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Provoking "Mad Max" Shia-Sunni Civil War Make Muslim People Kill Each Other

Feb 19, 2013
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Brunei Darussalam
Robert Baer, former CIA agent in Lebanon, said this in 2008 about a possible Sunni-Shia conflict in his book The Devil We Know,

BOOK REVIEW: Robert Baer's 'The Devil We Know' Reveals Some Inconvenient Truths About Iran and the Conflict Between Shia and Sunni Islam

By David M. Kinchen
Huntingtonnews.net Book Critic

The conventional wisdom in the Middle East is that Iran is a rogue state run by religious fanatics who want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and drive the U.S. and other Western powers out of the region.

The reality, according to Robert Baer in his new book "The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower" (Crown Publishers, 288 pages, $25.95) is much more complicated and subtle -- and dangerous. He says we must deal with reality -- with "The Devil We Know" -- or find our access to Persian Gulf oil eliminated.

The Shia regime in Iran is halfway to winning its undeclared 30-year war with the U.S. which began with the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 by using proxies such as Hezbollah and the Kurds, forging alliances with Russia and China and exploiting the Muslim divide of Shia and Sunni factions, Baer says.

He's a former CIA operative whose character was played by George Clooney in the movie "Syriana," based on Baer's book "See No Evil." He has extensive contacts throughout the Middle East, including Israel, which he says is pursuing a realistic approach to Iran since its defeat by Hezbollah in the 34-day 2006 war in Lebanon. Baer quotes -- on Page 109 -- an assessment from the Winograd Commission Report, the official Israeli investigation into the 2006 war: "A semi-military organization of a few thousand men resisted for a few weeks, the strongest army in the Middle East, which enjoyed full air superiority and size and technological advantages."

Baer -- now a free-lance journalist and author of four books who contributes to Time.com, Vanity Fair, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, among other publications -- says there is still time to counteract the Russia-China axis and forge relations with what is in effect a superpower. In their own peculiar way, the majority of Iranians like Americans and America, something I noticed while living in Los Angeles and interacting with the large Iranian exile community there.

What about the looney-toon president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Baer argues that he's a figurehead, that the country is run by a secretive, calculating, rational shadow government that has succeeded in controlling the Shia areas of Iraq and has gained credence with the Palestinians, Jordanians and many in Egypt and the Gulf States because it has done what Sunni Muslims have never done -- defeat the mighty Israelis.

Iran's interest in its neighbor Iraq is "considerably stronger and more enduring than America's," Baer says on Page 93. "...its will is stronger, and it never will overcome the temptation to meddle, to undermine us in Iraq. Iran also cannot afford to allow Shia Islam's historical center of learning in Iraq, Najaf, to return to being a moderate rival to the Iranian learning center, Qum. Iran will not abandon its quest for control over Shia Islam, nor allow a quietest form of Shia Islam to challenge the legitimacy of Iran's mullahs."

Iran, Baer says, thinks in terms of the long haul: "Iran is calculating that the United States will get tired of Iraq, pull out, and let fall the first domino in a Persian reconquest of the Gulf." (Page 104). "The Iranians understand perfectly that the only reason we care about that miserable body of water called the Persian Gulf is that 55 percent of the world's reserves lie beneath its shores and 17 million barrels of crude oil pass daily through the Strait of Hormuz."

Iran is little interested in becoming a nuclear power, for now, Baer argues in a startling turnabout of conventional wisdom: "Right now, at least, the Iranians don't need a nuclear bomb [Page 110]. If a war is to be fought in the Gulf, Iraq, or Lebanon, Iran will almost certainly fall back on its asymmetrical tactics and weapons. There are also innumerable drawbacks to rushing the development of a nuclear weapon in today's global atmosphere --and few benefits."

Baer's says one reason the U.S. is obsessed with Iran's supposed nuclear ambitions is that "we're once again fighting the last war rather than this one [Page 110]. We remember it was Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons that stopped Iran from taking Basra. We're worried that the Syrians intend to put chemical warheads on their Scud missiles and fire them at Tel Aviv. We're blinded by the worst-case scenario, which happens not to be Tehran's preferred scenario."

Not that Baer rules out Tehran's developing nuclear weapons; he argues that Iran wants to counter Pakistan's "Sunni Bomb" with its own "Shia Bomb." Too, Iran "wanted to be taken seriously as a major power, in the same way it wanted to control Hormuz and the world's oil [Page 111]."

