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Punjab says no to foreign aid

This no gonna happened because Punjab receive funds from Central govt. And Central govt is run by US favorites. I would say its all drama. Or Saudis has deliver some rosy dreams to Nawaz and Co.
100% accurate analysis
Pakistan should have been giving aid to others instead of receiving. I just can not figure out what went wrong with Pakistan.

Most Bangladesis here on PDF seem to have genuine concern for their brothers and sisters in Pakistan. We in India also empathise with what is going on in Pakistan, but have no clue how to go about helping them in their need, with out it becoming political and scorned about.
Our own army has ruined us. We are being held hostage in our own house by our Chowkidar (security guard) whom we had hired to protect us and our house.

Pakistani Army are the true Lions of Pakistan.
Why dont they open their minds up a bit and view this as a small but positive step forward. Tell me has any other province or politicians in Pakistan taken even such a small step? Look at NWFP, last year a report showed it is the most corrupt province. Roti was being sold in Punjab for Rs.2 while rest of Pakistan ate it for Rs 5 a while ago.

Rapid infrastructure and road building progress is taking place in Punjab. And Punjab being the most populous, most industrialized and manufacturing hub of all provinces in Pakistan, saying NO to foreign aid is quite significant.

Kambakht na khud kuch kartay hein na karnay detay hein. Ultaa keeray nikaalnay lagg jaatay hein.

Day to day govt activities in Punjab are relatively cleaner vis a vis rest of Pakistan ( Sindh, Balochistan, KP, Kashmir etc )

Ill give an example, here in sindh, I give the govt 5 lac for a road, and i wont see that road completed for the next 3 years, ( plus that 5 lac gone ) , in Punjab, ill see that road in 6, 7 months with half commission of-course and some money bribed, but still the road will be completed, you get the picture.

Here Punjabis do take bribes but they make sure they finish the projects, which will fetch them more projects from the same people and hence more commission.

It has become our nature to place obstacles in path of someone who may be doing the right thing.

Punjab is largest agricultural producer in Pakistan that is why it has Roti for Rs.2 plus the sasti roti sham. If it genuinely had cheaper wheat, shouldn't Punjab share resources with other provinces? If we work like Punjab then Karachi should keep its wealth to itself and Balochistan should keep the gas. It takes the largest share in NFC but barely acknowledges Balochistan's plight.

Where politics is concerned, PML-N is leaving no stone unturned to get some votes in the next election. With the way things are going, its own plans are going nowhere. Hate to admit it, Zardari has outsmarted the Sharif Bros.

And funny to see the rich suggesting to stop foreign aid while the poor are bring burdened with more debt and interest.
Mr Khadam-i-Ala. You are already spending Aid from Kerry Lugar bill, aid from China and Japan and also aid from UK and Saudi Arabia. Please transfer that aid to other three provinces as now you do not want to have aid. People of Baluchistan are waiting anxiously for the Aid.Mian Sahab, wake up! Your province is in the midst of the corruption worse than ever seen and you are talking about not taking foreign aid. Every MNA of your party is corrupt and taking bribe by hook or crook. Their
is no plan, their is no think tank in your party, carrying Ishaq Dar n calling him a finance wizard will do no good Mian Sb, its time that the youth with relevant degrees take up the things in their hands, trust me they are more loyal to this country then you can imagine. Punjab will not accept foreign aid.So all Punjab foreign-aided
projects and programs will be shut down? Masses are already suffering because of your friendly leader’s policies and corruption pro strategies. Please pity the poor people.
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