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PTA bans official Ahmadi website: Report

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Mar 15, 2009
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Hi, what a great country Pakistan is. You can get the latest militant beheading online, or latest video of the latest burning alive of someone in broad daylight, but a minority religious group cannot express its views.


PTA bans official Ahmadi website: Report – The Express Tribune

PTA bans official Ahmadi website: Report
Source*s say Muttah*ida Ulema Board demand*ed that the site be blocke*d for blasph*emous conten*t.
By Web Desk
Published: July 6, 2012

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has banned the official website of the Ahmaddiya community, alislam.org, according to a report published in The Nation on Friday.

A PTA official, speaking to The Nation, said that the site was blocked because, as per the Constitution, the Ahmadis are not allowed to propagate their religious views publicly. He added that the PTA has already blocked several sites with inappropriate content in the past.

ProPakistani had earlier reported that the site was blocked after it was accused of publishing blasphemous content against the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

The Nation’s sources add that the Muttahida Ulema Board had demanded that PTA block the website for blasphemous content.

After media reports emerged of the site blockade, former MNA Farahnaz Ispahani tweeted saying that she had taken up the issue with concerned officials in Pakistan and is waiting for action.

Former ambassador to US Husain Haqqani also tweeted that the blockade “reflects religious intolerance and violates constitutional guarantee of religious freedom.”
I don't like Ahmadiya and i believe they are non Muslims , Mirza maloon is amongst the :30 great lairs: but i don't belive banning their website and violance can expose this industrial scale lie.

It has to be peace and reconciliation , and we must give them minority rights in return.
Why aren't official hindu or Christian religious website banned? Ahmedis arent a case of a simple minority only but one which has altered the most important aspect of Islam and are bent on calling themselves Muslims. That aspect is, there is no god but Allah(sw) and Prophet Mohammed (sw pbuh) is his last prophet. Without believing in this important aspect of Islam you are not Muslim and have no right to call yourself as one. You are welcome to call yourself something else but not Muslim.

Ahmedis decided to alter half of that important aspect. No god but Allah (sw) is ok but another prophet has now come, naouzbilah. At which point they are no longer Muslim but they decided to continue to call themselves Muslim, continue to call their places of worship, masjids. You can't do that. That's falsifying someone's religion and propagating extremely wrong views about it.

So long as Ahmedis continue to consider themselves part of Islam there will be backlash against them. I will never condone violence against them but legal action is justified against them every time they spread false views about Islam.
My signature says it all!
Why aren't official hindu or Christian religious website banned? Ahmedis arent a case of a simple minority only but one which has altered the most important aspect of Islam and are bent on calling themselves Muslims. That aspect is, there is no god but Allah(sw) and Prophet Mohammed (sw pbuh) is his last prophet. Without believing in this important aspect of Islam you are not Muslim and have no right to call yourself as one. You are welcome to call yourself something else but not Muslim.

Ahmedis decided to alter half of that important aspect. No god but Allah (sw) is ok but another prophet has now come, naouzbilah. At which point they are no longer Muslim but they decided to continue to call themselves Muslim, continue to call their places of worship, masjids. You can't do that. That's falsifying someone's religion and propagating extremely wrong views about it.

So long as Ahmedis continue to consider themselves part of Islam there will be backlash against them. I will never condone violence against them but legal action is justified against them every time they spread false views about Islam.

How would hindus react if someone was to falsify their religion and lets say invent a cult of worshiping pig and eating beef and call it hindusim?? Definately there will be a backlast - same applies to ahmediays!
Very sad they have a right to practise their religion as they see it.

How would hindus react if someone was to falsify their religion and lets say invent a cult of worshiping pig and eating beef and call it hindusim?? Definately there will be a backlast - same applies to ahmediays!