Among Iran's proxies are the Kurds, who inhabit a strategic region encompassing major parts of Turkey, Iraq and Iran, Baer says. It's only a matter of time, he says, before the artificial state of Iraq -- developed out of the 1916 Sykes-Picot secret pact by the British and French in their dividing up of the Middle East into spheres of influence -- is split up into Kurdish, Sunni and Shia elements. Iraq's civil war has just started, Baer says: The Shia intend to fight until their former masters, the Sunni, are expelled from Baghdad and central Iraq. The Shia already control Basra and southern Iraq.

Summing up, Baer says the longer we ignore Iran, the more dangerous this sophisticated country with a history dating back thousands of years will succeed in ousting the U.S. from this volatile region. One might argue it's too bad we don't have Baer as Secretary of State! But that would make too much sense, and we're not especially noted for common sense in the Middle East.

If you're looking for a clear-headed, rational look at the Middle East, read "The Devil We Know." It turns conventional "wisdom" on its head. Of the three options Baer outlines for dealing with Iran -- Staying in Iraq forever; provoking a "Mad Max" Shia-Sunni civil war; or sit down at the negotiating table with Iran, "treat it like the power it has become, and see what it has to offer" the latter is the only sensible course of action, he says.

BOOK REVIEW: Robert Baer's 'The Devil We Know' Reveals Some Inconvenient Truths About Iran and the Conflict Between Shia and Sunni Islam - Huntington News Network

Looming Threat of Civil War in Iraq

The situation in Iraq continues to get grimmer and grimmer. Here is the latest: “A wave of car bombings and gunfire attacks hit cities in Iraq overnight and on Monday, killing at least 64 people and wounding more than 170, medical and security officials said.”

What is most alarming about this growth of violence is the intransigence increasingly displayed by both sides. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is blaming “terrorist” politicians of Sunni persuasion for the attacks, while Sunnis once active in the Anbar Awakening are vowing to resist with force the presence of the Iraqi army in Anbar Province. It is difficult, if not yet impossible, to imagine some kind of negotiated solution. In all likelihood, the violence will get worse as al-Qaeda in Iraq stages a dismaying comeback from its near-defeat during the surge in 2007-2008.

This is exactly the kind of scenario that advocates of keeping U.S. troops in Iraq past 2014 warned about–with no honest broker in the middle, Shiite and Sunni extremists are on the verge of restarting the civil war that was extinguished during the surge at such great cost by American troops.

Unfortunately, President Obama’s pullback in Iraq has coincided with his unwillingness to do much of anything in Syria, raising the danger that the wars in the two countries will merge, involve other nations such as Israel, Lebanon and Turkey, and thus become a true regional conflagration. If we are not there yet, we are fast on the way to such a catastrophic outcome.

Looming Threat of Civil War in Iraq « Commentary Magazine

Let Them Kill each other..............
Sunni Shia conflict and the ‘continuum’ of an ideology

Sectarian conflict is not only tearing Muslim countries apart like Iraq and Pakistan but also brewing under the surface in London and European cities.

Sunni and Shia groups view each other suspiciously across a widening gap of misunderstanding propagated by Saudi financed British Sunni Mosques and madras’s attempt to label Shias as kafirs or heretics. On the surface there is a form of coexistence, but when the owner of a media group with the ability to influence thousands states “the biggest threat to world peace is Iran and Shias” it becomes a worrying fact.

It’s even more worrying when many Muslims suffering discrimination and treated as the enemy within cannot comprehend that Shia Sunni bloodshed is one of the many aims of the un- ending war on terror unleashed against Islam and Muslims after 9/11.

The west has reduced occupation forces in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, as they watch the rise of sectarian bloodshed which is a far worse weapon, fuelled by CIA and Mossad mercenary groups and drone attacks.

Daniel Mabsout writes in ‘A world called Israel’ “Now the Sunnis are mobilized against Shi’as in a conflict that had no precedent in the history between Sunnis and Shi’as. The Sunnis are mobilized by the world Order to defend Israel under the cover of sectarianism and anti Shi’ism; the war we witness between the two groups is but a sparkle of what is happening actually and daily on the ground.”

The attacks against Hazara Shias in Quetta, Pakistan early January killed nearly a 100 are part of systematic campaign against the community whose particular look and the fact they speak Farsi has made them easy targets for Sunni terrorists like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, known to have CIA and Mossad links.

Ali Dayan Hassan of Human Rights Watch warned: “Last year was the bloodiest year for Pakistan’s Shia community in living memory and if this latest attack is any indication, 2013 has started on an even more dismal note.”

