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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

Should PTI develop militant Wing to fight punjab police for survival?

Unfortunate but true, history shows that any mass movement/revolution had a militant wing component in it to protect participants and retaliate against those committing excesses… eg. ANC in South Africa, ZANU in Zimbabwe, MB in Bangladesh etc..
I am not advocating this but what are the options to counter police (pmln gangsters) violence given the judiciary and army are compromised…
It is only a matter of time, especially if the regime continues with its aggressive attitude and violence against peaceful youth who want change. At some stage they will say enough is enough and take arms for self protection against police and retaliate against the members of the current regime. The army will be to squarely blame. Let’s not mince words and call a spade a spade, forget about ‘neutrals’ and ‘establishment’, it’s the army senior leadership who facilitated the current situation.
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Unfortunate but true, history shows that any mass movement/revolution had a militant wing component in it to protect participants and retaliate against those committing excesses… eg. ANC in South Africa, ZANU in Zimbabwe, MB in Bangladesh etc..
I am not advocating this but what are the options to counter police (pmln gangsters) violence given the judiciary and army are compromised…

IK is not going to win with his current tactics. HE IS MISLED AND MAKING IDIOTIC MISTAKES.
The people on social media should force that poster child IK that he should pledge I'm advance that this time of state resorts to violence then he must divert the protesters to Rawalpindi Sadr first. After neutralizing the Rawalpindi (the real defenders/guardians of the PDM elite) only then would move towards Islamabad to encircle them afterwards.

Some PTI supporters with military background should source a few stinger missiles that day, just in case. Because those tyrannical goons tend to flee when surrounded by the public. No one should be able to escape that day.

If that coward IK doesn't agree to these terms then say him to F off and do his long march with Shireen mazari and Parvez Khatak only. We need a true freedom from this system of slavery, and not to be enslaved by some new breed of slave masters.

Uh are you saying PTI should do a Najeebullah situation?

IK is not going to win with his current tactics. HE IS MISLED AND MAKING IDIOTIC MISTAKES.

Yup he is doing Bacha Khanai and will end up like Akbar Bugti.
I love it when Patwaris , Indians and hypocrites are advising IK what to do and what not to do.

IK is getting stronger every day…. PML is imploding from within .

I am loving the slow death of PML and Zardari knows his party will never be in power again is watching and loving from the distance :
Yeah I have heard rumors(I hope these are false rumors, I hope to God) of militant wing of PTI Punjab after what police did with PTI in Punjab, they are thinking along these lines

We don't need this shit in Punjab, they'll turn Punjab into a shit hole too
If anyone cares for well being of Punjab they should stop this- politcs aside this will ruin our society

psf/msf are militant wings already, ijt is another. saw it myself at uet lahore, eons ago.
psf/msf are militant wings already, ijt is another. saw it myself at uet lahore, eons ago.
I would not normally support militancy, but given the brutal violence inflicted by police/pml gangsters , I would support it if it’s remit was limited to purely self-protection, unfortunately these things tend to develop a momentum of their own once they come into being…
Uh are you saying PTI should do a Najeebullah situation?

He sounds like a 150kg keyboard warrior who huffs and puffs and orders people to do all sorts of violence.

He still has not answered if he was even present in the last Azadi march and whether he will be at the front line fighting police and army in the next march.

These idiots are best ignored because they only issue keyboard fatwas with no responsibility for the consequences. People advocating violent clashes with the army are just as likely to be Indian instigators.

I love it when Patwaris , Indians and hypocrites are advising IK what to do and what not to do.

IK is getting stronger every day…. PML is imploding from within .

I am loving the slow death of PML and Zardari knows his party will never be in power again is watching and loving from the distance :

That's wishful thinking. Unfortunately, the PDM crowd has the full support of the establishment and judiciary. They are getting stronger by the day. They are not going anywhere.
hongcongers have invented two very effective ways of putting out cs canister fires. as follows:

"Since CS gas is propelled out of its canister by a pyrotechnic (fire) explosion, putting out the fire inside is enough to make it stop. There are mainly two relatively safe ways to do this:

The traffic cone method​

The principle is simple: cover a canister with a traffic cone to stop the spread of the gas, and use the opening at the top of the cone to pour water in it and put the fire in the canister out. This creative method stops the release of tear gas almost instantly. However, it’s not very efficient when it comes to water use—since you can’t properly aim at the canister inside the cone, you’ll need a lot of water, which is most likely in short supply.

The water bottle technique​

Proceed with extreme caution: This method is much more dangerous, since it requires actually handling a hot, detonated tear gas canister or grenade. There are reports of people experiencing second degree burns when coming into direct contact with them. But the Hong Kong protesters figured it out: they used thick, heat-resistant leather gloves to pick up the canisters, put them inside metal water bottles, and shake them thoroughly until the fire in the canister was completely out. For this method, though, protection is key: Exposure to higher concentrations of CS powder make it absolutely necessary to have your eyes and airways thoroughly covered with a gas mask, and wearing appropriate, heat-resistant protection on your hands is a must to avoid burns."

