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Pure Hypocritical RAGE against Pakistan by Sen.Rob

This guy is an ugly troll. I'm starting to think some Pakistani slept with his daughter or something.

The aid the US has provided is peanuts compared to everything Pakistan has suffered through. Look at how many people have been killed in terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

For 3000 people that were killed in 9/11, the US is setting fire to the world. It's been over ten years, and using 9/11 as an excuse is no longer an option. They have killed more civilians than any other nation in the world.

The US decided to stir a sleeping hornets nest, and is now being stung, while at the same time ridiculing us for warning them beforehand to leave it alone.
I see the fire only in radically motivated Islamic countries, please don't include the whole world we all know which countries those are.
Pakistan should be well advised to learn from elements who have sown the seeds of hatred due to which the whole country is suffering. Just my 2 cents, and that senator guy is an American form of terrorism..
the congressman does reflect the actual feeling here in California
This guy is an ugly troll. I'm starting to think some Pakistani slept with his daughter or something.The aid the US has provided is peanuts compared to everything Pakistan has suffered through. Look at how many people have been killed in terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

For 3000 people that were killed in 9/11, the US is setting fire to the world. It's been over ten years, and using 9/11 as an excuse is no longer an option. They have killed more civilians than any other nation in the world.

The US decided to stir a sleeping hornets nest, and is now being stung, while at the same time ridiculing us for warning them beforehand to leave it alone.

Raz pak is classic poster child for why Pakistan suffers prolonged ill repute. He and his kind are making it all the more difficult for the sane ones to work towards building pak's reputation back up .

He sits in America, living off its welfare and espouses radical garbage . He is clearly a jihadi sympathizer and thinks his " us" vs. them mentality is actually making life better for you moderate and sane lot ( majority , yet silent one's from pakistan).
I see the fire only in radically motivated Islamic countries, please don't include the whole world we all know which countries those are.
Pakistan should be well advised to learn from elements who have sown the seeds of hatred due to which the whole country is suffering. Just my 2 cents, and that senator guy is an American form of terrorism..








I hope you have noticed a pattern here instead of just believing the WoT propaganda.
Looking at his wiki page, Rohrabacher has been consistent hater of Pakistan - there's a whole section devoted to it.
Raz pak is classic poster child for why Pakistan suffers prolonged ill repute. He sits in America, living off its welfare and espouses radical garbage . He is clearly a jihadi sympathizer and even his " us" vs. them mentality and actually thinks he making life better for you moderate and sane lot ( majority , yet silent one's from pakistan).

If you want to make personal attacks I can too. Watch your mouth, before you get banned.
...............People in Pakistan want the US to get lost, only after they clean up their mess which they left us with during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan..............

The question should rather be: can Pakistan survive without USA?

.................Correction, Pakistan didn't sign the NPT, it fully stated it didn't want to, refusing is out of the question. And even then, we had payed for the F-16s which they halted till 2001 (when Mush decided to side with the Americans). .....................

NPT is obviously a major reason why sanctions were imposed. As per sanction protocols, any arms delivery would be stopped. I think those f 16s are already fully delivered to pakistan by now.

.............It only goes to show you how Americans use everyone for their own intentions..............

Who doesn't?
Shrug away? Firstly, the arms always came at a cost, as I stated above, they just don't hand guns over to us and tell us to enjoy away. People in Pakistan want the US to get lost, only after they clean up their mess which they left us with during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. We also have China as a main arm supplier. US was actually quite neutral as compared to the India-Russian grouping to Pakistan.
While I agree that arms do not come free, also understand that many a times, especially where defence related equipment is concerned, arms do not come even if money is available. Many countries in NATO can buy F-22s but do they get it? Taiwan only recently was cleared to buy 66 F-16 C/D but the demand for them has been for a very long time. Why do you think this happens?

Correction, Pakistan didn't sign the NPT, it fully stated it didn't want to, refusing is out of the question. And even then, we had payed for the F-16s which they halted till 2001 (when Mush decided to side with the Americans). It only goes to show you how Americans use everyone for their own intentions.
Every country in this world is looking out for her interest, China is not supporting you guys just for friendship my dear friends, there is more to it 'than what meets the eye' :smokin: I hope you understand its not all black and white, many tones of grey in between...