Last year Dr Ismail Salami in his article “who’s behind the Shia Massacres in Pakistan” wrote “…more than 250 Shia Muslims were maimed and killed in broad daylight. Around 150 pairs of Shias’ eyes were cut out of their sockets; many of them died while their faces had been smashed with stones or sprayed with acid…. the Wahhabi attackers were void of any mercy; the criminals are now free and keep on partaking in their feast of blood.”

The war on terror manufactured and implemented by a cabal of Israel first politicians including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Richard Myers and Paul D Wolfowitz is the same group behind the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) which according to Dr Alan Sabrosky, a US strategic analyst, “wanted to use the 9/11 attacks as a catalytic event that ensured the US would fight Israel’s wars” and have been funding sectarian strife and regime change in the Middle East.

General Wesley Clarke, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander between 1997 and 2000 confirmed in 2007 that the US Secretary of Defense’s Office just after 9/11 had already outlined the destruction of seven governments including Iran and Syria that would take place in the subsequent five years.

The main task to create fear and bloody divisions had been assigned to Al Qaeda, which is a combination of Wahabi Salafi groups and mercenaries controlled by the CIA and Mossad.

In 2009 Press TV revealed that Qari Zainuddin was killed days after he revealed that TTP or Pakistani Taliban under Hakeemullah Mehsud alongside with their affiliates such as Ilyas kashmiri 313 Brigade are CIA and Mossad recruits.

Zaki Khalid a Pakistani security analyst highlights how the “CIA brand of Taliban come with tattoos” and how Islamic terrorists have been caught with American style tattoos on their bodies arguing “ if Jewish American Adam Pearlman alias Adam Yahya Gadahn was successful in presenting himself as an Arab militant, why is it not possible that others can follow his example”?

Prince Harry recently confirmed that ‘he killed Taliban insurgents during his latest tour of Afghanistan as a gunner in Apache attack helicopters, with his fingers on the triggers of deadly rockets…’ Maybe Prince Harry should have checked who he had bombed if we are to go by the number of CIA Mossad men dressed up as Taliban?

It was the Raymond Davis incident that highlighted to what extent CIA and Mossad were involved in creating bloodshed in Pakistan.

Jonathan Aziza in an article ‘26/11 Revisited Raymond Davis and a Travesty of Justice’ explained that Davis was “tied to infamous hunter-killed mercenary firm Blackwater (Xe)” and was “acting head of the CIA in Pakistan” carrying out “a long-running false flag terrorism operation known as the ‘Dragon Policy,’ run by the Zionists and its confederates inside RAW the CIA and Blackwater.”

He argues “This highly sophisticated operation is a multi-faceted cohesion between intelligence, military, media and politics, all for the purpose of fragmenting nations that are seen as threats to the global agenda of international Zionism. Excluding occupied Iraq, no nation has been hit more ruthlessly than the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. “

The blame also lies with Pakistani politicians and its elite who are linked to International business and Jewish owned multinationals aiding and abetting as they suck the blood of the poor to fill their Swiss coffers.

The PNAC group has not changed their agenda but changed its name to FDD ‘ The Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ and released a new document calling once again for an attack on Iran. Pakistan is an important cog in the wheel as Iran cannot be attacked unless Pakistan is sufficiently destabilized and its nuclear capabilities neutralized.

It is argued that Israel’s territorial ambitions are dependent on war with Iran to distract Muslim attention away from Al Aqsa Mosque which Netanyahu and Likudists are in a hurry to destroy so they can build the Third Temple on its site in order to make way for the expected Jewish Messiah who will take the ‘chosen people’ to world domination.

The war with Syria and Iran is also the Saudi/ Qatar agenda and as a result Saudi and the Gulf states are funneling large sums of money and weapons to militias inside Syria, and killing Shias is part of that agenda.

Franklin Lamb in Damascus writes:”It is their “agents,” the jihadist groups, who have turned on the Syrian civilian population increasingly resorting to theft, kidnapping for ransom, rape, sale of children and killing hundreds according to UN agencies

Journalist Alastair Crooke in ‘Putting Match to Tinder’ highlights how the Gulf States ambitions “. . .clearly extend well beyond the mere destruction of Iranian political power to a much wider ambition not only to subvert real reform in the region, but to restore a Sunni conservative primacy throughout much of the Arab world…….”

As the bloodshed continues in Syria what has become of Islam, which is supposed to be a religion of mercy and justice, contrary to what the Zionist media would have us believe through thousands of Hollywood films and dramas?

Writer Daniel Mabsout asks the same essential question that Muslims also need to ask if we are to prevent a path of sectarian blood bath.

“What is happening to Islam? Who is Muslim and who is not? Why so many crimes are being committed under the banner of Islam? Hideous crimes in Lebanon, in Syria, in Libya ….Slaughters happening in Syria where entire families are killed by sectarian Muslims, by armed thugs who say there is no god but God!”

