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PTM leader Manzoor Pashteen arrested in Peshawar

thread hijacked by PTM supporter :disagree:
as a pashtoon it pains my heart when i see support for PTM on any forum. people wh have never been to waziristan before 2014 have no idea wt it was like back then and whats the difference now. It pains my heart when i see educated people following a racist dangar daactar who cant speak two lines in urdu properly. what is the mental aqumen of this so called "mashar". for God sake we have been destroyed by religious fanatics first and now we are falling for the leftist ethnic bigotry..how foolish we are.
if someone is attacking a Military base (kharqamar is not just a remote post, its a full fledge base) and ransaked the outer perameter already they deserved to be shot in faces (in hundreads not just 17)
Lets lecture India on fascism and against arresting peaceful protesters and students.

yes we can lecture them.. becoz indian govt is passing laws which are racist in nature and suppressing people on ethnic basis. while we are arresting ethno facist and their supporters, becoz we are trying to maintain our national unity which is being threatened by ethno fascists...see the difference ? no you wont.
What are the demands of PTM???
@Xestan @Jungibaaz
What are the demands of PTM???
@Xestan @Jungibaaz
their demnd is seccesion and loy afghanistan, something these self loathing ones dont understand or dont want to understand
Didn't he incited violence, killing, hatred against public institutions and threatened openly the Pak Army? If he does so then he deserves to be tried with utter treason against the State!

Bengalis should be thankful that they are not part of Pakistan.
These PTM and Manzoor Mehsud type people label Punjabis as "Kaliyas" aka " Black people" ... Imagine their racism against bengali people.

And the best part they don't even pay electricity bills.

thread hijacked by PTM supporter :disagree:
as a pashtoon it pains my heart when i see support for PTM on any forum. people wh have never been to waziristan before 2014 have no idea wt it was like back then and whats the difference now. It pains my heart when i see educated people following a racist dangar daactar who cant speak two lines in urdu properly. what is the mental aqumen of this so called "mashar". for God sake we have been destroyed by religious fanatics first and now we are falling for the leftist ethnic bigotry..how foolish we are.
if someone is attacking a Military base (kharqamar is not just a remote post, its a full fledge base) and ransaked the outer perameter already they deserved to be shot in faces (in hundreads not just 17)

Screw these PTM fools. Eventually the true patriotic Pakistani Pashtun are going to eradicate this filth from our province. PTM can have all the help from Afghans, Indians and Americans. It won't make an iota of difference.
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