I hope you have noticed a pattern here instead of just believing the WoT propaganda.
Libya, it was not US but the arab spring, they supported the revolution against despotic regime and UN did too, your all-weather friend did not veto the no fly-zone... you obviously support it.

Syria, the arab world wants assad gone, there were reports that the Arabs supplied arms to the resistance movement in the first place which led to the crisis.. again US wanted military action but was vetoed by Russia and China..

Yemen - Another uprising, why do you think that these uprisings happen only where dictatorship is present?

Pakistan - Victim of its own medicine, not US' fault they helped you maintain the integrity of Pakistan when in war with India.. at least in 1965.
If you want to make personal attacks I can too. Watch your mouth, before you get banned.

using your own words to show that you espouse radicalism and do nothing but ill to Pakistan's reputation by your posts is a personal attack?

you personally attack my countrymen, make their sacrifices as some thing to taunt them about. Dismiss our dead through thinly veiled support for terrorist and dismiss our dead soldiers as something they deserved - all the while- while under our welfare... and you protest me pointing it out here?

This guy is an ugly troll. I'm starting to think some Pakistani slept with his daughter or something.The aid the US has provided is peanuts compared to everything Pakistan has suffered through. Look at how many people have been killed in terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

For 3000 people that were killed in 9/11, the US is setting fire to the world. It's been over ten years, and using 9/11 as an excuse is no longer an option. They have killed more civilians than any other nation in the world.

The US decided to stir a sleeping hornets nest, and is now being stung, while at the same time ridiculing us for warning them beforehand to leave it alone.
using your own words to show that you espouse radicalism and do nothing but ill to Pakistan's reputation by your posts is a personal attack?

you personally attack my countrymen, make their sacrifices as some thing to taunt them about. Dismiss our dead through thinly veiled support for terrorist and dismiss our dead soldiers as something they deserved - all the while- while under our welfare... and you protest me pointing it out here?


I can understand why being a faithful, tail wagging dog is in your blood, however I cannot accept war as a solution. This is also my right as an American citizen.

Your welfare? :lol:

I call it like I see it, and many civilians have been massacred due to the miscalculated foreign policy being pursued by the United States.

I can understand why being a faithful, tail wagging dog is in your blood, however I cannot accept war as a solution. This is also my right as an American citizen.

Your welfare? :lol:

I call it like I see it, and many civilians have been massacred due to the miscalculated foreign policy being pursued by the United States.
Nice collection of old photos you have btw do you know when this pic was taken or just some black dude giving manicure to a white and you go all :blah: :blah: :blah:
The question should rather be: can Pakistan survive without USA?

YES it has in the past and can do so in the future.

The question is can USA SURVIVE without Pakistan, US wouldn't be the sole superpower if it wasn't for us remember your cronies the SOVIETS yeah we played the largest part in breaking them up.

The survival of Pakistanis should never be questioned we are a people that will survive till the end of time insh'allah

simply put the so called AID is a form of compensation for what we are losing economy wise or costs for services being provided. If someone wants you to transport items through your land wouldn't you charge them. Its common business sense.

Coming onto your earlier dreams about if the US didn't supply Pakistan with weapons it would be north india. I don't think so son, there probably wouldn't be no india.
YES it has in the past and can do so in the future.

The question is can USA SURVIVE without Pakistan, US wouldn't be the sole superpower if it wasn't for us remember your cronies the SOVIETS yeah we played the largest part in breaking them up.

The survival of Pakistanis should never be questioned we are a people that will survive till the end of time insh'allah

simply put the so called AID is a form of compensation for what we are losing economy wise or costs for services being provided. If someone wants you to transport items through your land wouldn't you charge them. Its common business sense.

Coming onto your earlier dreams about if the US didn't supply Pakistan with weapons it would be north india. I don't think so son, there probably wouldn't be no india.
DO You know the feeling when you hear something like the bolded part? :woot:

Pakistan has benefited from US all the time.. c'mon there is nothing wrong in it. However, US was fool to let Pakistan go unchecked when such a support structure was created in the name of strategic depth, which is biting both US and Pakistan, to Pakistan a dog and to US an Ant.
Americans are hypocrites, we all know that. But, funny thing is, it is this duplicity which prevents them from accomplishing their goals, which further points out to the fact that they are not sincere in eradicating these problems.
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