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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.

Guys after reading columns of Haroon Rashid, Hassan Nisar and Munir Baloch (true friends of IK and PTI), I am losing hope. We may only be able to form govt. in KPK if we are lucky.

Pakistan is fast becoming a lost cause.
Guys after reading columns of Haroon Rashid, Hassan Nisar and Munir Baloch (true friends of IK and PTI), I am losing hope. We may only be able to form govt. in KPK if we are lucky.

Pakistan is fast becoming a lost cause.

This was never in doubt...a government in KPK and Punjab seems the only possibility with a government is KPK seeming more possible. Federal is out of the question.

This feudalism is so deeply ingrained in our society that it is hard to change it.

But lets keep up hope, maybe the voter turn out will be large.
This was never in doubt...a government in KPK and Punjab seems the only possibility with a government is KPK seeming more possible. Federal is out of the question.

This feudalism is so deeply ingrained in our society that it is hard to change it.

But lets keep up hope, maybe the voter turn out will be large.

The govt. in KPK too looks difficult now. Lets see what is in store for us.
Yes Wellcome To ! A Dreamy Family Which Thinks It Will win Every Single Seat From Allover Pakistan?
Wake Up It Wont Gona Happen ! Friend Its Just Ur Little Dreams? & thats It?
Come &live In Real World Plz?:lol:

So in other words you support status quo and corrupt shareef brothers + ppp, alright ty for clarifying and condolences mushy lost badly.
So in other words you support status quo and corrupt shareef brothers + ppp, alright ty for clarifying and condolences mushy lost badly.

Lost Badly? He Even Didnt Went To Elections! Yet? No Friend Its Nt Over Yet?
I Dont Support Any Status Co, either Its From PTI Or Any One Else?
Keep Ur Condolences Up Tight, Unwill Need It In Few Weeks ;):wave:
Lost Badly? He Even Didnt Went To Elections! Yet? No Friend Its Nt Over Yet?
I Dont Support Any Status Co, either Its From PTI Or Any One Else?
Keep Ur Condolences Up Tight, Unwill Need It In Few Weeks ;):wave:

:lol:Its over for mushy, 21 days left mushy is badly stuck. Obviously you attack IK PTI all the time, again condolences it's alright mushy can take part in Election in 2023.
:lol:Its over for mushy, 21 days left mushy is badly stuck. Obviously you attack IK PTI all the time, again condolences it's alright mushy can take part in Election in 2023.

Keep It Up Its Ur Time For The Joy U May r In, bt As I Said It, U Never Know Whts Comming 2mmarow For Who?
So jst Be mature, & Plz Do Something Better Thn That College Level stuff? U Think By His Arrest PTI Hve Won The Elections? Come On Wake Up?:rofl::wave:;);)
So jst Be mature, & Plz Do Something Better Thn That College Level stuff? U Think By His Arrest PTI Hve Won The Elections? Come On Wake Up?

I think his arrest or no arrest can ever effect any political party. His party is weak. they dont have that level of hype nor local strength. Musharraf will find it hard to run in these elections. He is right now stuck with an arrest warrant. he has to solve this and then he has to solve where he will run from and then will he be able to run. find it really hard to do.

Maybe you can stop this "see in the future thing and enjoy your time while it lasts" stuff. Look at the things from this prospective . right now as things are musharraf games looks finished unless something shockingly radical things happen in the future.
This was never in doubt...a government in KPK and Punjab seems the only possibility with a government is KPK seeming more possible. Federal is out of the question.

This feudalism is so deeply ingrained in our society that it is hard to change it.

But lets keep up hope, maybe the voter turn out will be large.
It Will Only Happen With A Fuji Boot, Try Wht Ever Can bt Its The Bitter Truth We Should Accept?

I think his arrest or no arrest can ever effect any political party. His party is weak. they dont have that level of hype nor local strength. Musharraf will find it hard to run in these elections. He is right now stuck with an arrest warrant. he has to solve this and then he has to solve where he will run from and then will he be able to run. find it really hard to do.

Maybe you can stop this "see in the future thing and enjoy your time while it lasts" stuff. Look at the things from this prospective . right now as things are musharraf games looks finished unless something shockingly radical things happen in the future.
Thts All Is Your Feelings, N Thts Oky Bt You Never Know Wht May Happen Pakistan 2mmarow, & U Strat Thinking differently?
عمران خان پر حملہ ناکام اور اصل کہانی