Gilad Atzmon attempted to ask a similar question about humanity when he said: “If Israel defines itself as the Jewish State and drops bombs on civilians from airplanes decorated with Jewish symbols then it’s our moral duty to question what this Jewishness is all about”. In his book ‘The Wandering Who?’ Atzmon unravels many sensitive issues regarding Jewish Power.

One of the most interesting analyses that Muslims and Christians could also learn from is about the ‘continuum’ of an ideology.’ In a past interview when the Mavi Marmara was attacked by Israel he explained: “The ideology that carried out execution-style killings on the Gaza aid flotilla the ‘Mavi Marmara’ is the same ideology that carried out the massacres at Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, Jenin and the murder of Rachel Corrie — more than that it is the same ideology that killed Christ.”

He continues: “there is no biological, racial or ethnic continuum between the ancient Israelites and the contemporary Israelis. The attack on the aid convoy is a continuum of the same ideology that killed Christ. Christ’s killing is a symbol of a brutal assault against goodness, in the same way the attack on the aid convoy was against humanity and compassion.”

Muslims also need to ask how the message and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad changed, where we have groups roaming around as jihadists killing and beheading other Muslim’s without humanity and compassion.

Prophet Muhammad prohibited torture and urged equal treatment for prisoners of war at a time where enslavement, beheadings and mutilation of corpses was the norm.

If we look closely at Atzmon’s analyses we may reach an understanding of how the real message of Islam also changed or became subverted.

This continuum of an ideology dates back to the continuum of evil forces of oppression and tyranny that reared their ugly head as soon as the Prophet Mohammad died.

These forces ignored the fact that the Prophet stood at Ghadder O Qum in front of thousands and declared that his cousin Imam Ali was his successor, a fact that was later suppressed and misinterpreted.

Imam Ali was no ordinary man he was known for justice and his courage was legendary; this is the same man the Jews never forgave for breaking down the doors of the impregnable Jewish fort called Khaybar and for defeating them in every conflict and confrontation which led them to vow revenge against him and his progeny.

Imam Ali did not fight for his inheritance as he did not want divisive conflict amongst Muslims. However Muawiyah the corrupt tyrannical ruler known for debauchery and oppression proceeded to kill and torture anyone who openly supported Imam Ali.

Muawiya a respected figure amongst Sunni’s killed Mohammed Al Bakr the son of Abu Bakr because he supported Imam Ali’s legitimate right to rule. In revenge Muawiya then proceeded to put his cut up body into the stomach of a donkey and roasted it on a spitfire. Imam Ali was also eventually killed.

Yazid took over after Muawiya’s death, he was a cruel and depraved character, far worse than his father he continued to change not only the message of Islam but also its practices. It was becoming clear to Imam Hussein who was Imam Ali’s son that he had to stand against his tyranny or Islam will become a religion of corruption and decadence. Imam Hussein with his family and supporters numbering 72 were ambushed at Karbala by Yazids army of 10,000 and brutally killed.

He was beheaded and his head was paraded around in Yazd’s court. Imam Hussein became a symbol of truth and justice against oppression and Shias have kept his message and teachings alive.

It is this message that has inspired millions over the centuries to fight against oppressors. It led Iran in1979 to overthrow American Zionist imperialism and regain their dignity from enslavement and also inspired a spirit of resistance that led Hezbollah to throw nuclear armed Israel out of Lebanon.

Over the centuries every Imam who was from the line of Prophet Muhammad has been killed, tortured and silenced, as well as anyone who followed the teachings of the Imams. At the time of Muawiya it was mandatory to curse Imam Ali after every Friday prayers.

Over the centuries Shias Sunni’s have learnt to live with each other and built on their similarities united in their love for the Koran. Unlike Christianity the only thing that has not been changed is the Koran (though there is evidence that Zionist have been busy setting up Islamic websites misrepresenting beliefs and manufactured hadiths while printing Korans with changed meanings). If anyone thinks this is not possible just look at the fake Islamic terrorist videos with Israeli’s dressed up claiming death to all westerners or the Wikipedia Jews rewriting their version of events and meaning on the internet, supported by Google and face book.

It is the continuum of these evil forces that have attempted to weaken Islam and are reflected in the practices of modern day Saudi Arabia, perpetuated in Muslim countries through Saudi financed schools, mosques, and learning centres.

