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"Punji Hunting": Indian bashing Aussie gang member walks free from court.

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Joke of the Day! :rofl:

India should sent drones and Navy SEALs to protect Indians in Australia. :lol:

Beware Australia! Phedditor drones are coming!!!

Look at his face- it could be yours in some other country and think what you should do instead of laughing and making fun-

Oh and to the american India have plenty of attractive girls like every country.Cough IPL.
mods kindly close this thread. its getting ugly.
Racism is not defined that way MR- taking over jobs bla bla- you are very ill informed on all this-

So are you saying they attack Indians just for the fun of it?? Lol your accusing me of being ill informed?? hahaha rite!! And more over i dint say the attack was racially motivated.
Did any genius told you things which you just spewed? Genius?

Yup its called common sense which i know is very very negligible in your part of the world. LOL North Indians hate South Indians?? Have you ever been to any city in India to have come up with this extra ordinary BS??
No I'm calling a country a coward who lost more than half it's territory in '71 :rofl:

Lost a territory which was physically and virtually cut from the main land Pakistan- Big Deal-

Keep digging your grave deeper Gloria :lol:

I'll rather dig the stinky indian hole deeper- if you know what i mean with what? :cheesy:

Why no ask the Amrikans to leave? Because they're busy droning you :lol:

You tried surgical strikes yet Mr Balls less Indian?
Yup its called common sense which i know is very very negligible in your part of the world. LOL North Indians hate South Indians?? Have you ever been to any city in India to have come up with this extra ordinary BS??

My part of the world- we are practically in the same region- Genius- Well doesn't it make my claim more valid- Ill informed-

The extra ordinary BS is the truth- Its called as the great Divide- Look it up- Ill informed-
Racism exist in every country including India, Australia is no exception, i'm not sure whats the real reason behind this so-called Indian bashing.

My personal experience in US, there are some Indians dress, talk and even walk like blacks with hip hop style, thats how they get themselves in trouble in our neighbourhood....sometimes, the racism was actually targeting blacks but since when you intentionally act as blacks, perhaps they mistaken your identity in a wrong way.:undecided:
My part of the world- we are practically in the same region- Genius- Well doesn't it make my claim more valid- Ill informed-

The extra ordinary BS is the truth- Its called as the great Divide- Look it up- Ill informed-

how lame can you get ....we are in the same region but we are not you....BS is the Truth?? great divide?? cant you just see in this forum how united we are??
how lame can you get ....we are in the same region but we are not you....BS is the Truth?? great divide?? cant you just see in this forum how united we are??

Ok we are not you- but does it makes the region different?- Genius?
No- i cannot sample the indian forum members specially on a Pakistani forum to find about unity- No not feasible-
The real divide between you people could be seen at the real world- and i am seeing it even in Saudi Arabia-
The Aussie attacks were definitely racially motivated , when robberies , killings and assaults target a single community all of a sudden - its no coincidence .

Its not an unusual case ...

In the 1980's the Dot busters gang in New Jersey , employed the same tactics to harass and intimidate Indians , they even went to the extent of listing the name "Patel" from telephone directories and selectively burgling their houses and assaulting them . Several white U.S judges dismissed the charges against them and aquited them on the grounds that these attacks were opportunistic rather than racist....in a virtual replay of the Aussie circumstances just 2 decades prior

Dotbusters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The mayhem continued till a group of Patels got together and retaliated against them , and the Indian -American community subsequently entered American politics and influential positions.

Apparently this is what will soon happen in Australia too .


When in Rome , behave as the Romans do .....:agree:
i must say one thing,
australia is loosing
@ indians
guys you better make sure all your relatives don't go to australia....

why should you go there and get killed?
study here with your friends and work for the country...spread the message...
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