کچھ ٹی وی سروے آپ نے دیکھے ہونگے چند دن پہلے کے عاصمہ شیرازی کے دو شو پنڈی اور لاہور کا سروے اور رانا مبشر کا پنڈی کا سروے جس میں لوگوں نے حنیف عباسی اور اینکر دونوں کو حیران کردیا تھا۔ اسی رانا مبشر کے شو میں حینف عباسی نے جب لوگوں کا موڈ دیکھا تو دھمکی بھی دی تھی۔ ان سارے ٹی سی سرویز میں نون لیگ ہار رہی ہے اس نے راۓونڈ کے باد شہاؤں کی راتوں کی ننید حرام کر دی ہے الیکشن اور پاور کے درمیان صرف عمران خان کھڑا ہے ۔ ہرحربہ استعمال کرلیا خریدا جا نہیں سکتا۔ بدنامی کا اسکو ڈرنہیں الزامات کی پروا نہیں شوکت خانم پر خواجہ آصف کا خود کش حملہ آپکو یاد ہو گا ۔۔تو راۓ ونڈ کے دو بیواقوف بھائی جو کرسی کے نشے میں کسی ہیرونچی کی طرح پاگل ہو جاتے ہیں کا آپ کو پتہ ہے طاقت کے اسی نشے میں انھوں نے مشرف کے جہاز کے سا تھ ایک اوچھی حرکت کی تھی اور قوم نے دس سال تک تگنھی کا ناچ، ناچ کر خمیازہ بھگتا۔۔۔۔ یہ پاور حکومت کیلۓ کچھ بھی کر سکتے ہیں۔ تو اب حاضر ہے اس پوری

سازش کا پلاٹ۔۔۔

کو ئی الیکٹرانک میڈیا اندر کی بات آپ کو نہیں بتاۓ گا لیکن اندر کی بات یہ ہے کہ یہ گٹھیا سازش نون لیگ نے پنڈی کے سمگلر حنیف عباسی کے ذریعے تیار کروائی جو خار کھاۓ پہلے ہی پاگل کتے کی طرح عمران خان کا خون پینے کو پے تاب تھا۔۔۔ پلان یہ تھا کہ الیکشن سے پہلے عمران خان کو مفلوج کیا جاۓ باقی تو ہر ہربہ ناکام ہو گیا سو چند 100 غنڈوں کے ذریعے بنی گالہ پر حملہ کیا جاۓ جہاں دو پولیس والوں کے علاوہ سیکورٹی براۓ نام ہوتی ہے اورعمران خان کے ہاتھ پاؤں اور یڈیاں ٹوڑ کے ہسپتال پہنچایا جاۓ تاکہ الیکشن کی راہ ہموار کی جاسکے کیونکہ نون لیگ اخری دنوں کی سونامی ہوا سے بری طرح خوفذادہ ہے کیا پتہ کہ عمران خان کی ہوا چل جاۓ تو کچھ بھی باقی نہیں بچے گا۔۔۔ آپ کو یہ بھی بتاتا چلوں کےاس حملے کا سارا ملبہ پارٹی ٹکٹ کا تنازع ثابت کرنے کیلۓ پہلے ہی میڈیا کو ہڈی ڈال دی گئ ہے۔ اور اگر چند غنڈے پکڑے بھی جاہیں تو سودا مہنگا نہیں کیونکہ عمران خان کو ایک دو مہینے کیلۓ ہسپتال پہنچانے کا مطلب یہ کے پارٹی چیر مین کے بغیر تحریک انصاف الیکشن میں بری طرح ناکام ہو جاۓ گی اور بعد میں حکومت ہماری ہوگی تو وہی ہوتا جو بے نظیر پر خود کش حملہ کرنے والے کیس کا ہوا۔ نون لیگ کے میڈیا سیل نے یہ پھرتی سیاست پی کے پر بھی دیکھا ئی اس ٹھریڈ کے تایٹل سے آپ کو اندازہ ہو رہا ہو گا۔ اس کا سارا ملبہ پارٹی ٹکٹ تنازع ثابت کرنے اور نارض کارکنوں پر ڈالنے کیلۓ مریم نواز میڈیا سیل کی یلغار دیکھۓ گا اور نواز لیگ کی میڈیا گنز پروپیگنڈے کا دھواں ابھی سے ہی اگلنا شروع ہو گئ ہیں
Guys after reading columns of Haroon Rashid, Hassan Nisar and Munir Baloch (true friends of IK and PTI), I am losing hope. We may only be able to form govt. in KPK if we are lucky.

Pakistan is fast becoming a lost cause.

I respect HR and HN but if we are to loose our hopes due to merely a couple of columns or an episode of a tv show then its a shame for us. Both HN and HR are in media and we know the media, I don't want to criticize them, but its too early to say why they've suddenly gone against IK and PTI..

I've never took interest in Pak Politics throughout my entire life, never voted, never even wanted to discuss country's political matters. But today I am a Tabdeeli Rzakaar, I've convinced my whole family (who also never voted before) to vote this time for change, I've worked extensively for PTI recently, and as a result I've been given much bigger responsibility under TR Program in my constituency.

I am telling all this, because I've came thus far just because of Imran Khan and mainly for Pakistan. I had trust on IK and I am not going to loose it when our main target (May 11) is so close. Lets finish what we aimed for, and then we'll see what we'll have after May 11th. Lets give it our best shot and pray to ALLAH.

Like what IK says "ALLAH ne insaan ke hath main sirf koshish di hy.. Qamyabi WO deta hy."
PTI should hire a team of ex-SSGs to protect IK. These morons will try again, and if something happens to him,even the hell wont house these balded twins.

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