- https://www.popsci.com/story/diy/tear-gas-guide/

Is tear gas flammable?
yes, (cause of some fires which are later blamed on protesters

Image result for can teargas be neutralized with CO2 Fire extinguisher?
CS -- the common name for orthochlorbenzalmalononitrile -- is a fine white powder, about the consistency of talcum powder, and it must be spread with some type of dispersing agent. But it has several nasty qualities, including its flammability.
- https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2000-07-07/77866/
Those approaches require direct or close contact with the canister that exposes you to a risk of second degree burns…. With CO2, you are not only killing the fire but freezing the smoke….
PDM & establishment bots are now building a narrative that PTI has a militant wing.

Oh bhai. PTI comprises of people from all walks of life. Businessmen, bureaucrats, retired servicemen, blue collar workers, labourers, IT literate youth.

Sidelining a majority never ends well. This is not 80's or 90's where you can run your propaganda on newspapers/radio/ptv and get away with it.
He sounds like a 150kg keyboard warrior who huffs and puffs and orders people to do all sorts of violence.
Yeah The Terminator has issues - loco
I would ignore this moron for my own sanity
Amount of absolute horse shit I have heard - by God....
He still has not answered if he was even present in the last Azadi march and whether he will be at the front line fighting police and army in the next march.

These idiots are best ignored because they only issue keyboard fatwas with no responsibility for the consequences. People advocating violent clashes with the army are just as likely to be Indian instigators.

That's wishful thinking. Unfortunately, the PDM crowd has the full support of the establishment and judiciary. They are getting stronger by the day. They are not going anywhere.
PDM & establishment bots are now building a narrative that PTI has a militant wing.

Oh bhai. PTI comprises of people from all walks of life. Businessmen, bureaucrats, retired servicemen, blue collar workers, labourers, IT literate youth.

Sidelining a majority never ends well. This is not 80's or 90's where you can run your propaganda on newspapers/radio and get away with it.

Self Defense will be initiated there won't be repeat of last Jalsa

a) Court said go do Jalsa
b) When people went to Jasla people were beaten up on route to Jalsa
c) People were kidnapped in put in prison
d) Torture video now emerging
e) Courts mean while stated no attack on civilians (a very trivial proceeding with no impact)
f) Then tear gas and shelling in Islamabad again attack on Civilians

Below will not be tolerated
>Beating up workers
>Beating women in cars
>Attack on elderly
>Documented Torture videos

Self defense is mandatory since others are "Neutral" defending people but very active protecting cement building and throwing tear gas
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Those approaches require direct or close contact with the canister that exposes you to a risk of second degree burns…. With CO2, you are not only killing the fire but freezing the smoke….

Fire-extinguisher trick looks plausible. But very expensive one. Not readily available + extinguisher will run out after diffusing just couple of tear gas shells.
PDM & establishment bots are now building a narrative that PTI has a militant wing.

Oh bhai. PTI comprises of people from all walks of life. Businessmen, bureaucrats, retired servicemen, blue collar workers, labourers, IT literate youth.

Sidelining a majority never ends well. This is not 80's or 90's where you can run your propaganda on newspapers/radio/ptv and get away with it.

PTI does not want a militant wing or violence. IK correctly believes if millions of people take his side then Pmln and ppp can be sidelined. Will PPP and PmlN place 15M fake votes? If the majority people reject the old parties then its game over for them, noone will look twice at the sugar mafias and co. If people don't take IK side then its their loss.

You cannot do anything else except a violent revolution which will not happen. The mafias and corrupt can only be removed when the public stand up against them.
Self Defense will be initiated there won't be repeat of last Jalsa

Where Courts said , let the people come then Rana Gangster used weapons on Civilian
later courts said we to you no violence

Below will not be tolerated
>Beating up workers
>Beating women in cars
>Attack on elderly
>Documented Torture videos
And why no contempt of court against current regime for continuing with violence and arrests of peaceful protesters… compromised SC judges…I guess it would upset the pmln in laws of the compromised judges…
PTI does not want a militant wing or violence. IK correctly believes if millions of people take his side then Pmln and ppp can be sidelined. Will PPP and PmlN place 15M fake votes? If the majority people reject the old parties then its game over for them, noone will look twice at the sugar mafias and co. If people don't take IK side then its their loss.

You cannot do anything else except a violent revolution which will not happen. The mafias and corrupt can only be removed when the public stand up against them.

Public already stood up, the heroic reputation they once had is now gone. PMLN/PPP (pdm mix-achaar) are just front face, they are irrelevant in current political climate.
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