Your comment is retarded

Distinct Ahmadiyya beliefs

Although the central values of Islam (prayer, charity, fasting, etc.) and the six articles of belief of Ahmadis are identical to those of mainstream Sunni Muslims and central to Ahmadi belief

distinct Ahmadiyya beliefs include the following:

That the prophecies concerning the second coming of Jesus were metaphorical in nature and not literal because Jesus is in their belief dead, and that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad fulfilled in his person these prophecies and the second advent of Jesus, that he was the promised Mahdi and Messiah.
The continuation of divine revelation. Although the Qur'an is the final message of God for mankind, he continues to communicate with his chosen individuals in the same way he is believed to have done in the past. All of God's attributes are eternal.
That Jesus, contrary to mainstream Islamic belief, was crucified and survived the four hours on the cross. He was later revived from a swoon in the tomb.[31] Ahmadis believe that Jesus died in Kashmir of old age whilst seeking the Lost Tribes of Israel.[32] Jesus’ remains are believed to be entombed in Kashmir under the name Yuz Asaf. Ahmadis believe that Jesus foretold the coming of Muhammad after him, which Christians have misinterpreted.[33]
That the “Messiah” and the “Imam Mahdi” are the same person, and that it is through his teachings and influence and through his prayers and those of his followers that Islam will defeat the Anti-Christ or Dajjal in a period similar to the period of time it took for nascent Christianity to rise (see also: Ahmadiyya relationship with Christianity) and that the Dajjal's power will slowly melt away like the melting of snow, heralding the final victory of Islam and the age of peace.
That the history of religion is cyclic and is renewed every seven millennia. The present cycle from the time of the Biblical Adam is split into seven epochs or ages, parallel to the seven days of the week, with periods for light and darkness. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad appeared as the promised Messiah at the sixth epoch heralding the seventh and final age of mankind,[34] as a day in the estimation of God is like a thousand years of man's reckoning.[Quran 22:47] According to Ghulam Ahmad, just as the sixth day of the week is reserved for Jumu'ah (congregational prayers), likewise his age is destined for a global assembling of mankind in which the world is to unite under one universal religion: Islam.
The two Ahmadiyya groups have varying beliefs regarding the finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that Muhammad brought prophethood to perfection and was the last law-bearing prophet and the apex of humankind’s spiritual evolution. New prophets can come, but they must be completely subordinate to Muhammad and cannot exceed him in excellence nor alter his teaching or bring any new law or religion. They are also thought of as reflections of Muhammad rather than independently made into Prophets, like the Prophets of antiquity.[35] The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement believes that Muhammad is the last of the prophets and no prophet, new or old, can come after him, also rejecting any notion of Jesus returning to earth as a Prophet

Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abdus Salam was a son of Pakistan who won the Nobel laureate in Physics and he was a Ahmadiyya
Very ret@rted idea, although i agree Ahmadis are not Muslims at all, but why create troubles for them. They should be treated as Pakistanis & their religion should be left between them & Almighty, let them believe what they believe, it is Almighty Allah to decide what to do not humans.

P.S i believe all this stupid laws/enforcements happening cuz of lack of education in the country & the most corrupt is sitting on every post, the qualification of every post required corruption degree in zardari regime, look at all top institutions all destroyed with both hands in zardari regime, be it Railways, Telecom, PIA, SteelMills, Police, Wapda, KESC or anyother. Economy totally destroyed, Rupee lost it's value. The heart bleeds when you see all this.
How would hindus react if someone was to falsify their religion and lets say invent a cult of worshiping pig and eating beef and call it hindusim?? Definately there will be a backlast - same applies to ahmediays!
One word: Neanderthal
@ safriz

If you can't tolerate minorities at home, you shouldn't be cribbing about 'maltreatment' of Pakistani origin Muslims abroad.
none of ur bussns and keep u r mouth shut and goo take care of minorities in india where indian soldiers are beating kashmiri kids
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If we continue like this next step GOP have to officially annouced killing of Ahmedis .. once ahmedis rooted out than it will be christians -hindus followed by shias leading to sufis & ending with the extermination of barelvis ... in order for wahabiat to prevail all above should be exterminated .

Those Pakistanis who are shut quiet or are in denial or no protest or not showing their outrage on this excessive high handiness with weak minorities .. remember one day this fckn retard group will declare you the same. For one fckn 1 minute imagine if you in minority shoe ... !!??

choice is yours Change your attitude or change your sect or religion or get killed
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