I have met Mahatir in person. Does that mean he gave me advice to run Pakistan? seriously, come on.
Guess how many times Gen. Musharraf met him.
why would he give advice to people like musharraf or you ? I do believe he has not lost his mind to tell military jacks how to run things !! eh !
Phada does not equate to war.
Phada = Pressler amendment, economic sanctions, economic isolation (Iran), and etc.
Almost 38+% pf our exports go to US and EU.
Iran is 2nd world country to begin with...more prosperous and rich than Pakistan, donot tell me because of oil... and above all living with self respect... does that matter to you anything ?
be it 38 percent with quotas imposed, what makes you think getting out of WOT would lead to all that you said ?? I told you diplomacy can do miracles... why would a calculator understand that !! there are always alternative, think of self reliance strategy....but yes its a difficult way...a way only adopted by men of honour and self respect... the world we live in is bipolar and interdependencies... learn the new trends in the geo politics....
During Musharraf's tenure did he let any Abottabad happen? Raymond Davis?
Even Imran Khan accepted on national TV if things went wrong Pakistani economy would suffer KHARABS of losses.
was he ever in a position to stop anything bad from happening ?? the guy who encircled our foreign policy to just being front line ally, and put our country at stake by entering amreeka's war just to remain in power ??? now blame Kayani for what musharraf saw...
That is exactly what Musharraf did. Created a balance.
Isolation will lead to chaos.
I dont know bending is called balance in your dictionary ? very strange position indeed !!
I said before the world is bipolar and interdependencies... dont fear...
And what magic wond will Imran Khan whip to make Pakistani economy shining light? like the magic wond Iran has? oil?
where there is a will, there is a way, unfortunately, alot of opponents dont have the will to begin a independent National life...
Yeah right, living in fantasy lala land?
No one in his right mind would deny local bodies are the true essence of democracy.
Even today people want it back.
noone said so either...
Yes, there might have been corruption but never to the extent we have today. Infact, Musharraf reduced corruption. No one gets a 100% corrupt free card as IK promises.
ofcourse corruption has increased... but not in any way it can justify what musharraf brought to Pakistan...
I thought you knew when we say absolute employment it means 6% unemployed... when we say 100 % corruption free, we dont mean literary... I mean by the spirit of it, that people would feel the difference from previous direction, would feel that things are going in right direction...and things are improving...that it would be okay to complain about a corrupt officer, that the corrupt officer would fear doing corruption...
100% literacy in 5 year's what a joke.
same as above, the goal set by UN to achieve a free of educated world is 2015. it doesnot mean that the world has to educate every single citizen by that time, it means to get enrolled the kids... we have enough infrastructure, enough facilities that if are properly utilized, we can get our 7 million kids to school... which would ensure 100% literary, if the kids are able to read and write atleast their names. *(which is the lowest category of literary in third world countries)... therefore, by standard if this is done, it means 100% literacy.