Over time the Koran could not be meddled with but hadiths which are based on practices of the prophet were misconstrued. The main hadiths followed by the Sunni’s are from Bokhari a man who was born a 100 years after the prophet, while the hadiths from the family of the Prophet, people who had spent years with him have been destroyed or suppressed kept alive by the Shias.

The Saudi’s who revere Muawiya and Yazid have destroyed nearly every historic relic connected to the Prophet, for example turning his beloved wife Khadija’s house into a public toilet while building gleaming Las Vegas style shopping malls giving Zionist owned businesses like Starbucks prime positions.

Every anti Islam film has got most of its material from Bokhari’s book, a book that does not make clear that when the prophet married Aisha she was 20 not 9 and is a book that prefers the prophet to be weak and fallible and portrays the rightly guided Caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar bin Khattab and Uthman bin Affan as the infallibles.

The true message of Islam has been subverted, through the promotion of distorted hadiths, in the same way that Gordon Duff senior editor at Veterans Today asks about the real message of Christianity in “American Slaves our real destiny” questioning the validity of the bible when he states: “……Were many to have a clue where that document came from, the editing, the mistranslating, the bizarre things in it….

Any group that followed the original teachings was wiped out in centuries of slaughter, human pyres, mass burnings, executions, hundreds of sites all over Europe and the Near East.”

This continuum of an evil ideology may explain why Atzmon a tireless supporter of the Palestinians cause is not only attacked by Zionists but by the Palestinian activists living in the West with their bellies and bank accounts full signing documents labelling Atzmon an “anti Semite”. These so called activists are more worried about who is an anti Semite than about 10 year old Palestinian children held in Palestinian jails suffering mental, physical and sexual abuse.

Over the centuries Sunni Shias coexisted peacefully most of the time, often intermarrying. However the evil forces that led Muawiya and Yazid to set a precedent for future generations to warp and suppress the teachings of the Imams found a new lease of life through Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahab, who was paid by a British government spy to distort Islam by labelling those Muslims who resisted as heretics, kafirs and should be killed.

David Livingstone’s ‘Terrorism and the illuminate’ a three thousand year history’ he explains how “the British devised a method that would create a new interpretation of Islam that would sanction murder under the guise of “Jihad”. He explained how British spy Hempher worked with Abdul Wahab to implement a strategy that will further subvert Islam, by encouraging “…sex, sports, alcohol, gambling, and interest banking” a penchant of the Arab sheikhs and the Pakistani elite.

Wahab also made a pact with Ibn Saud pledging British financial assistance and arms for his military support in the enforcement of Wahabism. Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth made it possible for them to spread Wahabism through religious propaganda and finance to mosques and schools in Pakistan India Indonesia Philippines and western countries.

In London most of the media outlets, mosques and learning centres have been financed by Saudi Arabia. The funding of many organizations to propagate a Wahabi style of Islam has resulted in tension and discrimination, with Shia’s feeling they are a minority under attack. If a Shias whose method of prayers differs slightly attempts to pray in a Sunni mosque, he will have to take the risk being attacked or abused.

Saudi Arabia is aiming to build a huge $100 million dollar Islamic centre in Afghanistan; we can imagine what its real purpose will be, intolerance and churning out more foot soldiers for the Taliban.

The purpose of this article has not been to create a sectarian divide but rather Muslims need to take a factual look at history in the same way that Americans are now waking up to all the false propaganda fed to them throughout history about the Red Indians being savages; about who was really behind the slave trade?; and who really killed JF Kennedy?; who did 9/11 and who really runs Wall Street and Congress?.

The Muslim world has to also wake up and prevent this march into sectarianism that is tearing communities apart, a trap set by the advocates of the New World Order to divert attention while they steal their land and their civil liberties.

It’s also about the unspoken alliance between Saudi Arabia and Israel and how both are carrying out a continuum of a philosophy which under different names and methods has one aim, to subvert all that is good in religion, while glorifying evil, oppression corruption and enslavement of humanity for the benefit of the few – and those who think they are the ‘chosen ones’

Sunni Shia conflict and the
why are you so eager for us to be killed and wiped off from the face of the earth ?. I am going to break it up for you here kid, get comfortable in this world. We are here to stay, we shall not vanish and we shall not surrender niahahahahahah
The Shia Sunni divide is an artificial divide created to make Middle East and the Muslim world unstable in general.

Muslims are emphasized as either Shia or Sunni in world's newspaper. You will seldom see Muslim calling themselves as either Shia or Sunni and then slitting each other's throat.

This artificial divide has been made an excuse to attack Shia or Sunni shrines. If you look closely, its more shias who are the target than Sunnis. Agains I must emphasize, its not the people but groups created based on sects which are not even supported by the general population.
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