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Protests in Iran over economic downfall

Warpig is a true patroit who cares for his country. Kudos.

we all care about our country

amongst ourselves, we all agree that the mullahs are the worst possible scenario, even on this forum. Pig has a stick up his ***. He's not solving **** by coming to an international board and dissing random things. If he was on an Iranian board, I would join him myself. Right now he just sounds like a crazy idiot.
we all care about our country

amongst ourselves, we all agree that the mullahs are the worst possible scenario, even on this forum. Pig has a stick up his ***. He's not solving **** by coming to an international board and dissing random things. If he was on an Iranian board, I would join him myself. Right now he just sounds like a crazy idiot.

well i became because where ever that i try to solve something
folks like you start their rude language and so on
so i dont care any more
i will show iranians problems where ever i can
i dosent matter who might read them iranians or other
as a matter of fact if others read them it have a lot more impact then just iranians
iran regime is trying so hard to pretend that iran is all good and no problem at all
so if i can make even a slightest crack on that fake glass i will do it with all i got
now tell me what did you ever do to help and improve iranians lives and iran it self?
well i became because where ever that i try to solve something
folks like you start their rude language and so on
so i dont care any more
i will show iranians problems where ever i can
i dosent matter who might read them iranians or other
as a matter of fact if others read them it have a lot more impact then just iranians
iran regime is trying so hard to pretend that iran is all good and no problem at all
so if i can make even a slightest crack on that fake glass i will do it with all i got
now tell me what did you ever do to help and improve iranians lives and iran it self?

Chera enghad shero ver migi to?
Man daram kharej az Iran zendegi mikonam. Az bachegi inja boodam. Hich kas asan nemidoone Iran kojaye donya hast ke bakhad be charandiate jomhoori eslami tavajoh kone. Migi mikhay ba IR bejangi, bezar bet begam ke tanha kari ke dari mikoni ineke feshang bezari to tofange doshmanaye Iran. Tamame mardome donya midoonan ke vaze Iran kharabe, vali vaghty miyay aksaye motadaro post mikoni ya charand darbaraye arteshe Iran minvisi, tanha aberooye mardome Irano mibari. Mardome Irano koochik mikoni.

Ma bayad khoodemono az regim joda konim va be mardome donya begim ke ma jomhoorie elsami nistim. Man hamishe inja be hame ino migam va beheshoon mifahmoonam. Motmaen bash man az to bishtar kar kardam. Farhango tarikhemoono be dahha adam yad dadam. Beheshoon sabet kardam ke ma Irania farhango tarikh darim.

Ba koochik kardane mardome Iran hich kari soorat nemidi.

ye masale digeham ineke in forum jaaye in kara asan nist. Inja hich kas be joz pakestanio, arabo, turk nist. Inaham mese rooz vasashoon vaze Iran roshane, hamashoonam midoonan ke ma Irania chejoor adamayi hastim. Oonayi ke ba Iran doshmanan ya wahabi hastan ya faschistaye racist ke ba koochik kardane Irania to dari komakeshoon mikoni.
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