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Proposals for Baluchistan

Some Pakistanis are now starting to repeating lies emanating from west and India. We must remember how resources are equally distributed and that the economic mess is the work of politicians and terrorists in the province. The myth of victimisation of our Pakistani Baloch in their homeland, Pakistan is just that a myth.

This propaganda is used to weaken us and mislead our young Pakistani Baloch. To start, the myth revolves around the idea that Pakistani Baloch are or were deprived of state resources and were not allowed to manage their affairs. How Pakistani Balochis received an unfair deal is never spelled out in any detail. But the accusation is made with little evidence to back it up.

1. Balochistan receives 9% of state resources. With less than five per cent of Pakistan's population.

2. Balochistan resources are used in the same way that resources of all other provinces are used. The rules for this are in the Constitution and are same for all the provinces. If the provincial govt feels the rules are not fair they can approach the Supreme Court with evidence. This is has never been done cos there is no evidence.

3. Balochistan province lags behind in the areas of security, education, healthcare and jobs. All of these fall under the the provincial government, which has always been run by Baloch politicians. If blame is to be assigned it should on persons that have ruled the province as representatives of the Pakistani Baloch.

4. Terrorists encouraged by our enemies like India have destroyed Balochistan’s economy. By resorting to terrorism a few traitors killed or scared away most of the teachers, doctors and professional.

Both Baloch and non-Baloch professional Pakistanis avoid the province thanks to these terrorists. No person is going to even think of making an investment in the province in the conditions that these terrorists have created. Business closures and prospects for the future are less. Even I was thinking of buying some plots of land near gwador but am reluctant to cos of security issues

This is not the work of the rest of the country Punjab etc. This is the creation of these terrorists who also happen to be sons of two or three tribal chiefs.

Pakistani Baloch must open their eyes to the fact that the people who have done this are enemies. Those who have sold themselves to foreign governments. The rest are too gullible or ill-informed and have fallen prey to a false sense of injustice which is not helping the cause of Balochistan province or of Pakistan.

So please can Pakistanis stop coming with crap. What needs to be done is to eliminate the ones causing this mess and show all and sundry the truth.

The suggestions in the OP are needed by Balochs like they need a bullet in the head

Funny thing is I skimmed the op was about to ignore it and then I saw a post from Oscar suggesting that half of it was rubbish. I then went back and each time I read OP I got angrier and angrier there was not a single proposal which made any sense.
they are linguistically and religiously different from punjab. they need to secede. best solution

How are they religiously different ? 90% of Baluchis are Sunni Muslims like rest of Pakistan.

As for linguistic differences , there are hundreds of different languages spoken in India. Are you suggesitng that India should be divided into hundreds of independent countries ?

Are you smoking those funny cigarettes again, Jetti ?
kindly give any proposal for Sistan province also
which is part of Baluchistan

why u are not talking about that issue
I want you to take these 13 points and roll it up and then I want you to use your Imagination as to what I want you to do next with this rolled up paper.

Vow! what an intellectual you are. New York city has groomed you well. You deserve a nobel prize in literature for your line.

What an asset you are for Pakistan. Good going.

kindly give any proposal for Sistan province also
which is part of Baluchistan

why u are not talking about that issue

Why not. Here goes.

Pakistan should help US/Israel against Iran and in return demand sistan.
Sorry mate we can't approve the proposal as its not in the national interest or the nation.
half of your proposals make sense..
the rest sound silly at least.. and idiotic at worst.
Why the heck would one want to finish of the military staff college? or other places?
Yes.. ensuring fairness, eliminating Colonial tendencies and nepotism from ALL institutions would make sense.
But .. you are high on Ganja here.

Quota system should be finished.... an educational policy on Balochistan must be adopted and they brought into the mainstream.
Domination of a single province on resources.. must be controlled...however... this must be done with the province's role in national GDP output.
For eg.. Punjab needs water no matter what .. since it does create the majority of agricultural produce that contributes to the GDP of the country.Similarly.. Balochistan should have say over its natural resources being used judiciously instead of being hogged. Sindh needs a larger power quota from the rest of the country as most major businesses and industries exist here..
KP requires better infrastructure due to its power generation and mineral resource ability.

That has to be thought out by people with both economical and political understanding.
Such rushed, emotional proposals are nothing more than bias reflected in ASCII/unicode.

Let me shed some light and correct.

Mining and agriculture are both chapters in provincial governments and NOT federal government.
Provincial governments are basically feudal infested OR ethnic.
Transferring any thing at this stage is just silly.

You can also understand why our present government is so interested in "devolution" of power.
This is nothing but a nice way of drawing the pre-partition princely states.

Staff college Quetta is a symbol of pride and shall never be removed.
Armed forces MUST retain as much as required; at present they retain less land then they do in Punjab / NWFP Or Sindh.

I am in favor of moving more forces to the border and making it water tight so squeeze the cross border traffic.
When Aslam Raisani has a Harley Davidson of a reported cost of a crore, and a Hummer of much more than that, and his minister has a whole lot of other hoobaloo, you cannot really complain about any other things.

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge
Balochistan gets highest amounts of federal development funding per capita (~170% of other provinces). The problem to some extent is its large size and sparse population and to larger extent dirty Sardari system. Although such manipulative systems exist in all provinces, this is the dominant social structure in Balochistan.

Even if all the miningroyalty is given to Balochistan and federal funding is increased 10 fold from the current levels, nothing on ground will change due to corrupt Sardars.
Give Baluchs a fair share of the wealth in the region, stop target killing, Pakistan then Pujabistan.

kindly give any proposal for Sistan province also
which is part of Baluchistan

why u are not talking about that issue

Iran is killing Jundallah.
what was this nonsense dude? all you really need is a good government that really cares about Pakistan, then everything will get better in few years.

I agree if we punjabis get shafted by political leaders who do we blame. All provinces have been let down by politicians, as has balochs
proposal for Baluchistan...
blast all the separatists...literally
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