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Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

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i wish Shivsena come on road these goons will hide in their dhravi slum , like they did in 1991.

Shiv Sena by the looks of it is a toothless tiger now.
i wish Shivsena come on road these goons will hide in their dhravi slum , like they did in 1991.

Shiv Sena by the looks of it is a toothless tiger now.
Islamic Republic?? Means Syria like bloodshed in future, Taliban like rulers, Pakistan like economy, Iran like suicidal intent, Saudi like wahabism. This is the beginning of the end of every thing on earth, if countries turn into Islamic Republics.

Unfortunately that is your destiny my friend. Its not Islam but the people who will make what it will be. Considering the fanaticism exist in Indian society in the form of Shiv Sena they will certainly turned into Taliban under Islamic Republic.
Islamic Republic?? Means Syria like bloodshed in future, Taliban like rulers, Pakistan like economy, Iran like suicidal intent, Saudi like wahabism. This is the beginning of the end of every thing on earth, if countries turn into Islamic Republics.

Unfortunately that is your destiny my friend. Its not Islam but the people who will make what it will be. Considering the fanaticism exist in Indian society in the form of Shiv Sena they will certainly turned into Taliban under Islamic Republic.
Patiala khalistan ka kashmir pakistan ka wake up khalsa for ur faith against india
oh god read a few pages but then jumpe to the last.......so who won @roybot or @ajtr :D
Patiala khalistan da kashmir pakistan ka wake up khalsa for ur faith against india
Any word yet..?


i want shiv shena to don't react this time, let people think and understand them self that how congress government using them..
btw now people can understand why shiv shena always against such people and give rude statements about pakistan/such assholes..
i want shiv shena to don't react this time, let people think and understand them self that how congress government using them..
btw now people can understand why shiv shena always against such people and give rude statements about pakistan/such assholes..

Rightly said...Everybody knows Gujurat riots but forgets Godhra train burning that trigerred it.
This is utter stupidity ..they are protesting for another country people against our people !!! This one incidence is enough for bjp shivsena to sweep next general election.. Two more such incidents bjp will sweep central election ..stupid and irritating people
I think tis is really unfortunate and really foolish of Indian muslims to protest against own people for saving the ilegal immigrants.
Lol do you want me to show you the picture of Masjid Al Haram burnt down to the ground? 1982 was a military operation, stop trying to score cheap points.

Last I checked Masjid Al Haram was never burnt down to the ground. :coffee:

Unless you are talking about seizure which was a hostage situation and even in that the Masjid was not burned down.
I think tis is really unfortunate and really foolish of Indian muslims to protest against own people for saving the ilegal immigrants.

Damn, I didn't imagine we are so evil :D

So much so, we even lay waste to Rohingya refugees :woot:
Paan Singh and that other Sikh said they would take "action" against Indian Muslims and when I called them out on it those internet jokers became scared. I told them go to Azad Maidan then, otherwise don't make threats, go to your own forum and make vile threats we won't accept that here.

They made huge threats and we got a newbie on this thread calling for genocide of 180 million Muslims for the actions of a couple of thousand.

The ones who are making the threats residing in India should just go and do something instead of throwing out empty rhetoric. :rolleyes:
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