have a problem with this yet in eastern Ukraine everything and everyone is scrutinized and termed "tugs".

Just as important Maiden broke an agreement that it signed along with Europe leaders which called for early elections but instead of taking a democratic path Maiden decided it would just continue to use violence, install its own government, force political opponents out of office, propose discriminatory laws, set up a Right Wing paramilitary and call it the "national guard" the same national guard that put up a giant poster of hitler on parliament. It was a coup and a western one, no one even denies it. Western politicians such as John McCain and victoria Nuwland were in Kiev encouraging the violence; furthermore, Nuland was wire tapped talking about which puppets the white house wanted to install, lets not forget that John Carry was also in Ukraine as was Joe Biden and the biggest player in Ukraine was the CIA directer.

NATO has been pushing onto Russian borders at an alarming rate for well over a decade, look at how many countries that are hostile to Russia have joined NATO in the past 15 year.

You completely went off topic and have not answered a single argument of mine.

Again, it is no ones business if i have flags or not. My flags were deleted when the site undergone maintenance and i really could care less about wasting my time to put the flags back up. Again this is no ones business, nor does it have anything to do with the subject.

But it does matter as you are a paid self admitted Russian blindly partisan.

Facts you keep jumping over are that ex-President of Ukrain used his black mask thugs (Spetznatz) shooting from roof tops to kill, as in murder, this Spring over 100 innocent Ukranians.

No one owes you the time of day when you falsely stand up for a murderer who is now President Putin's Assistant for Ukranian affairs.

Meanwhile, Russia raced to meet and promise to back off, peace, etc. with the new Ukranian acting government, the EU, and the US, then Russia did exactly the opposite, grabbed more cities, etc.

If you want to gripe about folks not reading your logic, try you not reading my logic based on current MOSCOW TIMES edidtorals and editorials admitting that no more than 1/3 of Russian speakers want to be back under what was the USSR dictatorship, being undemocratically resurrected step by step by Mr. Putin.

A man, Mr. Putin, is mentally sick in his head to think he needs his old "buffer states" to feel safe. What is wrong with feeling safe by building a larger and better free enterprise economy to increase employment opportunities for more Russians, to include recent Russian university and college graduates?

Right now, refusing to post your Russian flag defines you as either a paid propaganda agent for Russia, or as one who only half believes in what you say, since you are unsure if Putin and the status of Ukraine will last as is for a little time to come.

Your ex-KGB supplied excuse that a nation losing "legitimacy" no longer is a valid, legal nation. Boy, you are full of it!
International law, treaties with today's Russia, and the demand for democracy, not "forced take over rule by the gun" which Russia and Russian Spetznatz are trying to pull off. You can't sell that to anyone who is sane.

I beat the 'H" out of a guy and then tell him "he owe's me and is to do as I command for the rest of his life" is
absolutely medically insane nonsense.

It is YOU who has lost legitimacy.
Stop spreading propaganda, not one OSCE inspector were detained. Even the speaker of the OSCE said that those who have been detained were not working for OSCE.

Right now there is a war in Germany, the public against the propaganda machine. Just go to any "respected" newspaper or TV news station and read the comments. The propaganda machine has even overstretched the most patient and gullible people in Germany. The US and its trans-atlantic puppets have lost all credibility in the German public. :yahoo:
It is not propaganda. Let Mr. Putin individually to and ask the self appointed "Mayor" to release the remaining hostages. One was released earlier today with health issues.

How does this prove anything? Putin asking the self appointed mayor to release the hostages somehow means that the hostage takers were taking orders from Moscow? In that case the hostage takers must also be taking orders from Washington. Your arguments are not very well thought out.

But it does matter as you are a paid self admitted Russian blindly partisan.

Personal attacks are a sign of weakness and petty. Just because i don't agree with you does not mean i am payed by anyone. Again your arguments are not very well thought out. Are you a payed American partisan?

Facts you keep jumping over are that ex-President of Ukrain used his black mask thugs (Spetznatz) shooting from roof tops to kill, as in murder, this Spring over 100 innocent Ukranians.

Facts that you keep jumping over are that the 100 people that were killed included police officers. What is wrong, did your propaganda machine fail to tell you that scores of police were killed? Or the fact that the sniper gunfire came from Maiden controlled areas? What about the Estonian foreign ministers bugged calls in which he implicated the attacks on Maiden.

No one owes you the time of day when you falsely stand up for a murderer who is now President Putin's Assistant for Ukranian affairs.

If this is your attitude then stop quoting me or quite the forum altogether if you don't want an honest debate. Keep to the topic i don't care about your opinions or feelings.

Meanwhile, Russia raced to meet and promise to back off, peace, etc. with the new Ukranian acting government, the EU, and the US, then Russia did exactly the opposite, grabbed more cities, etc.

Again, where is your proof, just because you keep repeating the same none sense does not make it true. Russia has been the one that has initiate dialog, it initiated the early elections, Geneva agreement, hostage release, ect. What has Washington done besides throw fuel on the fire?

If you want to gripe about folks not reading your logic, try you not reading my logic based on current MOSCOW TIMES edidtorals and editorials admitting that no more than 1/3 of Russian speakers want to be back under what was the USSR dictatorship, being undemocratically resurrected step by step by Mr. Putin.

There is a world of difference between the USSR and modern Russia. Don't clump both together.

A man, Mr. Putin, is mentally sick in his head to think he needs his old "buffer states" to feel safe. What is wrong with feeling safe by building a larger and better free enterprise economy to increase employment opportunities for more Russians, to include recent Russian university and college graduates?

Your off topic opinions are irrelevant.

Right now, refusing to post your Russian flag defines you as either a paid propaganda agent for Russia, or as one who only half believes in what you say, since you are unsure if Putin and the status of Ukraine will last as is for a little time to come.

Yes, that's it.....sarcasm. Again it is none of your concern whether i have a flag or not. I have no time for your conspiracy theories so live with the fact that i have no flags.

Your ex-KGB supplied excuse that a nation losing "legitimacy" no longer is a valid, legal nation. Boy, you are full of it!
International law, treaties with today's Russia, and the demand for democracy, not "forced take over rule by the gun" which Russia and Russian Spetznatz are trying to pull off. You can't sell that to anyone who is sane.

Sounds a lot like Maiden, shooting at police, throwing Molotov cocktails, kidnapping, burning down building and taking over parliament. That is exactly what Maiden did and it had the full support of Washington and the EU.
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